Kitchen sink siphon

Have you decided to change the sink in the bathroom or in the kitchen? Perfectly! It remains only to mount it and make a connection to water and sewage. For all those who prefer to do their homework on their own, we have prepared detailed information on the assembly and installation of a siphon for the sink. This procedure will take very little time and will require only the most common tools. If someone does not know what it is and how to install a siphon for washing in the kitchen, then we will talk about this in more detail.

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What is a siphon?

So, the siphon is a special device that performs the connecting function between the sink and the sewer. The principle of its operation is that water is collected inside it before it can enter the sewage. At the same time, she can not find the way back to the sink. This is done so that those smells that accumulate in the sewer, could not penetrate into the room where the sink is installed. Such premises may be a kitchen, bathroom or toilet.

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What material is the siphon made of?

This plumbing fixture can be made from a variety of materials, but the main ones are plastic and metal.


  • If you pay great attention to its appearance, then in this case it will be possible to recommend a chrome-plated brass siphon. Without installing under the sink any kind of cover in the form of a cabinet or a kitchen drawer, you will need to do everything so that the sink looks quite aesthetically pleasing and does not frighten with its untidy appearance. In addition, a brass siphon can be combined with the design of the entire kitchen interior.

Important! The only drawback of a brass product, due to which it is not so popular, may be the need for constant care and a rather high price.

  • You can often find a parting made of bronze and copper, but non-ferrous metal products have never been distinguished by good practicality in terms of plumbing. They will require even more care, because they are easily scratched and amenable to oxidation processes. But still, if your kitchen is made with elements of fashionable design, you can be sure that the siphons made of copper or bronze will give it their own and unique look. Non-ferrous metals are very original and their beauty fully compensates for all possible care concerns.



Most modern devices are made of special plastic. This material is very popular for the following reasons:

  1. excellent durability and unsurpassed ease;
  2. low cost;
  3. the ability to install even in the most inaccessible places;
  4. increased resistance to corrosion and chemical influences;
  5. the absence of any deposits, including destructive calcareous deposits;
  6. the well-known simplicity and ease of assembly of the siphon;
  7. quite a long service time.

Therefore, today most households use only plastic siphons and do not risk acquiring any others. Why look for something else when there is a good product that has been repeatedly tested by time and people.

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Types of siphons

The siphon, as a rule, is produced in the following three modifications:

  1. The so-called bottle type.
  2. Corrugated.
  3. Pipe type.


The principle of operation of a bottle siphon is the following: it has a special hole that is made in the shape of a bottle, hence its name. This hole also plays the role of the hydraulic shutter itself, since there is always water there, and its excess is discharged through a small additional hole, which are slightly higher.


As for the corrugated device, its pipe is connected to the sink on the one hand, and on the other it is attached directly to the sewer. The same part of the curved corrugation, where water is constantly standing, is a type of water seal. She does not allow bad smells and noises from the sewer.


Siphons of a pipe type are similar to corrugated, due to their curved shape, there is also water on the curved section, playing the role of a water seal.

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Some useful siphon installation tips

Almost every man will be able to install a siphon, however, despite the fact that this process is relatively simple, it will require attention and a serious approach. Otherwise, the installation will be carried out incorrectly, unpleasant odors from the sewer can enter the room. A few recommendations from our experienced specialists will help to avoid all these problems:

  1. When buying a siphon, be sure to check its configuration. It often happens that even in packaged form it may not have all of its parts. Therefore, it is better to determine this immediately in the store, because after the siphon gets home, it will be much more difficult to prove something.
  2. If you have already started assembling the siphon, then first make sure that all its parts are clean and completely dry. Otherwise, any dirt on the threads or gaskets can serve as the basis for the flow of the device.
  3. During the installation of equipment it is necessary to observe a very important condition - the outlet of the installed siphon must be higher than the inlet of the sewer. This is required to obtain some slope, which is necessary for normal water flow.

Following these tips, you will avoid completely unnecessary waste of time and your nerves. Why repeat the mistakes of others when it is possible to do everything right the first time!

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Kitchen sink siphon

If you want to replace the siphon in the kitchen sink, the first step that will need to be taken is to remove the old siphon and thoroughly clean it of accumulated dirt over the entire surface of the device, especially those places where the new equipment will be mounted.

Important! Do not forget to disconnect the siphon from the sewer drain, and to avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor, just take a damp cloth and close the sewer hole. It will act as a temporary jam while you are busy with the installation. If there are no rags on hand, then a regular plastic bag can serve as another suitable material. Slip it over the pipe and secure with a piece of rope.

As a rule, all siphons come in one set with a special filter-grill, which is first installed on the sink and secured with a separate bolt. And only after that the fastening of equipment for drainage is carried out.

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Siphon device for washing

As we said above, the material for the manufacture of siphons is usually plastic or chrome-plated brass.

The plastic device consists of a regular pipe, a flexible corrugated hose and a small pipe. Usually its configuration depends on the outlet and the type of model. It is also useful to remember that this equipment, in addition to removing already dirty water, has another purpose:

  • Due to its successful design, it can hold up large debris and prevent it from entering the sewer, which in turn protects the sewer from clogging and traffic jams.Just imagine, if this were not the case, and all the remnants of the food that went through the primary filter grate would fall into the sewer. A powerful cork, which is not so easy to get rid of, your kitchen would definitely be guaranteed!
  • Another important function of the device is a water lock, which serves as a reliable protection of your home from unpleasant and sometimes even harmful odors coming from the sewer.

Siphon device for a modern kitchen sink:

  • the whole structure is attached with the attached nut to the filter-grill of the kitchen sink, and the kit has a separate pipe for connection;
  • separate smaller nozzle to prevent overfilling and mainly when using a dishwasher;
  • the so-called glass, which is the main structural element of the device and in which a water lock is formed, from where the accumulated large parts of the garbage are removed;
  • sewage pipe connected directly to the sewer pipe.

A novice will be able to install a siphon for washing, for this there is no need to call a specialist. The device is structurally made so that its installation is carried out purely by hand and only sometimes you may need an ordinary screwdriver.


Siphon assembly for the kitchen

So, the old equipment has been dismantled, the sink surface has been cleaned of old dirt and plaque residues, it remains only to think carefully about how to assemble a siphon for the sink in the kitchen. It is delivered from the store in an already fully assembled and finished form, so no preliminary preparation is required. It is only necessary to strictly follow the attached instructions and follow all the steps indicated. A competent assembly consists in mounting on the sink using new fixtures, with the obligatory installation of a large rubber gasket between the siphon and the sink. This is necessary to prevent water from flowing during washing.

Detailed installation diagram

For those who could not independently figure out this process, a simple diagram is attached here how to assemble a sink siphon:

  • After you have fixed the device, it is necessary to connect the discharge pipe to the sewage drain. This is done using a small piece of corrugated pipe. A flexible tube will help to easily connect a siphon, regardless of the position of the drain.

Important! When choosing it, pay attention to quality, since over time, the corrugation can burst in places and in the kitchen you will feel an unpleasant smell from the sewer. In addition, sometimes a sink has a hole of a larger diameter than usual. Therefore, when buying, pay special attention to this and ask the seller for a sink siphon with a large hole.

  • If you find that the sink hole is slightly larger and not designed for your siphon, then you will need to use a special adapter or, more aesthetically, a rubber gasket. They are installed between the sink hole and the siphon. The highlight here will be the tight connection of the new siphon to the sink sink.
  • After installation is complete, open the water tap and check the tightness of all connections made. If everything went well, then the work can be considered completely completed. Remove all old and new parts remaining from installation and assemble your tool.

As you can see, the installation of a siphon in the kitchen does not require any special knowledge and can be completed quite quickly.


What should be considered when self-assembling a siphon?

There are several points that require special attention when performing siphon assembly work:

  • Before you start assembling the device, make sure that its parts correspond to the declared quality;
  • pay attention to the size of the drain hole of the sink and make sure that it completely matches the new siphon;
  • do not use a strong acting sealant, since in case of an unexpected jam it will be impossible to quickly open the siphon, it is better to use silicone or rubber gaskets;
  • do not forget that if you plan to connect the dishwasher, you will need an additional outlet from the siphon;
  • immediately after completing all work, first check all joints of the device and make sure that the entire structure is really completely reliable, there are no water leaks anywhere.
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Having studied the information provided, you will become the owner of all the secrets for installing a kitchen sink siphon and will be able to perform installation work yourself. To do this, you only need to make the right choice of siphon and follow the instructions and recommendations. In this case, the device will serve you for a long time and will never begin to remind yourself.

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