Wiring plumbing in a new apartment

Replacement or adjustment of plumbing in an apartment or a private house - this issue is relevant for those who decided to overhaul in the apartment. Wiring plumbing in a new apartment is also a fairly common question. To perform these works, it is not necessary to draw up permits. The water distribution in the house is quite within the power of the home foreman, without the services of a professional plumber. All you need is a set of locksmith tools and basic work skills. You also need to clearly plan your actions.
to contents ↑Plumbing in the apartment - how to lay pipes
There are 2 methods of laying water supply pipes: open and closed.
The latter method is more time-consuming, but it gives the opportunity to save usable space. Closed piping is relevant for small bathrooms. It should be borne in mind that plug-in connections must be open.
However, the closed method has its drawbacks:
- Inability to inspect pipes for preventive purposes.
- If leaks are found, the need to open the walls.
The open method has its undoubted advantages:
- Low labor input, speed of installation work.
- The ability to quickly respond to leaks.
- Easy pipe repair.
- The possibility of improving the water supply in case of detection of operational defects.
How to make plumbing in the apartment, which way to choose - the decision is yours.
to contents ↑How to choose the right pipes?
Self-installation of water supply in the apartment involves the use of plastic or plastic pipes:
- The use of steel and copper products is undesirable, since their installation requires a professional approach. Welding, bending, cutting and threading require the use of professional tools, which are hardly available in the arsenal of a home craftsman.
- Metal-plastic pipes are very convenient, but they are not suitable for a closed installation method. On their walls during operation no deposits are formed. Due to the low thermal conductivity, they are convenient for use in the arrangement of hot water supply.
- The best option for the ratio of quality and cost is polypropylene products. As a rule, they are connected end-to-end using a special device, which is not difficult to work with.
How to choose a scheme?
The preparatory phase of the water distribution in the apartment is the planning of the system, the drawing up of a diagram. There are 2 types of installation:
- Serial connection of consumers (tee type). From the incoming point, a pipe is laid on which tees are installed for plumbing and other domestic needs.
- Collector wiring. This method involves the use of collectors. Consumers are connected to them through spherical channels.
Important! The cost of collector wiring is high and requires considerable space for its implementation.
When planning wiring, such factors are taken into account:
- The size of the room.
- Optimum pipe diameter.
- Plumbing fixtures locations.
- The location and exact length of the pipes.
- Pipe turning places.
- Places provided for fittings and meters.
- The total number of fittings.
to contents ↑Important! Naturally, all work related to the distribution of water supply should be carried out with the water supply disconnected from the central highway.
Water system wiring: step-by-step instructions
As already mentioned, it all starts with a plan on paper, and the plan is so that the number of bends, joints and joints is the smallest. This can significantly increase the operational reliability of the system.
The best material for making pipes is plastic. It is very simple to install plastic pipes; they are inexpensive, reliable and durable. The diameter of the pipes is selected, depending on the total length of the pipeline, in order to ensure optimal water pressure. You can consult a specialist or use the reference tables available on the Internet.
Important! If the piping is carried out in the old house, then, quite possibly, the main riser will have to be replaced. You cannot do this yourself. Such work is carried out exclusively by specialists.
Installation of ball valves
They are designed to quickly turn off the water supply when leaking. Before installing ball valves, you must turn off the water. Experts recommend using modifications that withstand pressure up to 60 atm and a temperature of up to 150 degrees.
Important! It is also necessary to connect filters for rough water purification to taps.
Metering devices
Most often, devices designed to account for water consumption are equipped with union nuts, which make it possible to disconnect the device without violating the integrity of the system. When installing plumbing in a new apartment of such water meters, it is necessary to pay attention to the arrows on the device (they indicate the direction of water).
Important! If metering devices are mounted independently, they must be registered with a water company.
They are designed to prevent damage to pipes with pressure drops in the system. It is desirable that the excess water is discharged into the sewer. When installing gearboxes, the following rules must be observed:
- Vertical installation of pressure regulator pressure gauge.
- The presence of shut-off valves.
- When installing, it is necessary to take into account the direction of water movement (a special arrow is marked on the device body).
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It is advisable to check the operability of the system together with an assistant. This will make it possible to quickly locate places of poor-quality assembly and eliminate leaks. Now you know the basic principles of how to properly make plumbing in an apartment, and it's up to you whether you can handle this task or not master it.
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