DIY microwave oven repair

In the event of a microwave breakdown, many will immediately contact the nearest service center, since this device is not the easiest one to look at and its repair seems to be something unbearable. In fact, the whole design is extremely simple and understandable, since it includes only a few main components. If you familiarize yourself with special cases in advance, then repairing microwave ovens with your own hands will not cause any difficulties.

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What is a microwave?

Obviously, the device contains a huge number of elements, but we do not need to know the principle of operation of each of them. To carry out restoration work of the device, you need to familiarize yourself with the main principles of functioning of the following components:

  1. Magnetron.
  2. Transformer.
  3. Fuse.
  4. Rectifier diode.
  5. Capacitor.
  6. Control circuit (control unit).

It will be very simple to distinguish them from each other, because the device is not famous for its extreme complexity:

  • A magnetron is always installed in the middle in order to heat food.
  • The transformer is located directly below it. The latter looks like a big box with a reel at the ready.
  • The capacitor, diode and fuse are placed to the right of the transformer, and the control unit (control unit) is most often located near the input panel.

Important! When the device is turned on, 220 V is supplied from the power supply to a transformer, which at the output makes this value equal to 2 kV. Then the diode rectifies the voltage, and the capacitor charges, which again increases the output value. Next, the magnetron begins to generate waves. The power of this component is regulated by the control unit, therefore, if a breakdown occurs, you should immediately inspect the above items. It is they who take the biggest burden on themselves.

Are you looking for a DIY Lg microwave repair manual in detail? Then you should deal with the cause of the breakdown, and the manufacturer does not play a special role here, because almost all devices have the same principle of operation.

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Looking for a problem outside

To troubleshoot, you need to build on symptoms. This approach allows to gradually eliminate all unnecessary reasons and find the required one. If the microwave oven does not turn on at all, then you should pay attention to the following:

  1. Inspect the cable for kinks or breaks.
  2. Take a look at the door and how it closes.

In the first moment, there is simply no power if the cable is damaged. There is a similar situation in which the outlet itself is damaged. This case requires an urgent replacement of the broken element. At this point, the stove should be all right.

If problems did not reveal themselves, attention should be paid to the second scenario. The bottom line is that operating a microwave with an open door is very undesirable. It is for this reason that it will not work with a broken closing mechanism. Even if the latch breaks on the door, the locking system immediately activates the protective function. Here, the repair is also simple: put a breakaway piece of plastic on the glue or buy a new item.

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Looking for a problem inside

Self-repair of the microwave oven can be carried out only if you find the cause of the breakdown. If there are no external signs, you have to climb inside the structure.

Thermal relay and fuse

These points also apply to microwave protection systems.The fuse is used to prevent failure of the device with a large amplitude of the power surge. The thermal relay immediately turns off the entire system if the door is at least slightly open.

Both elements are pretty easy to replace.

Important! Obviously, all the elements listed in the article are actively involved in ensuring operability. Failure of such can be detected immediately, since the conductor is destroyed during combustion. If you can’t find anything, you’ll have to get a special tester (multimeter), because not every one of us knows how to detect problems by eye.


In order to evaluate the performance of the capacitor, you should turn on the multimeter in the mode of measuring resistance and take readings from the Conder. If the resistance is zero, then the component must be replaced with an identical one. You will have to use a soldering station to replace it.


With the diode, things are a little more complicated - it is recommended to replace it if any of the elements breaks down, since it is often hit. You can check this with a simple lamp. If you connect it on the way to power, then with a working diode it will light up. Otherwise, the diode must be replaced.



The next step is to check the operation of the transformer.

Important! Be sure to follow safety precautions, since this component is capable of holding a charge on itself for a long time. It’s best to discharge the element against the wall of the case or simply not touch it if you do not have any experience with electrical appliances.

You can take on the check of the windings. First you need to remove the terminals and check each of the terminals using a tester in the resistance measurement mode. For the first winding, values ​​from 2 to 4.5 Ohms will be normal, and for the secondary - from 140 to 350 Ohms.

Important! Also, do not lose sight of the filament winding. Just attach the terminals to it and measure the value for which the range from 3.5 to 8 Ohms is the norm.


If all searches were unsuccessful, then you should carefully check the magnetron:

  1. We take a multimeter and hook it to the terminals of the magnetron.
  2. We activate the ohmmeter mode.

If the value is about three ohms, then there is a breakdown. The value of infinity on the display of the measuring device will also tell about this.

Important! Remember that even if you yourself have discovered the cause of the breakdown, do not repair the microwave ovens yourself without proper experience with electrical appliances. Better pass the instrument to the master and share the information found about the problem.

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Stock footage

Recovery work ends by replacing the broken component with an identical new one. In this case, you need a soldering iron or the services of a service center.


