DIY hinged curtains

With the help of curtains, we can make the ceiling in the room higher or lower, moreover, with the help of them the room takes on a whole new look. Today, many factories offer a huge assortment of all kinds of curtains, however, for many needlewomen and lovers to create home comfort on their own, their manufacture will greatly brighten up leisure time and cheer up. From this article you will learn how to make curtains on hinges with your own hands.

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Materials for work

In order to sew such an addition for the interior, you will need the following materials:

  • Fabric suitable for the width of the window opening.

Important! When buying fabric, you need to be guided not only by the width of the window opening - you must remember that the fabric will be draped.

  • Sewing machine.
  • Threads of the right colors, needles.
  • Scissors.
  • Chalk or bar of soap for basting.
  • Iron.
  • Buttons (can be replaced with Velcro fasteners).
  • Tape measure.
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Sewing curtains for the kitchen

Window openings in kitchens are usually less than standard, therefore - material will have to stock up less.

Let's move on to the algorithm of how to sew curtains on loops:

  • Accurately measure the size of the canvas in all respects.
  • Then lay it out on an even plane and measure the places of drapery and fastening of loops.

Important! Basting should be done if the edges of the canvas are already processed and ready for further use. If you have not prepared the edges of the curtain fabric, prepare before you start working on the loops. Measurements for drapery and the place of fastening of the loops must be calculated using a centimeter tape - this is necessary so that the distance between them is the same.

  • When you prepare the fabric for the future curtains, proceed directly to sewing loops. Using ready-made paper or fabric patterns, mark the desired dimensions of the parts.

Important! If we use the fabric of the color used for the loops, the room will look neat and harmonious, in addition, the finished curtain will not stand out much in the room. If for loops you use material of contrasting colors, then the curtain will look much more original, standing out from the view of the selected room.

  • If the material for the curtain is light and transparent, it is better to make the hinges on the curtains no less than 4 cm. This means that a rectangular flap should be cut from the prepared fabric, the width of which will be 8-10 cm, and the length will be 10-15 cm.
  • When the patterns are made, cut them and sew along the entire length from the inside, departing from the edge of about 1.5 cm.
  • Turn the cut onto the face, iron it, fold it in half and attach to the sour cream curtain.
  • Do the same manipulations with the rest of the loops, and then proceed to their subsequent sewing to the fabric.
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Methods for joining hinges with curtains

There are many connection options. Consider the main ones:

  • Velcro loops. In order to make loops on the curtains, you need to sew the main part of the fastener on the wrong side of the fabric, and the removable part on the edge of the loop. Thus, the curtains will be removed from the cornice (for example, for washing). Velcro is better to choose wide, ideally - the entire width of the loops so that they can withstand the weight of the curtains.

Important! If you use this method of attachment, it is better to arrange the loops more often so that they can hold the hanging fabric.

  • Buttonholes.The manufacture of such loops is characterized by painstaking work, not only during the process, but also during the operation of the finished product. This can be explained by the fact that for all the loops you need to prepare a hole for the button, which must be sewn to the fabric.

Important! This method is no less convenient for a home environment, in particular for a kitchen. Curtains are easily removable from the cornice.

  • Loops on knots. To make such loops on curtains manually is even more convenient than in other variations. The prepared loops are sewn tightly to the canvas and tied to the cornice with previously prepared fabric sections, which then need to be threaded into loops. The material cuts should be about 2 times longer than the loops, since they will form several nodules when attached to the cornice.
  • Overhead loops. This is one of the most common sewing methods when the finished loops are laid on the inside of the curtain and sewed with the main stitch on the face. These parts are attached to the cornice during the dismantling of a window baguette.

Important! Such curtains in the kitchen will look rather restrained, but at the same time neat and stylish.

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Master class: making Velcro loops

To make the loops on the curtains manually, you must follow this algorithm:

  1. Hem the curtains to the sides.
  2. Cut loops to the desired size (do not forget about allowances).
  3. Sew the sides of the loops and one end of each of them.
  4. Turn loops from the inside out onto the face.
  5. Iron workpieces with an iron.
  6. Run lateral inversions on the canvas.
  7. From the inside, mark the top of the curtain.
  8. Attach loops according to your markup.
  9. Sew the loops on the front of the curtain, using braid.
  10. Cut the Velcro into separate parts, which will be equal to the width of the stitches.
  11. Stitch the soft part of the clasp to the braid under the loops.
  12. Wrap the tape with the fastener on the inside of the curtains, sew along the front side.
  13. Stitch the rigid part to the opposite ends of the loops.
  14. Iron with an iron.
  15. Measure the required height of the canvas, stitch the bottom edge.
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Stock footage

It must be remembered that the type and number of loops depends on the weight of the curtain made, as well as the fabric and type of curtain. Air loops represent lightness, bows - a kind of frivolity. In this article, a master class was given on how to make curtains on hinges with your own hands, but the final result of the work depends only on you.

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