Do-it-yourself watchband made of leather

Making a watch strap with your own hands from leather (and not only) yourself is a perfectly feasible task, besides, it allows you to save a significant amount of money. If the old accessory is worn out and looks unaesthetic, it is not at all necessary to go to the store for a new product. You can repair an old accessory or make a new one yourself. We will consider some interesting ideas on this subject in this article.

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What materials to use?

There are many options for making a watch belt:

  • As the starting material, in addition to leather or leatherette, you can take textiles, chains or beads.
  • The most common material for the manufacture of such products is leather. Leather items look attractive, strong and durable.

Important! If you take the matter seriously, the home-made thing will look no worse than the factory one. This material is an indicator of respectability and quality factor.

  • Beaded and textile gadgets are inferior in durability to leather ones, but they look good too. In any case, they look original.

Important! Before starting the creative process, it will not be amiss to decide for yourself what, when and how you will wear such an accessory. Information from the following articles will help you:

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How to make a watch strap with your own hands from leather bands?

Having a minimum skill with this material, you can do a very attractive thing in a relatively short time.

Materials for work

For work you will need:

  • Leather trimmings of various thicknesses, but one shade.
  • Pieces of textile.
  • PVA glue.
  • A sharp clerical knife.
  • Wax, skin paint.
  • Chisel and awl for punching holes.
  • Fine-grained sandpaper or a special tool for polishing the skin.


So, how to make a leather watchband with your own hands?

  1. Start by cutting 2 strips of scraps that are slightly smaller in width than the mount on your timepiece. Select the length in accordance with the thickness of the wrist plus a few spare centimeters. Multiply the measurement result by 2, since each strip is folded in half.
  2. Fold the strips so that the length of one side exceeds the other by 2-3 cm. This is necessary for the mounting loop.
  3. Treat the bend with sandpaper and a clerical knife so that its thickness is slightly less than the rest of the strap.
  4. Then round the ends of the product. In this case, the finished strap will not only be better fastened, but will also look more attractive.
  5. The next stage - using a chisel, make a groove along the entire perimeter of the belt so that it is uniform throughout, with a slight indent from the edge.
  6. Cut a workpiece from a piece of thick trim that is slightly smaller than already completed. Insert between two pieces of thinner material.
  7. Lock all 3 layers and then sew.
  8. Last steps - sandpaper the edges of the product, and then attach the fastener.


Important! Any watch needs competent care from time to time, especially if it is a mechanical model.In order not to go to a special master every time, for the work of which you will have to pay a certain amount, we suggest you use a detailed master class “How to clean the watch at home?”.

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How to make a watch strap with your own hands from laces?

It is not difficult to make a leather product, but there are far from always scraps of leather. You can weave an original bracelet from shoe laces. These can be various braid options. After the product is ready, attach it to the clasp from the old strap and watch.

Important! In this case, the main thing is to carefully measure the wrist, because, unlike the skin, the wicker product does not stretch.

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So simple you can make an original strap for your accessory, and continue to wear it with pleasure and comfort.

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