DIY bed base

On sale there are beds of various designs, but their cost can not be called low. You can make the bedroom interior more comfortable and functional by making the base for the bed with your own hands. Thus, you can create a piece of furniture with minimal expense. In addition, you can make the foundation of the sizes that you need. This is true for rooms with a non-standard configuration, when with all the desire it is not possible to make a choice from those options that a standard production offers. Consider the simplest option. The dimensions of the base correspond to the size of the orthopedic mattress 2.0x1.6 m. The thickness of the mattress is 20 cm.

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Tools and materials

In any work, you need to carefully prepare. The situation when you are going to make the foundation for the bed with your own hands is no exception.

You will need:

  • Boards 207x30 cm - 2 pcs. - for the manufacture of side parts.
  • Boards 181x30 cm - 2 pcs. - for back and front walls.
  • For lamellas - 2x8 cm slats.
  • Plywood sheet - to strengthen the bottom.
  • Upholstery.
  • Dowels.
  • Confirmats.
  • Set of screws and plugs.
  • metal corners.
  • Eccentric couplers.
  • Joiner's glue, hard putty on wood, stain ..
  • Edge for furniture.


You will also need a set of tools:

  • Construction knife.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • The square is construction.
  • Screwdrivers.
  • Grinder (it can be replaced with sandpaper).
  • Scissors.
  • Hammer.
  • Furniture stapler for upholstery (as an option - paints and paint brushes for coloring).
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Getting started

Start making the basis for a berth with a rectangular box:

  1. To make the product look more aesthetically pleasing, even before the start of assembly, process the saw cuts with sandpaper or a grinder.
  2. Lay out a rectangle from the boards, checking the correctness of the angles using a building square.
  3. To connect structural elements, use building corners, which are attached to a wooden base by means of self-tapping screws or confirmations.

Important! Choose self-tapping screws so that their length does not exceed the total thickness of the connected parts. Otherwise, the protruding end of the self-tapping screw will spoil the appearance of the product. It can spoil the upholstery or even injure a person.

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How to assemble a foundation for a mattress with your own hands?

  • To assemble the base, cut the size of the wooden battens and attach with screws on the inside of the box. This is the basis for joining lamellas. The optimum depth for planting a mattress is 5 cm. Add the thickness of the rail (2 cm). The resulting value of 7 cm is the depth for placing the support bars.
  • For the manufacture of lamellas, you can use the same material as for the supporting bars, but the sawing order is different: the size is not the length of the bed, but its width.
  • The lamella fastening step does not exceed 15 cm. If you want to do without a shield, fasten the lamellas with a minimum (10-40 mm) pitch. Fastening them to the base - with the help of screws. You can cut lamellas from 20 mm plywood.

In order for the load on the base to be distributed evenly, lay a plywood shield on top of the transverse rails. Do-it-yourself orthopedic foundation for the bed!

Important! Make base parts slightly smaller than the internal dimensions of the frame.This will make it possible, if necessary, to dismantle them without much effort.

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Making legs

The optimal height of the bed with the mattress is 35 cm. If you want to make a higher design, then you need to think about making legs. The legs can be made of square timber 5x5 cm - cut it into elements of the appropriate length and attach to the base with confirmations or self-tapping screws.

Important! The shape of the legs can be any, depending on the taste and skill of the master.

The big problem with small apartments is the lack of free space. Therefore, it is useful to equip a sleeping place with drawers for storing bedding or temporarily unnecessary things.

Important! There is another option - a lifting mattress, the space under which can be used as a storage place for various items.

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The easiest option is to treat the wood with sandpaper or a grinder, then cover with stain and 2-3 layers of varnish. Each subsequent layer of varnish is applied when the previous one is completely dry.

Important! If pine wood is used for furniture, it should not be covered with stain. The color of the tree changes, ugly stripes appear. Pine boards are enough to varnish in several layers.

If the master wants to sheathe the product with fabric, then furniture foam is used as a layer between the upholstery and the tree. The fabric can be upholstered inside. The mattress will get less dirty.

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Stock footage

The base under the mattress is done with your own hands! You can use it. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the manufacture of such an item, and you will certainly feel the savings!

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