DIY cutting board

A cutting board is an indispensable attribute of any kitchen. They are domestic and professional (for example, for catering establishments). They also vary in size, shape, material from which they were made. However, the most popular are wooden kitchen accessories. Do-it-yourself chopping board is a doable task, subject to some simple rules.

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How to choose the right lumber?

As a rule, the first question that arises for home craftsmen who do not have much experience in working with wood is which breed is better to use? There are several nuances here:

  1. To begin with, it should be clarified for what purposes the board is made. For example, for working with fish, it hardly makes sense to make a massive product, since its cutting by chopping using an hatchet is not performed. In addition, there are varieties that are not used at all for their intended purpose - they can serve as a decorative decoration of the kitchen (a vivid example,decoupage board ) In this case, it is quite possible to do with multilayer plywood.
  2. It also matters how intensively you are going to use the board. If you do it “for all occasions”, then such an indicator as strength should not remain in the background.
  3. A kitchen, regardless of its type of structure, is a room with high humidity. There are periodically significant temperature changes. Already this is enough to understand that not every wood is suitable for the manufacture of such a thing.


When choosing a tree species for the manufacture of cutting boards, you should pay attention to the following:

  • Minimal moisture absorption. Otherwise, the product will quickly swell in the kitchen. As a result, deformation of the working surface. Even as a stand for something, it is unlikely to be in demand later.
  • Sufficient durability. Otherwise, during impacts (especially when cutting), the board will eventually become covered with deep dents.
  • The impossibility of separation. Even the highest quality and most expensive plywood is not suitable for cutting meat.

Important! Those who are going to make a cutting board with their own hands should pay attention to cherries, pears, beech, oak, pine, acacia, birch. Such wood is malleable in processing, has good strength and is inexpensive.

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Manufacturing rules

The method of manufacturing a cutting board, regardless of the selected material, is the same:

  • First, mark the board, depending on the desired size and shape - here everyone uses their imagination. For convenience in future use, do not forget about the handle - it should be located strictly on the longitudinal axis of the board, so you need to accurately determine this axis.
  • Saw the board and the handle with a jigsaw or hacksaw, not forgetting the bends and corners in the area of ​​the handle. They must be carefully grinded or rounded off with a file or emery.

Important! This is necessary, since, in addition to being injured, pieces of wood that remained after working with a saw file can break off and be eaten.

  • Next - using the same emery, process the entire surface of the board, paying special attention to the ends. The right angles of the product should be rounded.

Important! If you make a pen, do not forget to drill a hole in it, so the board can be stored in limbo.

  • Keep in mind that over time, the tree becomes covered with microcracks, in which the remains of food accumulate.Therefore, it is advisable to lubricate the board with paraffin, preheating a little and the paraffin and board.

Important! Do not forget to wash the cutting board very thoroughly and dry after each use. Read how to do this as efficiently as possible in our blogs:

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Making a cutting board from wood with your own hands is not at all difficult. Even a beginner in carpentry will cope with this task. By choosing the right material and adhering to the rules of manufacture, you can make a useful kitchen accessory.

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