Repair worktops from laminated chipboard

As a rule, the surface of the table is the most vulnerable part of the kitchen furniture. The surface area of ​​the countertops is relatively large, they are constantly in sight. Some breakdowns are associated with installation errors and factory defects. In this article we will figure out how beneficial it will be to repair countertops made of laminated particleboard and other materials. What to do if you burned a countertop, how to restore, repair, fix a swollen countertop near a sink?

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To repair or change?

From the very beginning, decide how reasonable your repair decision will be. Repairing countertops is far from always advisable. It is easier to purchase a new table or completely change the front of the kitchen. For example:

  • Fix a small crack is not difficult.
  • If it cracked and passes through the entire surface, it is unlikely that the repair will be effective, and you will lose a lot of time.
  • If the crack went along the surface of the glass, then the seam from gluing will be very noticeable, even if it was possible to glue the parts firmly enough. In this case, replacements cannot be avoided.
  • Granite, marble. For restoration you will need marble or granite chips. It is enough to mix the crumbs with transparent glue - it turns out an excellent putty for small cracks. The solution picks up the crack, and it does not spread further.
  • Particleboard, wood. These are the most repairable materials. But with them, the complexity of the repair and its effectiveness depend on the extent of the damage.
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Chiptop worktop restoration

A worktop made of particle board or solid wood, it is quite possible to restore it yourself.

Important! As a rule, the main cause of damage to furniture is the effect of moisture and (or) high temperature. Therefore, a very reasonable solution is the preventive treatment of the seams of kitchen furniture made of chipboard with silicone sealant. The same manipulation will not be superfluous after any repair of furniture.

Consider the repair of countertops from laminated chipboard with your own hands from getting wet. When soaking, the table surface rises, becomes uneven, and the material itself loosens. To restore the original look of the kitchen table, proceed in this order:

  1. Remove sawdust formed during delamination.
  2. Dry the surface well.
  3. Combine the sawdust and PVA emulsion until a thick paste is obtained.
  4. Fill the resulting voids with the mixture.
  5. Keep the product under pressure for about a day. This time is enough for the mixture to dry.
  6. Clean the surface, treat the seams with silicone, and then fix with a bar.

Important! If deep scratches have formed on the surface of the chipboard, getting rid of them is simple:

  • Sand the countertop in two stages: first with sandpaper P120, then go to the skin with a smaller grain size.
  • Finish grinding with P360.
  • Now walk over the surface with felt and it will look like polished.
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Natural wood

If scratches appeared during the operation of kitchen furniture made of solid wood, they can be easily removed with a special polishing compound.For deeper damage, use a special putty, selected in color. In addition, you will need:

  • Sandpaper.
  • Lacquer.
  • Set of brushes.

Strip the damaged area from the old coating, apply putty. Then - after complete drying, remove the excess with sandpaper. The final stage is the application of oil varnish on the surface. The varnish dries and the surface is ready for use again.

Also for restoration used coloring compounds. To choose it correctly, read expert advice:

  1. Odorless wood furniture paint.
  2. How to paint a countertop in the kitchen.

Important! To avoid troubles during the process, we recommend that you use the tips in order to properly laminate particleboard at home.

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How to restore a tabletop from chipboard or wood? The use of reducing compounds

To get rid of chips, cracks and dents on surfaces made of wood and chipboard, you can use the following compounds:

  • Furniture wax - hard or soft.
  • Furniture touch.

Solid furniture wax

Designed to seal mechanical damage on surfaces experiencing moderate to severe stresses. Compared with soft wax, the color palette of this material is not rich, but it provides exceptional moisture resistance to the surface.

First, the wax is melted with a lighter or gas soldering iron, and then applied to the problem area. The wax is cooled for several seconds, and then the residues are cleaned with a knife. If necessary, you can carefully clean the surface.


Soft furniture wax

It is rubbed with an edge knife or spatula. This material is well suited for sealing cracks and small dents, as well as holes for screws. After waxing, the area is polished with felt.

Important! If wax is used to seal defects in natural wood, you can imitate the texture of the wood using a felt-tip pen or an alcohol marker.

Furniture touch

This is a quick fix for minor defects. The tool is shaken, then applied to the damaged area. The number of layers, depending on the depth of damage, is from 1 to 3. The drying time is from 5 to 8 minutes. The remainder of the composition is removed with felt or a soft cotton cloth.

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How to repair a kitchen countertop made of plastic?

The main advantage of plastic products is that they do not swell or get wet. But there is a drawback - fragility. A corner may break off on a plastic countertop (this damage is most common). Fix the breakaway piece using special glue. It glues admirably, but it is quite expensive and requires a special gun to be applied.

If the thickness of the countertops is small, then you can use such compounds as “Moment” or “Superglue”. Good for working with plastic and glue "Titan". To make the repair effective, fix the surface and leave it for several hours until it completely hardens. So that everything goes like clockwork carefully study what is the best glue to use for furniture repair.

Important! To make the joint line less visible, mix plastic powder into the glue.

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How to repair an artificial stone countertop?

Artificial stone products look great in a modern kitchen interior. Artificial stone retains an attractive appearance for a long time. However, despite the strength, artificial stone countertops require careful maintenance, since the surface is quite possible to damage with concentrated household chemicals, mechanical stress or hot objects.

Repair worktops should be done immediately after a defect is detected, since the most minor damage over time can result in a laborious and expensive repair.

Important! Maintainability of artificial stone products is high, so there is a chance to restore their original appearance.

Stain fighting

If hard-to-wash spots appear on the surface, you can try to eliminate them with a special polyester composition. Polishing the countertops with a sandpaper of various grain sizes - from P120 to P400 helps a lot. After polishing, the problem area is polished with felt.

How to eliminate chips?

Chipped, even significant, can be eliminated with a special composition based on polyester resin. Repair is carried out in the following order:

  1. Degrease and clean the countertop around the damaged area.
  2. Seal the chip with a special resin.
  3. After complete drying (18-20 hours), sand the surface of the countertop with abrasive material with diamond filling and polish it with felt.

In most cases, the restoration of such products is a complex process, and it is better to contact the master.

Also read a selection of articles:

  1. How to update the countertop with your own hands.
  2. DIY tile top.
  3. Edge for countertops with glue how to glue.
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Stock footage

If the repair is done skillfully and accurately, it is unlikely that any of your household will remember that the kitchen furniture was once damaged.

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