Mercury or electronic thermometer - which is better?

One of the basic indicators of human health is body temperature. Any deviations from the norm indicate the presence of pathology. Therefore, probably, there will not be such a family in which there would be no device for measuring temperature. Today, a large number of varieties of these devices are on sale. Let's try to find out: mercury or electronic thermometer - which is better? Or maybe you should buy an innovative infrared device? Each of the options has its own advantages and disadvantages. Read the article and make your choice!

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The good old thermometer with mercury will remain in our everyday life for a long time. Despite the huge number of modern devices, many prefer a mercury thermometer. This is a glass flask with a capillary containing 2 g of mercury. Its peculiarity is that after measuring the temperature of the body, it remains at the upper point of heating. Hence the name - “maximum”. To return the mercury column to its original position, just shake the flask slightly.


  • The minimum error when measuring temperature (0.1 degrees).
  • The ability to measure body temperature in various ways: orally, rectally or by the traditional method, in the armpit.
  • Long service life. Of course, provided that you do not drop the thermometer and handle it carefully.
  • Possibility of disinfection (do not boil the device).
  • Low price.


  • Fragile body. The slightest carelessness, and you risk breaking the device, and this is already fraught with contamination of the room with mercury vapor. And glass fragments are not safe.
  • Relatively long temperature measurement time.
  • When measuring temperature, young children do not want to use the device orally.
  • Due to the streamlined shape of the device, there is a risk of “losing" it during rectal use.
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Electronic Thermometer - Features

With the advent of a new version of the device on the market, a logical question arose for users: mercury or electronic thermometer - which is better?

Temperature measurement is carried out using a special built-in indicator. The result is displayed in numbers. The electronic device also has additional functionality:

  • Sound signal of measurement time.
  • Remembering the latest measurement results.

The body of the device is waterproof. Replaceable tips are available for hygienic use. However, in order to get an accurate result, close contact of the sensitive indicator with the human body is necessary.


  • Security. The electronic device does not contain such a dangerous substance as mercury, so there is no risk of poisoning the room with toxic fumes.
  • Ease of use and reading results.
  • Short measurement period (from 0.5 to 1 minute). However, measuring the temperature in the armpit can take up to 3 minutes.
  • Auto shut off after a certain time.
  • Ability to use in the dark (if there is a backlight).
  • Memory function of the measurement results (1-25).
  • Possibility of measurements in Celsius or Fahrenheit, thanks to a replaceable scale.
  • A large number of models. On sale there are children's models in bright colors or made in the form of nipples with tips made of elastic material.


  • The need to strictly adhere to the instructions when measuring body temperature.
  • To accurately measure the temperature in the armpit, the thermometer needs to be kept for some time after the sound signal. The minimum declared period is clearly not enough. The need to pinpoint time is not very convenient.
  • The inability to wash and disinfect individual models. This is especially true for inexpensive household appliances. Therefore, before buying, you need to find out this issue with the seller-consultant.
  • The need for periodic battery replacement. Despite the long service life (2-5 years), they are discharged at the most inopportune time. Therefore, to keep a spare kit at home is necessary.
  • Relatively high cost (2.5-16 c.u.). But this is in any case cheaper than the services of demercurization of an apartment after a broken mercury thermometer.

Important! One of the main reasons why users refuse such a device for home use is not always clear values ​​of the real temperature. The values ​​that are familiar to everyone have a greater spread on electronic devices, including for different methods of measuring temperature. Therefore, it is either necessary to initially configure and deal with the values, or if necessary, they remain incomprehensible. For example, the values ​​of 36.4-37.3 degrees Celsius are considered normal values ​​for such thermometers during axillary measurement, which somewhat confuses the user.

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The principle of operation of the device is as follows: the built-in sensor reads the infrared data of the body. The result is displayed in the form of numbers in the usual temperature range. This innovative device has appeared on the market recently, however, its popularity is quite large. Therefore, now the question is for many: mercury or IR thermometer - what to choose?


  1. The entire functionality of the electronic device: sound signals, saving the results of measurements in memory, automatic shutdown.
  2. Quick measurement of body temperature (up to 0.5 min.).
  3. Replaceable tips that can be disinfected. Therefore, there are no problems with hygiene.

Important! There are even non-contact models that allow you to measure the temperature even in a sleeping patient or crying baby.


  1. In budget models, a relatively large measurement error, sometimes exceeding 0.5 degrees.
  2. The ability to measure temperature only on certain parts of the body: on the forehead, ears or temples.
  3. With otitis media, “ear” varieties incorrectly show temperature.
  4. The need for periodic verification.
  5. Risk of injury to the tympanic membrane if the device is handled carelessly.
  6. High price (20-35 cu).

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Thermal strips

If a few years ago you could only think about which thermometer to choose - mercury or electronic, today the variety is much wider, which only further aggravates the purchase problem. For example, there is such an option as thermal strips.

They are made of heat-sensitive film. Thanks to special crystals, the heat-sensitive strip changes color. The main disadvantage of this option is the significant measurement error. This is due to the fact that many factors influence the shade of the strip: sweating, light, density of contact with the skin.

Important! Execution of thermal strips can be various. A popular option is the division into elevated and not elevated temperatures. Thermal strips are convenient in road conditions. They practically do not take up space, and, if necessary, come in handy.

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What can not be done?

Sometimes even the most accurate thermometer is able to give incorrect readings. These are the cases:

  • Before taking oral temperature measurements, you had hot tea or ice cream.
  • Before you put the thermometer under your arm, they took a cold or hot shower.
  • They put a thermometer in a sweaty armpit.
  • Hold the thermometer loosely under your arm. This also applies to mercury and electronic devices.
  • Measure rectal temperature without first emptying your intestines.

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Where to get a thermometer?

Typically, mercury devices are sold in a pharmacy. You can buy an electronic thermometer in a pharmacy or in a specialized medical equipment store. In particular, this applies to expensive innovative models.

Important! You should not buy thermometers in stores selling electronic devices and household appliances. It is not a fact that such products are certified and will provide a minimum measurement error.

Thermometers are classified as non-replaceable. Of course, if the device is defective, you will be replaced. But if you are not satisfied with the design or functionality, nothing will come of returning or replacing. Therefore, before buying, it is important to find out all the characteristics of the model and decide whether it suits you or not.

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Which thermometer to choose - mercury or electronic, decide on your own. However, an electronic device is safer, and when used correctly, it provides a fairly high accuracy.

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