DIY donut pillow

Do you want a bright, interesting, comfortable, original pillow? Then do-it-yourself donut pillow is just what you need! Of course, today in the store you can buy a variety of types of pillows that do not get tired of surprising with their shapes and colors, but it is much more interesting to do such a thing yourself, in addition, in this case it will be truly unique.

Even if you have never had to do needlework before, you can easily do it yourself at home. In addition, in the manufacturing process of this cute thing, you can attract your kids by organizing everything as an exciting game. By nature, children are very inquisitive, so they will be happy to watch your process and remember how the pillow is sewn. Undoubtedly, the result will bring joy to both parents and children.


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What will be needed for manufacturing?

A decorative pillow is a wonderful piece of decor, and it’s not difficult to make it yourself. In order to sew such a thing, you need the following:

  • Felt or fleece fabric. You will need 1 meter in beige tone and 0.5 meter of fabric in lilac, pink, blue or yellow - it depends on your taste or the wishes of the child.
  • You will also need small pieces of the same fabric in bright colors (it is advisable to opt for fabric of white, red and orange colors).
  • In this process, one cannot do without a sewing machine and threads, which should have the same color as the main fabric.
  • Prepare pins (they are needed in order to fix the parts of the product), as well as a pencil and scissors.
  • In order for the pillow to be round rather than oval, look in your inventory for an item that can serve as a template for a future product (it can be a bowl, pan or bucket).
  • As a filler of the future pillow, it is necessary to use a special synthetic material for stuffing.

Important! If you have already stocked up with materials for a new interior item, an unusual pillow, then you may not want to stop there, then you just need to read other articles on the same topic on our website:

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Sewing step by step instructions

If you do not know how to make a donut pillow, then you should carefully study the main stages of its creation. The sequence of manufacture of such a product is as follows:

  • To get started, take a meter of beige felt fabric and fold it with the front side inward.
  • Next, draw two circles with a pencil: one is bigger, and the second is smaller inside the big circle.
  • Now on the outside of the big circle and on the inside, add 0.5 cm (for allowances).
  • Scissor out the outlined parts.
  • Since our product will look like a donut, and it is often “glazed”, from a blue fabric (or another one you have chosen), also cut a circle whose diameter will match the size of your beige circle.
  • Now outline the so-called “glaze” line, while remembering to step back from the outer edges of the large circle.
  • Cut with scissors on the intended line.
  • To make a “sprinkle,” use the remains of brightly colored fabrics. From them, make small pieces of different shapes - squares, stripes, circles.
  • Fix these pieces on the “glaze” with pins or bind them with thread ().
  • Fasten the “Glaze” with the same pin or sweep to the front part of one of the beige circles.
  • After the preparatory stage for the manufacture of a cute little thing is completed, proceed to the main process - assembling the pillow.
  • Stitch all the previously prepared pieces to each other: connect the “powder” with the “icing”, and stitch the icing to one side of the (front) pillow.
  • Next, fold both beige circles face up and sew in a zigzag pattern on the sewing machine.

Important! Leave about 10 cm of this seam unfinished - this hole will be required for filling.

  • Fill the donut with the prepared synthetic filler and sew the seam to the end.

Important! Do not throw out any materials left from sewing; they may be useful for the following needlework projects. You still don’t know which ones? Then follow the link and read about interesting needlework:

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As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making a donut pillow with your own hands. And as a result of your labors, you will receive an original interior decoration that will surely please you and your children.

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