A computer chair creaks - what should I do?

Buying a computer chair provides you with very comfortable working conditions. Unfortunately, these products tend to produce unpleasant creaks that interfere with normal operation. When a computer chair clicks and creaks, few people know what to do to rid themselves of this annoying sound. In fact, this problem is solved quite quickly. Now you will see this.
to contents ↑Squeak Reasons
First of all, you need to understand what kind of sound is made and where it comes from. It is necessary to understand whether a computer chair clicks or creaks, since this problem has a different nature and it is solved in different ways. The fact is that the main reasons for the appearance of sound are different. The clicks or clatter that you can hear while the seat rotates indicates that the bearing most likely burst, which is located between the cross and the gas lift. This item cannot be bought separately in the store - here you will have to purchase a new gas lift.
The main causes of creaking chairs for a computer:
- During the manufacture of this piece of furniture, the screws that were attached to the swing mechanism or near the piastre were incorrectly or not fully screwed. In order to be sure of the correctness of this assumption, you need to turn the chair over and visually inspect the attachment points. If this reason is confirmed, then use a screwdriver to tighten the screws. The situation is a little complicated if these screws are still unscrewed from their grooves after the procedure. Then you need to unscrew them, and then pour a few drops of thick PVA into the opening. After that, you should install their screws in place.
Important! The chair must not be turned over onto the crosspiece until the adhesive has completely hardened.
- If the described reason does not fit and the chair creaks anyway, you should consider the second. An unpleasant sound may appear due to the bursting of the weld at the piastra or in the swing mechanism itself. In order to be sure of the correctness of this assumption, it is necessary to unscrew the seat, and then remove the piastra.
- The last reason is the need to lubricate the mechanism of the chair. For such purposes, it is better not to use solid oil - it is only good when working with auto nodes and large equipment. In this case, the VD-40 grease is more suitable. It must be applied to all problem areas and wait for getting inside. It is not worth counting the instant disappearance of a squeak. A certain amount of time must pass.
DIY creaking
A computer chair creaks, but what do you not know? This algorithm will help you get rid of annoying sound:
- The first step is to remove the backrest by unscrewing the adjustment screw. Raise the back up to the end so that it comes off the metal guide. After that, you need to unscrew the two remaining screws and remove the L-shaped device - with it, the back of the chair is attached to the seat.
- In order to remove the plastic corners covering the movable mechanism of the L-shaped device, you need to use a flat screwdriver. The corners are interconnected by six plastic latches.
Important! It is recommended to bend the latches from the input side of the guides, but they can not be bent strongly, since they are quite soft and it cannot be said that they willingly get into their original position.
- To disassemble the mechanism, paying attention to the serviceability of all its components.
- The disassembled elements of the stool must be cleaned of impurities, and then covered with a thin layer of lubricant. When the work is finished, all the elements will need to be replaced.
- Separate the seat from the legs. For this purpose, unscrew the 4 extreme screws. All mounting screws must be in place, otherwise - the chair will begin to dangle and creak.
- If the computer chair creaks when cornering, be sure to clean and lubricate the bearing, which is located at the bottom of the leg. For this purpose, it is necessary to remove the latch connecting the two parts of the legs. The latch must be removed as follows: at the same time, push the tongue with a finger and a screwdriver onto the tongue, squeezing the latch from the groove as shown by the arrow.
- During removal of the movable part of the leg, a situation may arise when some part of the bearing remains inside. To fix it, you need to shake or knock on it - the details will fall out.
- Wipe off the old grease from the bearing parts, if any, apply fresh. After that, you should collect everything and install it in its place.
- Disassemble the back. So that you can get to the screws, you must remove the plastic casing from the guide, which performs a decorative role.
- With the soft side, put the back on the floor and, as indicated by the arrow, begin to shift the plastic cover by 2-3 cm to get out of the locks. Further, the lid should easily come off.
- Wipe the backrest mechanism from dirt, then grease all moving parts. At the end, the chair must be assembled.
Chair repair is complete!
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A computer chair is a very useful thing for working in the office and at home. However, it happens that your favorite pieces of furniture begin to fail. From this article, you learned how and what to lubricate the chair so that it does not creak, which means - now you have an understanding of how to significantly extend the work of the mechanism.
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