DIY hanging bed

A hanging bed is a modern solution for designing a sleeping bed. She is very loved in Asian countries because of the original design. For our people, such a bed is associated with something sublime and unusual, sometimes with a comfortable hammock. Spending time on such a bed, you will feel like on a luxurious terrace overlooking the ocean or in a tropical forest with waterfalls and birdsong, if you add a little imagination. Do-it-yourself hanging bed is a feasible task. To create and install it, you only need supplies, patience and some free time. Believe me, your efforts will exceed your expectations, because such a hanging design will make the interior in your bedroom more original, and your dream will bring you one complete pleasure.
to contents ↑Hanging Bed Shape
A hanging bed is suitable for the most daring and creative people. It is rather difficult for individuals of conservative views to abandon the usual, firmly standing bed. But do not put aside this interesting option, because it is able to add the very bright colors that were so lacking in your bedroom.
Before making a hanging bed, let's talk about the possible forms of this design. So, let's look at the shapes of hanging beds:
- Rectangular This is the most traditional, familiar and common option. For such a sleeping bed, it is very easy to choose a mattress and bedding. In addition, it fits well into absolutely any interior.
- Square. This model can only be considered if there is a large room or room with a sufficient area - a country house, a spacious studio. Most often, this design is used not as a berth, but for temporary spending time. It is a square bed soaring in the air that can be found on beautiful terraces and summer cottages.
- Round. Undoubtedly, this form looks incredibly original and stylish. But before you buy such a bed, think about the fact that it needs special care and it takes up much more space, unlike the standard rectangular model. And under the round design it is difficult to choose bedding, which, for sure, will have to be sewn to order.
Suspension Mounting Methods
So, let's understand a little how the hanging bed is fixed with our own hands.
Important! The installation method of this design directly depends on its shape and design features of the ceiling. For example, a bed in a wooden attic can be fixed to the ceiling beams.
There are three main ways to fix a hanging bed.
Attaching a floating structure to the ceiling is a rather complicated and laborious process that requires a lot of knowledge and time. When designing a bed with a ceiling mount, you will need to correctly calculate the possible statistical load, taking into account the load on the bed in motion.
That is why the hooks and all other mounted ceiling mounts must be made of durable high-quality alloy.
Important! The sleeping place will hang on ropes, metal cables or chains - it will depend on the design of your interior and the model of the bed.
Mounting the structure to the wall
This is not the most popular method of fastening, but still used. Mounts are installed in the central part of the bed at the head of the bed or on one side - to whom you like more. By attaching the bed to the wall with special fasteners, you will get a bed soaring in the free space, which will look very impressive.
This method of fastening is considered the most reliable and safe among all possible. By choosing a hanging mount, you can ensure that the hanging bed is completely still.
to contents ↑Important! This method should be chosen to fix the children's hanging bed. Here you can give vent to your imagination: fasten the ropes in the corners of the room or install the mount in the center of the berth - choose any option you like.
How to make a hanging bed with your own hands?
If you plan to create something pendant, plain and light, then a hammock is exactly what you need.
You need to prepare the following tools and materials:
- 2 cuts of bright, very durable fabric measuring 1.5 by 3.5 cm.
- Soft rug.
- Strong cord (you can take kapron).
- 4 metal hooks for fixing the structure.
- Threads for basting and sewing.
- Needle.
- Scissors.
- Sewing machine.
Step-by-step algorithm of actions:
- We put one cloth of fabric on top of the second.
- Pins off the edges of two segments, sweep, stitch on the typewriter two long sides. We leave a hole for inserting the mat.
- We twist once two short sides (where the head and feet will be located) so that in the end we get space for the cord.
- We insert the cord and fix the previously tucked upper part with a machine line.
- Tighten the cord so that our fabric is well assembled.
- We put the mat inside our future hammock and close the hole with a blind seam.
- We form large loops on the cords on both sides.
- We attach metal hooks to the hinges.
That's all, a simple hammock with your own hands is ready to use! It remains only to attach it to a tree or racks in order to get maximum relaxation.
to contents ↑Classic rectangular shaped do-it-yourself hanging bed
This method is perfect for those people who like to relax together. You can make such a bed with your own hands quickly enough.
To do this, you need to prepare such materials and tools:
- A large, very durable wooden board (a worktop is suitable).
- Drill.
- Paint to choose from.
- Steel cable or very thick rope (you can use a rope).
- Hooks for hanging the structure.
- Varnish or glue.
Important! We do not recommend taking fiberboard material, as it can break under heavy load. If you do not have a large board for the base of the bed, then in this case you can assemble it from ordinary floor boards, laying them in two rows, perpendicular to each other.
Working process:
- First, we give an attractive look to the board for the bed base. Sand, primer, paint or varnish it.
- Using a drill, we make holes for the cable. It is best to position the holes 15-20 cm from the edge of the board.
- Pass the ropes into the holes, securing them from below with a tight knot. We process the nodes with varnish or glue so that they do not come loose during the operation of the suspension bed.
Important! It is advisable to skip the two ends of the rope into the hole, so the fastening will be stronger, and it will be easier to install hooks for hanging in the loop formed.
- We fix pre-fixed ceiling hooks on rope loops on both sides of the structure, adhering to the order: we work first with one, and then with the second side. It is better to do this work with an assistant who will insure the structure.
- We put a mattress on the base of the bed.
Important! If desired, a transparent canopy can be thrown onto the hanging bed, fixing it on the side loops.
The work is done. Hanging romantic bed is ready!
to contents ↑How to make a round bed hanging?
Such a fluttering bed will fit perfectly into the garden veranda or in the nursery. The main thing is to adhere to one important rule: position the structure away from the walls. When swinging, it should not touch the wall and other surfaces.
The list of materials and tools for a round hanging bed:
- Boards of good strength.
- Ropes or nylon cords.
- Metal hooks.
Step-by-step instruction:
- Determine the diameter of the suspension box.
- We cut out a smooth circle from a wooden cloth.
- Using coarse-grained, and then fine-grained sandpaper, we grind the edges of the round canvas.
- We drill holes for ropes in 4 places, stepping back from the edge of 20 cm.
- In turn, we take 4 ropes in our hands, we fix them to the ceiling metal hooks.
- We put the mattress on the base.
Hanging round bed is ready!
to contents ↑Useful Tips
A few recommendations on creating a hanging box will help you quickly understand the technology and do everything reliably and efficiently:
- When choosing a cable for hanging a bed, you need to consider the number and weight of vacationers.
- If you are making a hanging structure for a children's room, then children will surely swing and jump on it. That is why the cables and fasteners must be very strong to withstand severe loads.
- Be scrupulous in calculating the length of the ropes - the bed you have assembled should hang perfectly evenly.
- To attach the structure to the ceiling, select the most powerful hooks and bolts.
- A bed intended for children or the elderly must have a back and sides. They can be made of plastic or sew horizontal pillows to the bed.
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Now you know how to make a hanging box with your own hands. Agree, this is not so difficult, plus a minimum amount of materials and tools will be required to work. Do not deny yourself such exquisite pleasure!