Washing machine pressure switch

Everyone knows how to use an automated washing machine. However, it does not occur to everyone to delve into how the device is arranged, how the details interact with each other. And if the unit is out of order and for some reason there is no way to call the master, you have to perforce understand the principle of the washing machine. Theme of the article: adjusting the pressure switch of the washing machine is a small but very important detail.
to contents ↑Why do I need a pressure switch and how to connect and configure it?
Each washing machine is equipped with a pressure switch. Simply put, this is a water level indicator. Let's try to imagine what will happen if this component is missing.
The machine is picking up water, but there is no sensor that would indicate to it that “enough”. Add to this the fact that different amounts of water are provided for different washing modes. Thus, if the pressure switch device is missing or broken, water is drawn uncontrollably, which can lead to very sad consequences for your, and not only, housing as a whole.
The sensor has a round shape made of plastic. Wires and a tube are connected to it, which connects the pressure vessel and the pressure switch. When water is collected in the tank, a pressure is applied through the tube that corresponds to the water level. When the desired level is reached, the relay is activated.
to contents ↑Setting the pressure switch of the washing machine
In order for the indicator to accurately respond to the pressure level, the manufacturing company performs the adjustment of the pressure switch initially. In most cases, this is enough, and worry about the configuration is not necessary. If you want to experiment with the sensor, then use the special screws available on the pressure switch. For more precise settings, they can be twisted.
to contents ↑Important! Without special knowledge, precision instruments and the extreme need to tighten and adjust the pressure switch of the washing machine yourself is highly undesirable!
Water level sensor defective - what to do?
There are situations when the indicator fails, and the washing machine does not work correctly. Such a failure is indicated by such signs:
- The laundry program starts even when the tank is empty. It may be so: water heating is switched on with an empty tank. This situation is fraught with overheating and burnout of the heating element, since the heater is designed for heating in water.
- The machine draws a lot of water or less than the wash program provides. Worst of all, if water is drawn continuously and begins to pour out.
- The unit does not drain the water after washing. Or the spin mode works, and the laundry is completely wet after washing. However, the spin may be faulty for other reasons.
- The washer does not flush things.
As you can see, the malfunction of such a tiny detail can lead to rather unpleasant consequences. If you find any of the listed symptoms of a malfunction, it makes sense to check how correctly the pressure switch works.
to contents ↑Diagnostics
How to adjust the pressure switch in the Indesit washing machine? First you need to provide access to the pressure switch. As a rule, it is located on the side wall of the washing machine, closer to its top.Proceed in this order, the scheme is as follows:
- Unscrew the two rear bolts that hold the top cover, remove it.
- Unscrew the level sensor. Most often, it is mounted on one or two bolts.
- Disconnect the electrical contacts and handset from the indicator. The tube is fixed with a clamp, so you have to unscrew the clamp. Disconnecting the wires is not particularly difficult.
- Inspect the pressure switch for damage. Inspect for damage and the handset. It must not be damaged or clogged. Damaged tube must be replaced, clogged - cleaned.
- Inspect the indicator pins. If they are dirty, clean them.
- Check the pressure switch. To do this, take a 10-centimeter section of a tube of the same diameter that is constantly used on the sensor.
- Slip the handset at one end onto the indicator inlet and blow at the other end. If the pressure switch is working, then characteristic clicks are heard.
to contents ↑Important! You can use a multimeter: with increasing air pressure, the conductivity changes.
Pressostat replacement
If you find that the level indicator is defective, the part must be replaced with a working one. You can purchase a new part in the online store. Fortunately, there are no problems with his purchase. Take the advice of a sales consultant. It will help you with the choice of indicator for a specific model of washing machine.
Replacing is easy: connect the contacts, put on the hose and screw the part into place. Now turn on the washing machine and see how it works properly.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Any detail in the washing machine, even the smallest and inconspicuous, is important and fulfills its function. Only with a good condition of each component will your equipment work correctly. Therefore, pay attention in time to any deviations from the normal washing cycle, and if possible, do it yourself; if not, contact the master!