Do-it-yourself bath curtain

- Classification of curtains in the bathroom
- What are the benefits of a bath blind?
- What properties should have a bath sheet?
- How to make a do-it-yourself bath curtain with ruffles?
- How to make a curtain for a bath instead of a screen?
- How to make a curtain in the bathroom from fabric?
- Decoration of a plastic curtain for a bathroom
- Stock footage
Accessories and various decorations play an important role in creating the interior of the bathroom. They not only make daily hygiene procedures more comfortable, but also perform various additional functions. Many items, from those that are sold in the store, can be done with your own hands, while saving a considerable amount of money. Not a bad option, is it? One important element of the bathroom is the blind for the do-it-yourself bathtub, the main function of which is to maintain the quality of all the finishing materials in this room. Today we will look at the basic methods for manufacturing various curtains for the bathroom.
to contents ↑Classification of curtains in the bathroom
Let's begin our acquaintance with the main bathroom accessory - the curtain. You can make any version of such a product on your own, the main thing here is to show patience and comply with the manufacturing features.
Important! If you only thought about the curtain, and then decided to remake the entire bathroom, our articles will help you create an original, functional and cozy interior of the bathroom:
According to the material:
- Classical
- Tissue.
- Plastic
- Glass.
- Wooden.
- Vinyl.
- Polystyrene.
Important! The most expensive is a glass curtain for the bathroom with your own hands. It will cost you a lot of money, and in case of breakdown you will have to pay a round sum of money to restore it. We will tell you how to install it correctly in the master class "Howto install a glass curtain on the bath? ".
By the method of sliding:
- Movable.
- With three movable curtains.
- With one movable and one fixed curtain.
- With two central movable and two lateral motionless.
The sliding curtain can be of the following configuration:
- Rectangular (two front sliding panels).
- Corner (one opening and one fixed panel).
- Team (two movable and two side fixed panels).
- Curved (panels of any type).
The sliding curtain is divided into sections:
- Single section.
- Two-section.
- Three section.
- Four section.
- Multisectional.
Important! Before you install a sliding canvas, analyze the arrangement of your bathroom. Most old-style apartments use one faucet for the bathroom and sink at the same time. Make sure that a rigid structure does not interfere with this process.
If you still decide to install a hard barrier, first check out the subtleties of its creation in our publication"Wdo-it-yourself erma for the bathroom. "
By surface type:
- Smooth.
- Corrugated.
- Film coated.
- Mirror.
- Tinted.
- With drawing.
What are the benefits of a bath blind?
For those who still doubt the need to make curtains in the bathroom, we have prepared a list of its main advantages:
- Protects walls and floors from moisture.
- Helps to avoid injuries and unforeseen floods due to dry floors.
- They create a secluded atmosphere, allowing you to relax as much as possible and enjoy the water procedures.
- Makes the interior of the bathroom cozy and harmonious.
- The optimal solution for those who do not plan to make repairs, but only want to improve the appearance of the room.
We have listed the main advantages that apply to all varieties of bathtubs.
What are the advantages of a waterproof curtain from fabric:
- Such a product will cost you much cheaper than plastic, plasterboard and glass paintings.
Important! If you have a small amount of money, we recommend that you purchase a piece of beautiful high-quality waterproof material and install it yourself, than be content with an unattractive plastic panel.
- Absolutely everyone can hang the curtain in front of and under the bathtub, while you do not need special training and special equipment.
- Caring for this product is very easy. To do this, you need to periodically wipe it and wash it once a month manually or in a washing machine.
- Canvas made of cloth can be hung under any bath, without starting from the shapes and sizes of plumbing fixtures.
- Thanks to its simple design, you can easily access the space under the bathroom. This is very convenient when you need to clean it or carry out repairs.
What properties should have a bath sheet?
The selection of material for such an accessory must be approached with particular responsibility, since surface protection and convenience during operation depend on this indicator. Let's look at the basic requirements that a curtain for a bathroom should have with its own hands:
- It should be completely waterproof (in the ideal case - water repellent). This thing is a certain barrier from hit of splashes on a surface of finishing materials.
- It is desirable that the canvas was undemanding in care. Since the material is in daily contact with water and various hygiene products, the resulting smudges must be wiped periodically. From this it follows: you need to choose a material that can withstand regular cleaning with detergents.
- A do-it-yourself bathroom curtain should be of a simple design so that you can remove or repair it yourself without special equipment or a professional call.
How to make a do-it-yourself bath curtain with ruffles?
Now we will consider a very simple way to make linen for your bathroom. Why not sew beautiful ruffles on a pre-purchased water-repellent material? In this case, you will not need to spend money on a finished curtain - you will sew it yourself.
What materials and tools are needed to work:
- Waterproof fabric of suitable length.
- Sharp scissors.
- Sewing machine.
- Pins for chipping.
- Ruler.
- Pencil.
Step-by-step instructions for sewing:
- We mark on the fabric the markings on which we will sew the ruffles. The number and width of the same bands depends on your preference.
- We cut out long pieces of waterproof fabric from waterproof fabric, making an allowance of 5 cm.
- We apply fabric stripes to the curtain at the previously designated points, folding the overlap material.
- On the front side we pin frills with pins, sweep the product.
- We sew the line on the sewing machine along the top of the frills. For the strength of the product, you can make several lines and one line on the side of the curtain.
That's all the work! DIY bathroom curtain ready!
to contents ↑Important! Nothing paints the interior like little things specially created for it that set the tone for the whole space. All about the step-by-step creation of such gizmos, see in our master classes:
How to make a curtain for a bath instead of a screen?
Canvas made of waterproof fabric can be hung not only on the bar and fence off the bath, but also hang it as a screen under the bath.
In order to sew such an accessory, you will need:
- Waterproof fabric.
- Centimeter tape or tape measure.
- Clothesline or durable wire.
- Scissors.
- Sewing machine.
Step by step description:
- We determine the size of our future product. We measure the length under the bath (from one side to the other) and cut a piece of fabric of the appropriate size, adding 2 cm of allowance along the length. If the fabric is loose along the cut line, then in this case we bend the edges and sew a line on the sewing machine.
- We take the clothesline in our hands and lay on top the very top edge of the fabric, bending it by the rope. As a result, our rope was inside the fabric.
- From the wrong side we make a line a little lower than the rope, capturing simultaneously two parts of the material.
- We fix the screws under the bathroom on both sides of the wall.
- We pull on them a rope with an existing curtain, tying each end of it with a strong knot.
We got an original alternative to an expensive bath screen.
to contents ↑Important! Such a miniature canvas can be fixed in other ways: on a bar with rings, suspended on fabric loops. Like it or not, the above-described method of sewing curtains under the bath is the fastest, most convenient, and most importantly - simple!
How to make a curtain in the bathroom from fabric?
Such curtains can be made in just a few hours. As a result, you will receive a product no worse than the purchased option. The most important thing here is to correctly calculate the length and width of the future curtains.
What we need:
- Water repellent fabric.
- Centimeter for measuring length.
- String or cornice.
- Sewing machine.
Sewing technique:
- We take the necessary measurements. First of all, we measure the width of the protective sheet (from one wall to another) and the length (from the intended location of the cornice to the floor).
- We mark the obtained measurements on previously prepared tissue. If the fabric is slightly wrinkled, then iron it with a not too hot iron.
- We bend and stitch the sides of the canvas.
- From the same fabric, we sew loops on the top of the curtain.
- We fix the weighting agent in the lower part of the material, bend the fabric and make a horizontal line on the sewing machine. As a weighting agent for the curtain, you can use any long wooden stick or make, for example, a fold in which you can hide sand or wooden shavings. Many people do without weighting, but in this case, the curtain can let splashes onto the bathroom floor.
- We hang the product on the ledge and fix the rod in the wall using special holders.
to contents ↑Important! If you want to hang the curtain on the fixing rings, do not forget to process the edges of the inner holes manually or overlocking. Doing it yourself is extremely difficult and time consuming, so for these purposes, buy better finished hardware. Such rings are easily inserted into the hole on both sides of the fabric and are firmly fixed with ordinary pliers.
Decoration of a plastic curtain for a bathroom
An ordinary plastic bath screen looks rather boring and unattractive. We offer you to decorate it a bit, using a very popular technique - decoupage. Performing such work is not as difficult as it seems. And consumables are inexpensive.
So, let's take a closer look at how to do this:
- We cover the entire surface of the curtain with acrylic paint. Background color - suitable for the color scheme of the room.
- We wait until the paint is completely dry.
- We take pre-purchased special cards. We cut out the pictures from them, which are then wetted with water.
- We mix PVA glue with water and prime the surface of the canvas with this solution.
- While the glue is wet, we put decoupage pictures on the curtain, leveling each of them with hands from center to edge.
- We fix the result with water-based varnish. We apply at least three layers of varnish on a plastic screen.
- After the protective coating has dried, you can try the curtain in operation.
to contents ↑Important! Even the most sophisticated and thought-out interior of a bathroom can easily spoil household problems such as limescale or blockages. Learn how to get rid of them without too much effort:
Stock footage
We hope that our article will help you sew the curtain for the bathroom yourself. Perhaps this particular accessory will update the room beyond recognition. Follow our recommendations, and you will surely succeed!
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