Why can’t you put cans on your back?

Surely, each of us remembers how it is worth catching a cold in childhood - a box with ringing contents appears from somewhere. And then begins the healing home procedure, during which it is impossible to move and even cough. Banks on the back in childhood put almost everyone. A couple of decades ago, this method was used everywhere. And now they almost forgot about this procedure and even attributed it to traditional medicine. The modern generation often wonders why and for what purpose banks are put. The opinions of doctors regarding the procedure were divided. For example, in America, banks have not used or even sold in pharmacies for about 20 years. Their doctors claim that this grandfather method is not only useless, but can also be harmful. Let's try to figure out: why can’t you put the cans on your back?
to contents ↑A bit of history
The vacuum for the treatment on which this method is based was started to be used thousands of years ago:
- The first evidence of the use of such a method was recorded in ancient Egypt. In one of the temples, built more than two thousand years ago, images of medical cans were found. True, copper, bronze, and even animal horns were used instead of cans.
- This method was also used in ancient China, without even thinking about whether it is harmful to put banks on their backs. There, the tools for this procedure were made from bamboo and ceramics, and were used not only to treat colds. By the way, our official medicine has adopted a vacuum massage from the practice of this country.
- Banks used in their work and barbers in Europe. But not for massage, they were placed to let blood flow better from specially made incisions on the skin. It was believed that the “bloodletting” procedure could stretch any disease.
to contents ↑Important! Over time, this method was supplemented, improved and became more and more like a medical procedure. A scientific justification two centuries ago was given to her by a Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov, calling his method an external vacuum aspiration. Then he could not even think that someday the question would arise whether it is harmful to put banks on their backs.
Operating principle
We all know that biologically active substances are required to improve metabolic processes in the body. To provoke their powerful release, it is necessary to accelerate microcirculation, and banks can cope with this task. The method is based on this:
- Fire not only burns out, but also discharges air. And the can is better attached to the surface of the skin.
- The retracting effect is so strong that lymph and blood immediately move to this place, saturating additional tissues and blood vessels. Roughly speaking, heavy artillery is used.
- Due to active movement and nutrition, the protective functions of our tissues are enhanced. The fight against toxins and bacteria is much more active. The processes of restoration of healthy cells and the destruction of pathogens are stimulated several times.
to contents ↑Important! If banks perform vacuum massage, then it is possible to normalize skin elasticity and elasticity, as well as increase muscle tone.
Experts who actively use this method do not wonder if it is harmful to put the banks on their backs, because they know that this procedure has a positive therapeutic effect for many diseases:
- Exposure to the lower back and neck with a vacuum allows you to get rid of pain that has been tormented for years. After setting the cans, the blood rushes to the tissues with a vengeance, the processes are activated. After several sessions, the pain may not go away completely, but it will become less pronounced.
- The positive effect of their use in the treatment of bronchitis is due to the fact that with active dispersal of blood, mucus begins to liquefy, which provokes bouts of excruciating cough. Medical devices, if they were delivered correctly, dilate blood vessels, relieve pain, activate energetic processes.
- Banks that are used for osteochondrosis are used as an additional tool to help reduce the manifestation of the symptoms of this disease. They help relieve muscle cramps as a result of increased cell metabolism. In addition, the use of this method for osteochondrosis is that it has a relaxing effect.
Important! When solving the dilemma - to set up banks is harmful or useful - keep in mind that the body of each of us is a unique system that is interconnected. A separate area on the body corresponds to the work of a specific organ. If, for example, it hurts in the shoulder, then the kidneys do not work correctly. How much time to do the procedure and whether it is possible every day - you need to decide in each case.
Knowing all these connections in our body, you can get rid of many health problems by installing cans:
- If you have painful periods, then it is worth trying to put banks in the navel.
- With inflammation of the sciatic nerve, experts recommend making a vacuum on the outside of the thigh.
- If you are concerned about pain in the heels, or a hernia, then put the cans on the inside of the thigh.
- Using a vacuum in the occipital cavity will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the eyelids and eyebrows. Also, exposure to this point helps with itchy eyes and bad breath.
- If you make a vacuum between the shoulder blades, then you can reduce the pain in the shoulders and head.
- From shooting pains in the knees will help banks placed under the patella.
- A vacuum method for influenza is applied to the chest area. But here it is important to avoid placing cans in the zone of the heart and stomach.
- For pain in the spine, they are placed on the back, but the zones around the spine and shoulder blades are excluded.
- Put on the calves of the legs - cleanse the blood and increase menstrual bleeding.
- For the throat, face and teeth, the jars placed under the chin will benefit.
to contents ↑Important! When thinking about various procedures during illnesses, also learn about Is it possible to swim at a temperature.
Why can’t you put cans on your back? There is a simple answer to this. With most colds, this procedure has its contraindications. Opponents present their list.
For example, banks cannot be bet to people:
- with a temperature exceeding normal indicators;
- suffering from tuberculosis;
- with hypertension;
- with skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis, fungus;
- with calluses, wounds or inflammation of a purulent nature;
- with allergic reactions;
- with reduced coagulability of the skin;
- during the first trimester of pregnancy;
- with heart disease;
- that are being treated with steroids;
- with various nervous and mental disorders.
Important! With tumors - malignant or benign, it is forbidden to apply a vacuum! Strengthening metabolic processes can lead to the fact that cancer cells begin to grow and increase in volume.
Here are a few more thoughts about this:
- American doctors, conducting research on the topic of why banks should not be placed on their backs, have found that it is not worthwhile to apply a vacuum for pulmonary diseases - pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis.Again, due to increased blood and lymph flow, pathogens can easily migrate through cells and tissues, transfer the infection to new organs and infect new areas.
- Also, doctors from the United States claim that the use of a vacuum method can lead to the so-called pneumothorax - rupture of lung tissue. At the same time, they assure that the risks are minimal, but still possible. Therefore, it is worth initially excluding them.
Important! Many doctors agree that banks should not be categorically placed:
- in the region of the heart (both on the back and on the chest);
- on the chest in women;
- on the shoulder blades;
- on the spine and joints;
- in the kidney area.
Apply this method only after consulting a specialist. It is your attending physician who makes the diagnosis and excludes contraindications to the procedure. An unauthorized decision is best excluded.
to contents ↑Important! In an effort to improve your health, read more about how to organize a diet,what foods are useful.
How to carry out the procedure?
Have you already decided for yourself the question of putting banks is harmful or useful, and consulted with a doctor? Then you should know all the nuances of this procedure.
In order to properly supply the banks, you will need the following:
- cosmetic vaseline - it will not allow air to enter the cavity of the can, will reduce the appearance of a burn on the skin;
- terry towel and warm blanket;
- alcohol;
- clamp or tweezers;
- matches or a lighter;
- any wick, you can make it from a piece of cotton wool, which you need to wrap on a thin stick or knitting needle;
- banks are clean and always dry, without chips.
Next, perform the following steps:
- When all the cans are used, the wick needs to be put out.
- The next vessel is likewise set in 3-5 cm from the previous one.
- A still warm jar in which oxygen has already been burned is immediately put on the skin.
- Then set fire to the wick, take it in one hand, in the other a glass jar, gently warm the vessel from the inside. The time of exposure to fire should not be more than 2 seconds.
- A pre-cooked wick is moistened in medical alcohol, the excess moisture is squeezed out.
- Before you put the cans on your back, you need to grease the skin with cream or petroleum jelly to avoid damage. Also, this will give a close contact of the glass with the skin, and air will not get into the vessel.
Important! You need to check how tightly the jars hold on the skin. To do this, just touch the vessel and try to move it from its place. If the can easily slides off the skin, then you need to install it again.
Helpful hints:
- While the procedure is in progress, the patient should feel warm. If pain occurs, immediately remove the glass vessel from the back.
- Make sure the jars fit snugly against the skin. Otherwise, the therapeutic effect will not be as effective as we would like.
- The procedure itself should not be too long. A standard session lasts a maximum of 20 minutes.
- Remove the devices with extreme caution so as not to damage the skin. To do this, tilt the jar a little with one hand, with the other - press the skin under it. Thus, you let the air inside the can, and it can be easily removed.
- If the jar is too tightly attached to the skin, then do not use force to remove it. Just steam this area with a sponge dipped in hot water.
- When all the cans are removed, the excess cream must be removed with a napkin or towel.
- The area of influence should be covered with a blanket or blanket and left the patient in a supine position for another half hour.
- If there is a need to repeat the treatment, then the break between the procedures should be at least one day, or better - 2-3 days.
- When re-setting the cans, they should be placed in new places.
to contents ↑Important! If the patient does not tolerate the procedure well, for example, the patient becomes sick, hot, has a fast pulse, is dizzy, nauseous, and mental overexcitation appears, then in this case vacuum treatment can be attributed to individual intolerance.
Is it harmful to put cans on the backs of children?
The children's body, of course, differs from the mature adult. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the question of whether it is harmful to put banks on the back of children. Doctors do not recommend this treatment:
- Children of a very thin body type.
- If there are some skin diseases in which it is impossible to carry out such manipulations with the skin.
- With very weak immunity.
- If your child is not yet 3 years old.
Important! You might also be interested in information about how to remove uric acid.
By the way, for children, it’s best not to use traditional glass, but vacuum jars. This is a more modern and safer alternative:
- The principle of their action remains the same, as well as indications and contraindications.
- The difference is that with this procedure, the risk of burns drops to zero. And all because fire for such cans is not needed.
- They are much simpler and more convenient to use and they do not seem so scary to children.
- In order to use it, you just need to squeeze the upper part of the device, similar to a ball, and quickly put it on your back.
- To remove them, just click on this area of the jar again.
to contents ↑Important! The number of cans depends on the size of the area where you plan to use them. The smaller the back of the child, the less devices will be needed.
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We hope you got a detailed answer to the question why can’t you put the banks on your back. We repeat that this procedure should be carried out only after consultation with a doctor, especially if it concerns children. Given all the contraindications, this method, used for millennia, is unlikely to bring harm.
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