DIY furniture assembly

When buying furniture in a store, you should think about who and how will assemble it. There are only two options - do it all yourself or trust specialists. Both in the first and in the second case there are advantages and disadvantages. For example, if you do not have sufficient skills in assembling furniture, then this process can be a painful procedure not only for you, but also for your entire family, watching it. And the case with specialists requires additional financial costs, since often the assembly is not included in the price of the furniture itself. In order to save money, many dwell on the first option, and then the question arises: how is furniture assembled with one's own hands? In this article we will talk about this.

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General rules

So, you had the opportunity to assemble the furniture yourself, and if you want the assembly process to give you only pleasure, you must adhere to some mandatory conditions. In this work, the preparatory process is no less important than the assembly of furniture:

  • Prepare all the necessary tools. We will talk about which of them may be useful to you a little lower. Upon delivery of the product, make sure that the packaging contains assembly instructions. With its use, assembling furniture with your own hands will be much faster and easier.
  • After the furniture is delivered to your home or apartment, check without fail the presence of all the main parts, as well as the absence of defects and damage to them. Do this in the presence of delivery representatives.

Important! Particular attention should be paid to parts of furniture made of mirrors and glass. Their surface should not have any defects, since even due to the smallest damage, the aesthetic appearance of this element will be impaired.

  • If you find a heavily soiled or even damaged packaging, be sure to carefully inspect all the items in it.
  • Another extremely important point is the availability of fasteners and accessories. Sometimes they are enclosed in one of the packages, and sometimes they are stored separately, and representatives of the delivery service must transfer them to you.
  • After you read the instructions that came with the furniture, plan your assembly steps in stages. In order not to randomly rush from one element to another, looking for a delicate one, lay out all the details in advance in the order in which it is recommended to assemble according to the instructions.

Important! One of the most important tasks is the purchase and installation of beds or children's furniture. Detailed recommendations regarding practical methods of self-assembly of bedroom furniture can be obtained from the following articles:

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Tool List

When assembling furniture with your own hands, you will need some tools that greatly simplify this process:

  • Roulette.
  • Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Hex keys.
  • Conventional wrenches, preferably of different sizes.

If the furniture you have purchased has a fairly simple design, then this list will be quite enough for you. But in the case of assembling more complex furniture, you will have to take care of a wider list of tools. Therefore, in addition to the first list, you will also need:

  • Hammer drill.
  • Jigsaw.
  • Device for detecting electrical wiring.
  • Building level.
  • A set of drills that are designed for processing ceramics and glass.
  • Furniture stapler.

Important! You can familiarize yourself with the detailed instructions regarding the collection of complex and responsible cabinet furniture, as well as the use of various tools, by reading the tips,toak to assemble a corner cabinet with your own hands.

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Types of furniture fasteners

To make it easier to assemble furniture with your own hands, you should at least briefly familiarize yourself with the fixtures existing for it:

  • Universal screw with countersunk head. Its standard size is 3.5x16. With its help, you can fix the back wall of furniture, fasten hinges and handles, and he also copes with fixing retractable rails for different types of shelves. A screwdriver can be used to screw it.

Important! This type of fastener needs to be bought separately from furniture, since, as a rule, it is not included in the package.

  • Furniture screw. Connections using it are convenient and fairly simple. Its design includes both a nut and a screw. The screw cap is often square with rounding. Its feature is the ability to conveniently spin without scrolling.
  • The corner. Thanks to him, it is very simple to make structural joints of a perpendicular nature. Most often, the material of its manufacture is metal, however, there are also plastic options. The sizes of the furniture corner are also different.
  • Stud connection is another type of fixture of one-piece type. Its design is a wooden element of a cylindrical shape. To use it for its intended purpose, you will need glue, which is applied to its end, and it is located in a pre-prepared hole. The other end part, which protrudes outward, also undergoes processing with glue and is placed in another part of the furniture, thereby fastening them together.
  • Confirmation is a part that belongs to the category of main fasteners. Its screwing is carried out in both parts of the furniture, as if pulling them together. The standard size of these fasteners is 6.4x50 mm. In order to use a confirmative, it is necessary to prepare a hole for its placement. At the same time, a hex key is used to fix it.
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Furniture Assembly Board

Having received and carefully checked the presence and integrity of all components, you can proceed to the direct assembly of furniture with your own hands:

  • As mentioned above, this should be done in accordance with the attached instructions. After carefully studying it and making an approximate plan of progress, proceed to the assembly process.
  • Regarding the complexity of the procedure, it often does not cause any special problems, since most of the population prefers to purchase not very expensive furniture from chipboard. This material, in turn, does not require any special labor-intensive fasteners and is collected using confirmations.
  • If you need to fix the shelves in the cabinet, then you can not do without marking. After all the necessary shelves are marked, you need to drill holes for fasteners. In addition to this mounting option, metal or plastic corners can also be used.
  • As for the back of the furniture, for example, a wall or cabinet, it is attached using special studs or using a stapler.

Important! Each type of furniture needs an individual approach to the assembly and use of a specific type of fasteners, which often come with it. You will quickly and easily learn how to work with designs of any size by looking at a detailed step-by-stepdresser assembly workshop.

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Stock footage

DIY furniture assembly - a responsible matter, although everyone can cope with this task.Having carefully studied the instructions that came with the product and following all the tips, you can independently assemble the purchased cabinet or chest of drawers in a fairly short period of time.

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