Read electricity meter

As early as the 19th century, people began to use electricity. For all this time, a variety of payment methods have been used between the consumer and the power supply organizations, but it turned out that the best option is to keep automatic metering using special devices. In order to make the payment correctly, you need to be able to correctly take the readings of the electricity meter. This will be discussed in this article.
to contents ↑Types of electricity meters and how they work
Now two types of meters are widely used: induction and electronic. Electricity consumed by consumers is accounted for in various ways.
Induction (mechanical) electric meters
Probably, such counters, inside of which the disk rotates, were seen. The faster the disk rotates, the more energy is consumed. And the testimony can be seen on special drums.
The composition of such a device includes two coils - voltage and current. They create magnetic flux penetrating through an aluminum disk. The streams created by the current coil penetrate the disk several times, as a result, electromechanical forces are generated that rotate the disk. Then there is an interaction with the counting mechanism, which is executed in the form of a worm gear. With its help, the necessary signals and information are transmitted to the drums with numbers.
Important! With a higher torque of the disk, the power of the supplied signal is higher, which means that more energy is consumed.
When the power of the electromagnetic signal decreases, a permanent braking magnet starts to act. It interacts with vortex flows, which leads to equalization of fluctuations in the frequency of rotation of the disk. The magnet creates an electromechanical force, the reverse torsion of the disk, so that the disk reduces speed or even stops.
Important! Such counters are the cheapest and easiest. Previously, they were used everywhere, but now they are gradually being replaced by electronic ones.
Electronic electricity meters
Such devices are characterized by a higher accuracy class and allow accounting for multi-tariffs. In such devices, the input analog signal from the current sensor is converted into a digital code equal to the power consumption. After that, this code is decrypted using a special microcontroller, and then the amount of electricity is displayed.
The device includes:
- Housing;
- Current transformer;
- Signal converter;
- Billing module.
How to take readings?
If an electronic electricity meter is installed, how to take readings is very important to know in order to pay on time.
We take readings from a mechanical counter
The work of such designs does not stop for decades, while the accuracy of calculations in the class of 2.0 and 2.5 is quite acceptable. All information necessary for the user can be seen on the front panel.
The counting mechanism is presented in the form of rotating wheels with numbers that indicate a discharge. Most often, a four-digit integer and one decimal place are displayed.
Initially, the mechanism comes with zeroed values: 0000.0. When the readings reach the level of 9999.9, the complete counting of the countdown of electricity was passed by the counting mechanism. If the device continues to work, the numbers will be reset to zero and a new countdown will begin.
Important! You should pay attention to the position of the comma, which separates the integer values of the digits and decimal fraction. To simplify the calculation, the latest indicators can be ignored. However, if you do not write commas in decimal, then the calculations will turn out to be incorrect.
We take readings from an electronic meter
And if an electronic electricity meter is installed at home? How to take readings from him correctly? Electronic devices are available with a different control algorithm for taking readings, usually the data is indicated in the technical documentation. Modern electronic meters work according to a general principle, thanks to which it is possible to take into account the consumption of electric energy over time.
To make this possible, almost all modern devices using microprocessor technology are equipped with a built-in internal clock. Thanks to them, you can not only view the current values of time, but also carry out temporary control of technological processes of accounting. With the help of watches, calculations are controlled, performed in different periods of the day in separate groups, divided into periods or groups.
to contents ↑Important! Thanks to the microprocessor-based instrument base, it is possible to significantly expand the range of user settings. Using separate accounting models, you can connect to low-voltage lines or computer networks in order to automatically read and manage information.
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Now our life is greatly facilitated thanks to global computerization. Even the readings from the electricity meter can be transferred to the energy service organization via the Internet. The most important thing is to learn how to take readings correctly!
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