Do-it-yourself restoration of chairs

Each person sooner or later needs to buy new furniture, this applies not only to large items of furniture, but also to chairs. But before you go to the store, you need to think carefully, because perhaps your house has a lot of furniture that you can independently update and transform beyond recognition. In addition, prices in modern salons and markets are often overpriced. For example, do-it-yourself restoration of chairs is an ideal way out of this situation. Today we will tell you how to restore old furniture, how to proceed in stages to achieve a good result.

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The main advantages of furniture restoration

This option for restoring interior items has many advantages. The most obvious ones include:

  1. This process takes very little time, especially if you carefully follow the instructions.
  2. Transformation of old furniture allows you to save on buying new products.
  3. Restoration of chairs allows you to get completely new, unique things that are not found in any other house.

Chairs, like other pieces of furniture, tend to wear out, and quite quickly. Even the highest quality products are subject to breakdowns and aging, especially when a person accelerates this process by his actions. This can be serious damage caused by negligence and too intensive operation. Seats suffer most because they have maximum load.

To restore worn-out products, it is not necessary to have vast experience in the field of repair and decoration. It is enough to familiarize yourself with several workshops on painting, hauling, decoupage, decorating, remaking old furniture, and you will succeed.

Important! This experience will certainly come in handy in the future if you decide to upgrade the upholstery on an old couch or drag an armchair. Using this approach, you can breathe a second life into any product, instead of sending it to a landfill.

In addition, this idea has another huge plus: you will not only restore old chairs on your own, but also experience a maximum of positive emotions from the embodiment of your own creative venture.

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Features update chair or chair

Remember that the method that you choose in order to restore the chair with your own hands depends on the nature of the damage. There are three main types of damage:

  • Worn upholstery.
  • Back problems, broken leg, seat or other wooden part.
  • The paintwork on a wooden surface came into disrepair.

Based on this, it can be concluded that the repair and restoration scheme is selected, depending on where the problem arose on the furniture:

  • Often it is enough to connect the loose parts, replace the connecting part that has failed over time. It concerns spikes and grooves.
  • The expansion and wear of precisely these elements leads to the fact that the chair slowly begins to loosen and becomes completely unstable. In such cases, the repair consists in completely disassembling the furniture with a spike. You have to work hard here.
  • If the problem is the wear of the paintwork, then it is easier to eliminate. If the varnish is cracked, it is enough to remove it, sand the surface and apply a new coat of paint or varnish.
  • The constriction of old chairs can be called a simple matter, because you just need to replace the torn or worn fabric with new material.

Now we will consider the most popular restoration options in stages.

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Phased reconstruction of an old chair

Before you restore the old chair with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the sequence of this work. If this is your first time encountering this, then study a short master class, which we will give below.


If you approach the work correctly, you can completely restore the furniture yourself, even if the upholstery has torn on it, the legs have loosened, the paint or varnish has cracked completely or partially.

The first step is to prepare a minimum set of necessary materials and tools:

  1. Materials: self-tapping screws (screws), upholstery fabric, staples for a stapler, foam rubber, glue for wooden furniture, varnish or paint.
  2. Tools: hammer, screwdriver, scissors, two different screwdrivers, a clamp, a brush, sandpaper, a stapler, a small mallet.

After this, prepare the chair: clean it of dust, dirt, wash thoroughly.


Naturally, before you upgrade your old chair with a backrest with your own hands, you must completely disassemble it. Once it dries, you can begin to work:

  1. First of all, the back and seat are removed, only then the frame is disassembled.
  2. When knocking out parts, use a rubber mallet to avoid damaging them. Work as carefully as possible.
  3. If the chair is assembled with screws or spikes, then it is enough to unscrew them.
  4. Fold all the parts carefully or label them in some way so as not to confuse them later.
  5. If the old glue, in particular epoxy, remains somewhere, attach moistened rags or sponges to these places. Any unnecessary old rags will do. Let it stay on the details until the glue is completely wet, then it can be scraped off with a knife. For work, a dull old knife is suitable.
  6. After the old glue has been removed, allow the wood elements to dry out a bit.

Important! If epoxy gets into hard-to-reach places, then steam can be used instead of water in order to remove it.



So, the preparatory work is fully completed, now you can proceed to the process of restoring the old chair.

Do this in this order:

  • First, get rid of possible cracks and chips with putty.
  • Sand the wood thoroughly with sandpaper to make the entire work surface perfectly smooth.
  • Carefully inspect all the details. If the legs are loose, then solve this problem now. Use a wedge, drive it in from the end of the pin or wrap the pin with a bandage, then carefully glue it with glue.

Important! If you could not fix the legs with the proposed methods, then try using another method, more effective. Drill a thin hole at the junction, fill the glue with a syringe. To fix the glue, make the connection more reliable, put some weight on the seat and wait until the glue dries.

  • Then restore the seat, if necessary. It can be wooden or made of soft fabric. Everything depends on the design of the furniture itself.
  • As for the renewal of the frame, this can be done by restoring the paintwork or using the decoupage technique.

Important! If desired, you can sew new covers to not only update the chair, make its design more interesting and attractive.

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Decorating Ideas for Old Chairs

The alteration of old chairs does not end there; you can decorate them in various ways.Below we will give options for how to restore and decorate antique objects in an interesting way.

Decorate the old chair using one of the suggested options:

  • Dressing with fabric. This decoration option is considered to be the simplest, because it is enough to simply drag old soft spots or sew covers. You can use a similar approach to update other interior items.
  • Backrest update. You can decorate the back using the decoupage technique or lining with some interesting fabric, for example, denim. Any novice master will be able to figure out in practice how to sew a chair with a backrest with his own hands, and this work will not take much time.
  • Upholstery banner. It is important to choose a strong and high-quality fabric. It can be tapestry, jute, jacquard. In some cases, even velor is suitable.

Important! Tapestry upholstery gives the best result, since it is a reliable material that looks quite attractive in appearance.

  • Macrame decor. Even if you have never before been engaged in this type of weaving, you will succeed. You can do this: if the back is soft on the old chair, then remove the upholstery, then weave the simplest mesh with a square section. You can independently adjust the size of the cells.
  • Decoupage. This technique allows you to make a real home decoration from an old chair. It is enough to buy special paper or napkins, transfer the drawings to the surface of the chair and fix everything on top with a layer of varnish.
  • Staining. How to paint a chair made of wood is a question that interests many. In principle, any paint and varnish composition suitable for wood coatings is suitable for this. In terms of color choice, here everyone is already determined independently, because much depends on the prevailing color scheme in the room and other interior items.
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There are many ways to restore old furniture; each of them is effective and good in its own way. Which one to choose is up to you, because you cannot forget about your own desires and preferences.

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