Error codes - Samsung washing machine

You, as usual, turned on the washing machine, and after a while on the display you saw a strange abbreviation? - Do not rush to be upset. Many error codes for Samsung washing machines just exist so that you can understand what the malfunction is and, if possible, fix it yourself. Some explanations of digital messages are indicated in the manual for household appliances, but as a rule, only a small part is described there. Thanks to our article, you can easily figure out which error codes the Samsung washing machine can give out most often and what to do about it.
to contents ↑Important! With the same breakdown, different models of Samsung cars can produce different abbreviations. Error codes will differ for washing machines of the new and old models, fully automatic, as well as special designations from the USA.
Reporting problems with the water level sensor (pressure switch) - 1E
In old-style cars, error code 1EE7 will be shown, in those brought from the USA - LE, in fully automatic ones - again 1E.
Possible reasons:
- The water level sensor tube is disconnected.
- The pressure switch tube is mechanically damaged or punctured.
- The water level sensor tube is pinched or clogged.
- Defective pressure switch contacts or oxidized.
- Too much sealant was applied while connecting the air hose.
- Sticking or other damage to the water level switch.
- Faults in the control module of the machine.
Options for solving the problem:
- Make sure the water level sensor tube is securely connected.
- Carefully inspect the pressure switch. It should be free of chips and other visible damage.
- Lift the tube of the water level sensor and, if clogged, clean it.
- Clean the contacts of the relay itself, as well as those connected to it.
- In the event of a relay malfunction, it should be replaced.
Motor tachometer errors
The tachometer (tachogenerator) takes into account the number of revolutions. In the event of a malfunction, uncontrolled rotation of the drum occurs - the number of revolutions may differ significantly from the required consonant predetermined washing mode.
Samsung 3E Washing Machine Error
Options for displaying errors in the old mode: 3E, EA, EB, 8E.
This abbreviation indicates such a malfunction of the Samsung washing machine:
- Engine rotation delay.
- Damage to the motor windings.
- Faulty connections and contacts of the tachogenerator.
- A foreign object got into the engine and jammed it.
Possible solutions for error 3E:
- Test engine wiring for continuity.
- Inspect the motor contacts and strip them if necessary.
- Check the integrity and operability of the connections and contacts of the tachometer, and then - eliminate the malfunction.
- Inspect the rotor of the engine and find out what exactly it jammed. Eliminate foreign objects from the engine.
Important! So that there are no more such problems with getting excess items inside household appliances, remember using our article all washing rules.
Samsung 3E1 Washing Machine Error Code
Cars of the old and new models give the same designation - 3E1, but on the “American women” you will see E3.
- Too many things were loaded into the tank.
- Damage to motor connections and contacts.
- The tachometer went into disrepair.
Methods for resolving the error:
- Take away excess laundry and restart the program. If you can’t figure out the optimal weight, a special post will help you. “Weight of laundry”.
- Perhaps the motor contacts have oxidized - strip them.
- Check the operation of the Hall sensor. Replace it if necessary.
Error 3E2
You will see this Samsung washing machine error in the event of a weak signal from the tachogenerator.
To fix the problem:
- Check the integrity of the connections and contacts of the tachometer.
- Make sure that the relay of the tachogenerator itself is working.
3E3 Error Message
In the old mode, this error has the same designation - 3E3, in models from the states - bE.
Such a message may appear on the display if:
- Erroneous signals from the tachogenerator.
- There are no signals from the control module.
- There was a displacement of the parts of the electric motor.
What to do:
- Check the integrity of the tachometer and suitable wires.
- Inspect the contacts of the control unit, if necessary - strip them.
- Measure the gaps in the drive and compare them with the reference.
Error Code 3E4
- Damaged or worn motor or tachogenerator contacts.
- Damage to the tachometer.
- Damage to the engine.
- If possible, ring all the contacts, and also clean them.
- Check the health of the tachometer and electric motor.
Water problems: error codes
If there is an insufficient or excessive supply of water, the water temperature does not correspond to the specified washing mode, smart technology will immediately tell you about this using one of the following ciphers.
4E - water supply error
Quite often, users can see exactly this Samsung washing machine error code. In older models, it will appear as 4E or E1.
Sources of error:
- A foreign object has entered the water supply valve.
- Water does not flow into the washing machine.
- Faulty gland valve contacts.
- Instead of cold water, hot water was connected.
- The hose that goes to the powder container is damaged or disconnected.
Options for resolving the problem:
- Remove the inlet hose, clean if necessary.
- Check if there is water in the water supply and if the shutoff valve for supplying water to the washer is open.
- Check the integrity of the contacts, clean them.
- Connect cold water to the washing machine.
- Check if the hose is connected to the powder receptacle. It may also be clogged or damaged.
4E1, 4E2 - increased water temperature
The old error mode has the abbreviation 4 Ed and E8. The cause of these two errors is the excessive temperature of the supplied water. For example, if the water is above 50 ° C when washing in the “delicate” or “wool” mode, then you will see the error of the Samsung 4E2 washing machine.
To solve the problem it is necessary:
- Correctly connect the machine and connect the hoses according to the instructions.
- Check temperature sensor.
to contents ↑Important! Remember that many breakdowns of household appliances are associated with poor water quality. Avoiding such problems will help youinstallation of a water filter.
Samsung washing machine sunroof lock error codes
Not a very pleasant situation when the door of the washing machine does not want to open. How to deal with the reason? - We look at the information that appears on the display.
dE door
Quite often, a mistake on the Samsung de washing machine indicates that after washing you simply will not be able to open the hatch door. In the old format, the malfunction is displayed as dE or Ed door, and in American models, dS before starting work and dL during washing.
Possible reasons:
- Broken hatch hook bend switch.
- They tried to open the locked door by force.
- Failure in the control module.
- During boiling due to strong heating, the hatch moves.
Your actions:
- If the error appears for the first time, unplug the machine and then turn it on again. There may have been a failure in the control module, and a reboot will help to fix it.
- If the above method did not help, do not try to open the door by force - it is better to call the wizard.
Causes of de1 error on Samsung washing machine:
- Damaged or improperly connected door lock connector.
- If this problem occurs periodically, then the cause may be damage to the electrical insulation.
- The control panel is damaged.
Possible actions:
- Make sure the connection and the integrity of the sunroof lock connector are correct.
- Check the insulation of the wire that goes to the hatch lock.
- Replace control module.
Water Leakage Error - LE
The le error on a Samsung washing machine may also be referred to as LE1, 11E or E9.
Most often, a malfunction occurs in such cases:
- There was a water leak from the tank.
- The water leakage sensor is malfunctioning or damaged.
Options for solving the problem:
- Make sure the integrity of the tank, pay special attention to the place of attachment of the transport bolts.
- Check if the heater is sealed.
- If there is a puddle near the drain filter, check if it is completely screwed.
- If water leaks during the spin cycle, check if the air hose is connected.
- Make sure that the hose going to the powder tray is connected and working.
- If you have poured too much gel, which caused excessive foaming and leakage, you need to stop washing and wash the machine.
- Make sure all rubber bands are in place and intact. If damage is present and noticeable even with the naked eye, read about replacement of gum on a washer.
- Check for damage on the drain hose.
- Carefully inspect the contacts and wires leading to the water leakage sensor.
- If a le error is detected on the Samsung washing machine and the leakage protection system is faulty, it only remains to be replaced.
UE - imbalance error
If the ue error is shown on the display of the Samsung washing machine, then you should not particularly worry. By the way, the problem of tank imbalance may also have the abbreviation E4 and dc.
The causes of this kind of error:
- Unevenly laid laundry or you put only one heavy and voluminous thing.
- Unbalanced equipment.
To solve the problem it is necessary:
- Spread the laundry evenly in the middle of the drum.
- Add a counterweight item if restrictions on washing weight allow it.
- Load a maximum of two kilograms of bed linen and set the spin speed to no more than 800 rpm.
- Balance the washing machine using the recommendations in the user guide.
You can only load the maximum washing weight in the drum in the “Cotton” mode. To learn more precisely how to load your washing machine correctly, carefully read the user manual.
As you can see, the ue error of the Samsung washing machine is one of the most harmless and does not require a call from the master.
Errors TENA
TEN is one of the most vulnerable parts of the Samsung washing machine, so the error h1 or h2 quite often appears on the display.
Error HE and H1
This error code may also be referred to as E5, Hr and HE1, E1, Ec.
Causes of occurrence:
- TEN shorted or damaged contacts.
- Defective temperature sensor.
- The water in the tank reached a temperature above 100 ° C, due to overheating of the heater.
- Faulty control module relay.
Your actions:
- Carefully inspect the heater.
- Ring the electric heater and its contacts.
- Check if the temperature sensor is working properly.
- Replace the relay on the control module.
Important! TEN most often fails in washing machines in the first place. But to prevent such a problem is very easy, if you follow the tips from the following articles:
HE2 (H1)
Samsung washing machine generates error h2 if the temperature in the center of the drying heater exceeds 145 ° C and the red temperature sensor is triggered.
Ways to fix the error:
- Slightly press the button several times in the center of the sensor.
- Replace the sensor if it does not work correctly.
to contents ↑Important! Often a factor causing breakdowns, especially with regard to electrical contacts and circuit boards, is a regular voltage failure in the network. The solution to the problem is actually very simple - install surge protector for household appliances.
Stock footage
As you can see, sometimes the error of a Samsung washing machine can be easily eliminated simply by knowing the cause of its occurrence, and in some cases, a serious repair and replacement of parts will be required. We hope that in your case there is no complicated breakdown and you just got a reason to get acquainted with the capabilities and functions of your equipment better.
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