Kitchen faucets - the best manufacturers

In any house there is a kitchen and a bathroom. It is simply impossible to manage without these premises, even in the country house. Naturally, they must be suitably equipped, that is, have a sink and a mixer. In this article, we will talk specifically about the second subject. We will figure out which faucets to choose for the kitchen. The best manufacturers make a huge variety of products from this category, so it is important to understand which specific option is preferable to stop. We will tell you what rules should be followed when choosing a faucet in the bath or in the kitchen.

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What is a good kitchen faucet?

The most important criterion when choosing this device is its strength, because for washing dishes and cooking food, water is used much more often than for other purposes in the bathroom. So, for the mixer to cope with its main tasks, it must be really high-quality, able to withstand the most intense loads.

In addition, it is important for the hostess to make it convenient to use. By design, the faucets for the bathroom and kitchen are quite similar (a similar principle of operation, internal materials, parts) but, nevertheless, they have many distinctive features, which we will talk about later.

How are kitchen models different from bathroom faucets?

Before carefully examining the rating of faucets by category, you need to figure out how models for the bathroom and kitchen differ from each other. Only then can you begin to choose the most suitable option.

The main differences:

  1. The size of the jet of water. This is the main characteristic that distinguishes these two types of accessories. The fact is that in the kitchen, water must flow directly from the tap into the drain hole, otherwise it will be inconvenient to use it.
  2. Appearance and dimensions of the device itself.
  3. The height of the spout of the mixer. It is on this characteristic that the level of spraying water depends. For the kitchen, it should be located high so that it is convenient to wash the dishes.
  4. The angle of rotation of the drain. From this characteristic depends on how convenient it will be to use the device. Cheap options have an angle of rotation from 120 to 140 degrees. Models of the middle price category are more functional, the angle is 180 degrees. The most expensive appliances can rotate around their own axis.

Management principle

There are several ways you can control the temperature of the water and the size of the stream.

According to this characteristic, mixers are divided into three types:

  • Models with two gates. We have been familiar with such devices since childhood, they consist of two taps, have a spout in the middle. The amount of water supplied to them is simply regulated - you need to open or close the valve. They are no longer in former demand, since their component parts fail too quickly.
  • Single lever designs. This is currently the most popular option. It is very convenient to use such a mixer in order to set the optimum temperature and water stream, it is enough to use one movement of a finger. This is the best option for the kitchen.
  • Contactless models. These are perhaps the most modern models. They have an attractive appearance and are incredibly convenient in terms of operation.Inside their case there is a special sensor that responds to movement and delivers water. The only thing that repels buyers is the high cost.


Materials Based

The performance of the mixers and their service life directly depend on what material they are made of. Today they are made from ceramics, plastic, metal, and each option has its pros and cons.

Types of mixers by material:

  • Metal. More often mixers are made of silumin - an alloy of silicon and aluminum. They are inexpensive, but they do not look very attractive in appearance and can not boast of high performance. Brass and bronze models have proven their worth, as these materials are rust-neutral.

Important! Specialists recommend installing bronze mixers in the kitchen.

  • Plastic The main advantage of this material is its affordable price. In addition, plastic works well when working with a humid environment. Such devices have low thermal conductivity, which is especially important for individual parts with increasing temperature. The main disadvantage is a short service life.
  • Ceramic. This is a rather fragile material, it is much more often damaged than plastic or metal. The cost of these devices is not particularly pleasing. But ceramics looks just gorgeous outwardly.
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How to choose the best faucet for bathroom or kitchen?

The rating of faucets for the kitchen and bathroom, which we give below, will certainly help you in choosing, but before that, read the basic rules that should be followed. Remember that this is not an easy process, therefore, if you are not a professional in this field, then listen to the advice of specialists.

The main selection rules include the following:

  • Work with the device should be comfortable and convenient. As we said earlier, this largely depends on the height of the spout, since there should be enough space in the sink for dishes, including large ones.
  • Manufacturer Reputation. It is she who indicates the quality of the device.
  • They should be made exclusively from high-strength materials.
  • Design decoration. Against the background of the overall picture, the mixer should look harmonious.
  • The completeness of the configuration. Together with the device, all necessary component parts must go - flexible hoses, rubber gaskets.
  • Availability of instructions and warranty card.
  • The new device must match the diameter of the hole in the sink.
  • The diameter of the connecting nuts must also match, otherwise - you will have to buy an additional adapter.
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Rating of the best kitchen faucets

Considering the rating of faucets for the kitchen, of course, it is better from the point of view of familiarization with well-established manufacturers. Each company engaged in the production of plumbing has a wide range of models, which further complicates the selection process. That is why it is better to pay attention to the main characteristics of the devices and customer reviews.


This brand is associated at all with reliability and quality of products. When a person buys such an appliance for his kitchen, he actually gets a durable and functional faucet.

The range of this manufacturer includes four model ranges:

  • Focus
  • Talis.
  • Pura Vida.
  • Metris

In total, the number of models has 85 options. Among them, the Focus 100 model is most in demand. It has an affordable price and is a single lever mixer. For a low cost, the consumer receives a spout with a full axial rotation and additional technology that works through silicone inserts. Thanks to it, limescale is quickly removed from the surface.

Key benefits of the Focus 100:

  • The mixer is equipped with an eccentric that absorbs noise and a ceramic cartridge.
  • The device is made of stylish and durable brass.
  • Warranty from the manufacturer for a period of five years.
  • This model can last about 15 years.

The Metris Select model was also able to win the love of customers. Its main advantages include the following:

  • Two types of jets, switching at the touch of a button. The "shower" function allows you to well wash vegetables, fruits, fish. A regular stream quickly fills large containers with water.
  • Existence of the Mag Fit system allowing to fix the device as close to a wall as possible.



This company, unlike the previous one, appeared recently, but due to the release of exceptionally high-quality products, it has already managed to prove itself from the best side. Consumers are always pleased with the low cost of the models. Chrome two-layer coating allows the device to look great for several decades.

The best models of this manufacturer:

  • CLEO MM 354. This is a single lever mixer made from brass. It has a traditional form, which could not but affect its price. Many are alarmed by the cheapness of the branded device, but, in fact, it is really high-quality.
  • Nevada MM 310. This is a model with two valves and an aerator. It is very important that if this device breaks down, a person will be able to independently replace any component part, since they are sold in any hardware store. The chrome-plating of the device is made incredibly high quality, so that during operation, defects do not appear on it.
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Overview of the best bathroom faucets

Now we will present a rating of bathroom faucets by manufacturers, so that it is more convenient to make your own choice. The products of the most famous companies that produce plumbing - a guarantee of high quality, reliability, durability of the purchased goods. The best devices are imported to us from Spain, Germany, France. Now let's talk more about them.


Traditionally, German faucets are considered the most durable. Therefore, it is no coincidence that this company provides a guarantee for its products for a period of 10 years, but in practice, the devices last much longer.

Important! Any professional plumber will say with confidence that the Grohe brand models are the best bath faucets.

The best models include the following:

  • GROHE Eurosmart. This is a sink device that costs $ 50. It has a stylish design that goes well with maximum functionality. Such devices fully satisfy the needs of users and style solutions for the bathroom. For many years, this plumbing equipment retains its original appearance.
  • GROHE Essence New. Developers annually supplement their products with new technologies and design solutions. And this is the best example of this. Incredibly smooth movement of the lever, ease of installation, the most accurate temperature adjustment, saving water consumption are the main characteristics of this device.
  • GROHE Eurodisc SE. This is the most expensive model of this brand. But it is endowed with all the best qualities, functions, multifunctional elements that you can only imagine.


Jacob DELafon

German companies are stepping on the heels of this French manufacturer, which is quite a bit inferior to its competitor. In the world of plumbing, this company is quite famous, among plumbing experts it is associated with a long service life, harmonious design, and the highest level of security.

The lineup of this company is headed by such devices:

  • JACOB DELafon KUMIN. The main advantage of this model is the softness and smoothness of the lines, the rounded corners that mimic the variable flow of water.
  • JACOB DELafon BRIVE. This is the best option for lovers of classic, traditional solutions in the design of the bathroom and plumbing in particular.
  • JACOB DELafon TALAN. This is a rather expensive model that can fit into the most modern bathroom.It is very convenient to use such a mixer, it is also pleasing to ease in terms of setting the optimum level of water and jet temperature.


This is a Spanish company that has established itself through the release of high-quality products that are distinguished by the exceptional safety of materials, their naturalness. The company's specialists are constantly experimenting with the design of mixers.

Among the best models, the Roca Targa mixer is in special demand. If you decide to make the interior of your bathtub special, extraordinary, non-standard, then take a look at this option. This is a harmonious model that blends perfectly with both Modern and Classic.

Important! Some consumers complain that these faucets are not very convenient, so pay attention to this factor in the selection process.

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Thanks to the information contained in our article, you can independently choose plumbing for your kitchen or bathroom. The rating of bathroom faucets with shower and kitchen models will help you make the right choice, guided not only by your own preferences, but also by the main characteristics of the devices.

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