DIY curtain hooks

The finish line in interior design is close, but the desired image of the interior of the room still does not add up to a single puzzle? A bright and unique result is created from little things. Drapes are an adornment of any interior, they are able to revive and breathe into the room a special mood. Thanks to such details as do-it-yourself grips for curtains, which will not only bring the necessary touches to the image of your home, but also make the interior new, exclusive and stylish, you can easily finish the design of the living room, bedroom and even the kitchen with little effort. Step by step their creation and various interesting ideas we will consider in this article.

Important! Such an invention as hooks is multifunctional: they clearly emphasize interior details, successfully decorate windows, are an integral part of the complete design, allow you to pick up or unfold the curtains with ease at any time.

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What to make tricks from?

Certain rules, from which it is necessary to create hooks for curtains with your own hands, do not exist today. It is not necessary to use the same fabric from which the curtain itself is sewn. Anything can be used in the invention of this decor:

  • the cloth;
  • tapes;
  • rings;
  • hooks;
  • shoelaces;
  • beads;
  • magnets
  • Stuffed Toys.
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Types of pickups for curtains

Depending on the design concept, the chosen style, the approach to the design of curtains on the windows will also change. Here are some ideas for decorating such decorative holders:

  • On the magnets. The stores have a huge number of finished products. A classic and inexpensive option, but you can add your own details and decorate yourself with flowers, beads.
  • Pickup toy. A good option not only for the nursery, but also for other rooms, in particular for the kitchen, you can pick up a toy in the form of vegetables or fruits. To do this, you need to sew a toy on a strip of fabric, and the original trifle that emphasizes your design is ready.
  • Kitchen appliances. The devices bent in the right position will serve to collect curtains and will allow them to be beautifully draped in any position. You can use a spoon, fork, slotted spoon, ladle and even a cup. You just need to cut the bottom, skip the curtains through the porcelain product.
  • Barrettes. Suitable for curtains products made of more dense materials, as these decorations have a strong mount.
  • Pickups from improvised means. You can even use a clothespin, pre-wrap it in a beautiful ribbon and fasten a couple of beads.

Important! For light and smooth curtains, three cords twisted into a single bundle are suitable.

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Master class: how to make tack for do-it-yourself curtains

Let's look at one of the simple but original creations for curtains from a CD.


It is necessary to prepare such materials:

  1. CD-ROM - select the amount depending on how many parts the curtains are made of (if two halves, then you will need to take 2 discs).
  2. Satin ribbons 1-2 cm wide - the color depends on the curtains.
  3. Two kinds of fabric for making petals or ribbons 4-5 cm wide.
  4. Beads, rhinestones or beads.
  5. Adhesive for fabric.
  6. Scissors, needles, threads.
  7. As a clamp, you can take a regular wooden stick or chopsticks for sushi.


DIY grips for curtains - patterns and manufacturing

To start, we make blanks. For each pickup, 40 petals and three large flowers are made. They are made quite easily:

  1. We wrap the square of the fabric (7/7) with a triangle, then we also fold it diagonally.
  2. We fold the second square of the material once and insert the resulting triangle No. 2 between the folds of the first workpiece.
  3. The viewed parts of fabric No. 2 must be bent over.
  4. As a result, a multilayer triangle is obtained, which needs to be bent once and cut off exactly the edges.
  5. Using a lighter, we burn the resulting figure and shape the petals.

For a basis there are disks:

  • Using a hot knife, cut out the core. As a result, a ring should be about 5 cm wide.
  • We wrap the shape with a silk ribbon, fixing the ends with glue.

Important! Properly applied glue to the disk, and on top of the tape, will serve as a further sticking strength.

  • Previously made petals are transferred to the base of the disk.
  • We form and glue three large flowers in the lower part, decorate the rest of the free space of the ring with small petals, decorate all this with rhinestones and beads.
  • We use chopsticks for sushi as a fixative.
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Do not be afraid to create, experiment using original parts. You can involve your child in the manufacture of grabs, then the design will be the most unusual and exclusive!

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