It is very easy to make a plinth on a bath independently

When designing a bathroom, the bath is often set in a corner. At the same time, at the junction of the bath and the wall, there remains a space in which water can fall, as a result - fungus and mold appear. To prevent the appearance of harmful fungi, the joints are closed by installing a baseboard on the bathtub. This type of protection not only carries useful qualities, but also aesthetic, because a bathtub is more beautiful, which is trimmed with a plinth, and not just covered with concrete mortar, as was done the old fashioned way. In this article we’ll talk about what is the best choice of finishes, how to properly make a skirting board in the bathroom yourself.

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Features that a skirting board should have

As mentioned earlier, this finish option has a protective purpose, which means that it is necessary to adhere to certain criteria that the product must meet. Among the many qualities that should be inherent in the edging, the most important are listed below:

  1. Absolute water resistance. The material should not allow moisture to pass in any form; otherwise, there will be very little sense from such a finish, and sooner or later you will have a fungus.
  2. No tendency to rot. Making repairs in the bathroom, we arrange it for a long time, and only cosmetically correct defects. Therefore, the material must be stable and durable.
  3. Resistance to deformation. The loads in the bathroom are different: moisture, temperature, and even mechanical.
  4. Ease of installation. If the skirting board for the bathtub is difficult to install, then there is a high probability of violation of the installation technology, as a result - improper installation, which again will lead to mold.
  5. Easy to clean and resistant to cleaning agents. To clean such a product should be simple, like the bathroom itself. It should be borne in mind that chemicals are used to clean the bathroom, which can easily get on the baseboard and damage it.
  6. Variety of performance. Nowadays, it is popular to decorate any room, and in order for the bathroom to look elegant and modern, you need to choose everything, combining the necessary colors. An unpleasant surprise will be the situation when the skirting board for the bath does not find a suitable color.
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Types of baseboards

Fortunately, the market has an abundance of options for this finish, both in color and decorative, as well as in terms of materials and price range. Nowadays, the most common are:

  1. Plastic borders (PVC).
  2. Ceramic products.
  3. Marble finish.
  4. Self-adhesive tape border.

Let's talk in more detail about each of them.


A plastic baseboard for a bathtub is an excellent solution for finishing joints. The advantages of this type of material are simply obvious:

  1. PVC skirting boards are the most common on the market, and therefore have a variety of design solutions, and picking up something for yourself is not difficult.
  2. Installation is made both before installation of a tile, and after it. At the same time, dismantling the last option as needed is not difficult.
  3. For acrylic bathtubs, a special finish is offered - an acrylic border.

Important! Installing PVC on a tile is considered a more reasonable option, because you need to change it more often than the tile itself.

Polyurethane borders

In addition to PVC, polyurethane products also look good. But, unlike the higher, they are more reliable, respectively - higher in price, which is considered a drawback of such borders.

Among the advantages of the material:

  • moisture resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • lightness and durability.

Important! The color of such a material changes easily, so it is suitable for any interior.


Expanded polystyrene

This type of finish joints has a different shape and relief. The advantage of this material is that it has sound insulation and is not afraid of moisture. True, installation is one of the drawbacks of such a plinth. The material is very fragile and breaks easily.


A more durable option for finishing joints compared to the previous one. Although, the cost and effort to install is also higher. The decorative component of such a product is in no way inferior to the previous version, or maybe in some ways superior to it, because ceramics look more expensive and elegant than plastic.

Important! In order for this type of finish to last for a long time, it is necessary to protect it from shock loads.

Marble bath curb

The most durable version of the skirting board is marble. This finish looks impressive and noble. Unfortunately, this option is suitable only for some styles of decoration. And its value is also growing, as well as durability. Advantageously, this type of finish looks with a bathtub of the same material.

Self adhesive tape

Made of polymer, a folding tape is the easiest and cheapest option for finishing joints. Installation also does not require a lot of energy. But the durability of this type of baseboard is also not very high. If you place it, closing the joints between the bathroom and the tile, then you will have to replace it after 2 years.

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Installation and its features

Having talked about what there are options for borders on the bath, we smoothly went on to discuss how to make a skirting board in the bathroom, and what we need for this.

Preparatory stage

Whatever finishing option you choose, you need to prepare everything first. How to carry out the preparatory work correctly - we’ll talk now.

Follow these guidelines:

  1. If the skirting board is re-installed, the wall must be cleaned before installation. To do this, the old border is carefully removed. After that, glue and dirt are removed using special means.
  2. If there is mold under the removed baseboard, then it must be scraped off with a spatula, treat this place with an antiseptic solution. It is necessary to make this point, because an undeleted fungus will continue to grow.
  3. Clean surfaces must be disinfected with a cloth moistened with alcohol or a solvent. In this way, residues of possible mold are removed and the grease film is removed.
  4. Using a hair dryer, dry the surface.
  5. In order to ensure tightness, it is better to fill the joint between the wall and the bathroom with silicone sealant, applying it with an even layer on the entire surface of the joint.

Important! If the gap is large, then it is sealed with waterproof mounting foam, the edges are trimmed, and then it is already filled with sealant.


We install plastic

Plinth installation on a bathtub from this material is made on glue. The main requirements for glue are quick setting, transparency. Perform installation work in the following order:

  1. We prepare baseboards. To do this, cut it to the size of the sides with a hacksaw with small teeth. Slices in the corners are made at 45 degrees.
  2. Now we install the prepared material in its place, paste over with masking tape. This is done in order to avoid contamination of nearby surfaces in the glue.
  3. Next, apply glue to the entire surface of the plinth, and install the latter in place. The difficulty is that the curb must be pressed by hand until the glue is completely seized. Therefore, it is important to use quick-drying glue.
  4. At this stage, glue the corners, plugs. Places where the border connects to the wall and the bathroom are filled with transparent sealant.

Ceramics and its installation

Consider how to install a skirting board on a bathtub from a material such as ceramics, if tiles are already laid on the walls. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. We make measurements, cut the product into segments of the desired length.
  2. We fix this kind of skirting board on tile glue. In the corners are installed special parts - corners.
  3. After the baseboard is glued and the glue has dried, we apply a sanitary grout on its edges, which is used for tiles made of the same material.

Self adhesive tape

The easiest baseboard in terms of installation. In order to close up the joints, it is necessary to separate the protective strip, gradually stick the baseboard. In order for his angle to come out perfectly straight, use a spatula.

Important! In the corners, such a tape is glued with an overlap.

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Baseboard in the bathroom on the floor

Just like the skirting board for a bathtub, this type of finish carries decorative and protective properties. Therefore, the requirements for him are presented the same as for his relative on the wall. At the same time, choosing a plinth on the floor is made of durable materials that withstand mechanical loads. The installation method does not differ from the following. And the materials used are the same. Therefore, to make a baseboard in the bathroom on the floor is not difficult even for a housewife.

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Skirting board is a must for bathroom decoration. When choosing, always remember that in the first place - this is the defender of the walls from mold, fungus. After - this is a decorative element that gives the interior completeness. When choosing a skirting board for a bath, use our recommendations, they will help you choose the right thing for your bathroom.

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