Bedroom 11 meters - how to arrange furniture?

Residents of old small-sized Khrushchevs or cramped “odnushki” often face the problem of the need for repairs. While viewing photos of beautiful design projects, many people want to repeat these ideas in their home. As a rule, they are presented with a modern, luxurious and original design, and we have only 11 square meters at our disposal. What to do in this situation? Let's look at how, following the rules described below, a bedroom is designed 11 meters, how to arrange furniture.

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One of the great ways to visually change the space of a room is to choose high-quality lighting. In general, there are three main ways to illuminate living rooms:

  • General - the principle of this method is to place light sources at an equal distance from each other throughout the room or to install one bright lighting device in the center. With this option, the light in the room will gently scatter, but without the possibility of choosing the direction of lighting.
  • Localized - here the light sources are located in those places that you want to highlight, highlight. With the help of small lamps you can achieve interesting visual effects, however, they will not be able to qualitatively illuminate the entire room.
  • Combined - here the two previous methods are combined. This option is the most effective for any room. In addition to the main light source, which is located on top, accent lighting of different parts of the room is also used.


For a small room, the main task of lighting is the visual expansion of space:

  • For a visual increase in the room size of 10 square meters. meters in height, the lamps on the walls need to be arranged so that the ceiling is lit as much as possible.
  • If it is necessary to move the walls apart, then light should fall from the ceiling on them.
  • The combination of these two methods will help significantly expand the small space.

Important! Installation of a dimmer, which adjusts the brightness and direction of light sources, will make it possible to use different visual effects and create an original design of your bedroom. The combination of mirrors and spotlights will give the effect of continuing the room, it will also perfectly hide the wardrobe.

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Furniture and its arrangement

If you have a bedroom of 11 meters, how to arrange the furniture? In such a room you won’t be able to arrange a lot of furniture, even with a huge desire:

  • In addition to the bed, the bedroom needs a place to store things and, quite possibly, a working space. The main advantages of furniture for a small bedroom will be glass surfaces, simple lines, as well as maximum functionality.

Important! It is better to choose a bed for a small bedroom without legs - this will visually raise the ceiling slightly and will not create the effect of unused space. Beds with built-in drawers will be appropriate. For a child’s room, a bunk bed is a great option.

  • Large closets, chests of drawers and secretaries left over from Soviet times are best sent to the trash. They have been replaced long ago by built-in wardrobes, built-in multi-functional walls with niches and wide shelves with drawers located on them.

Important! In the built-in wall it is easy to hide a bunch of clothes, a workplace, even the wall itself can be masked using photo wallpaper or a mirror surface.

  • It is advisable to arrange furniture in a small bedroom along the walls, since in the conditions of limited space, objects placed in the center will create the effect of crowding.

Important! If you intend to use some kind of household appliances in the room, then it is best to opt for compact music centers, thin screens controlled by controls or remotes.

  • Built-in appliances can significantly save space without burdening the interior. In rooms, which are based on the idea of ​​built-in furniture, niches, drawers, in addition to advantageous placement, you will get a bedroom in a stylish design.
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Walls, ceiling, floor

The methods of arranging a room relate not only to the competent arrangement of furniture and color schemes, but also to the design of walls, ceiling and floor:

  • The floor in the small bedroom can be made plain, but preferably not dark. For narrow rooms, striped coloring is suitable, and it is necessary that the strips are located across - this will create an expansion effect.
  • The construction of a small podium with built-in drawers will make it possible to save space for storing useful things and to allocate a recreation area. On such a podium, it is not even necessary to install an ordinary bed: it can itself serve as the basis for a berth.
  • An excellent solution for a small bedroom is a stretch ceiling. To increase the height of the ceiling will help mirror or glossy finish. A spotlight placed along the perimeter of the ceiling will give the room additional comfort.

Important! A multi-level ceiling made of drywall can become a highlight of the interior, however, it is important to maintain balance: an excessively low ceiling will press on top, which makes the small bedroom seem even smaller.

  • The walls of a small bedroom must be visually moved apart using various techniques. For example, the use of vertical stripes on the walls visually stretches the room up, and horizontal stripes on one of the walls will produce an approximation effect, reducing the space.
  • Using mirrors is the most popular way to increase the volume of a room. However, you need to use it carefully: their excessive amount can completely ruin the interior. But to hide built-in wardrobes with their help or visually expand a niche in the wall is a great idea.
  • Another option to give the room additional space is to use photo wallpaper. For an area of ​​10 square meters, images of landscapes with a far-reaching perspective, deep space or small floral prints are suitable.

Important! You can also use photo wallpaper on the ceiling.

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Color scheme

With a room of 10 meters, how to arrange furniture is not the only issue that needs to be addressed when it is designed. Also important is its color scheme, since the tone of the room determines not only the style, but also sets a certain mood. In some cases, color design helps solve architectural flaws.

A bedroom is a place where you will spend a significant part of your time, relax from problems and fuss. Therefore, choosing a color scheme, one should be guided not only by personal preferences, but also by some rules that are suitable for small rooms:

  • A small bedroom will visually become larger if its design is decorated in lighter colors.
  • You should not use causing colors in excessive quantities. You can make some bright accents in the design.
  • The predominance of gray and white shades will give the room freshness and lightness, while blue and blue will make the space deeper.
  • Using too dark colors, such as brown and black, will have the opposite effect, which is why it is better to refuse them.

Important! The combination of several shades of some color will help give the room an extra volume.

The main thing is to mindlessly not mix cold shades with warm ones and do not overload the space with an abundance of different colors. The best option is to use two or three colors and their several shades. With the help of correctly selected gamut, as well as arranged color accents, you can create a cozy and delicate design in the bedroom.

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How to increase the space of a small bedroom?

Lack of space is a common problem for small bedrooms. And if modern spacious apartments do not suffer from this, then for old buildings this can be very critical. To increase the space of the room, you can use some methods:

  • Use transformer furniture. For example, a folding sofa or a folding bed instead of a bed, and shelves instead of wardrobes.
  • Niches in the wall. If the thickness of the walls between the rooms allows, you can use it to equip niches and recesses.
  • If a balcony adjoins the bedroom, it can be made a continuation of the room.
  • Instead of interior walls (non-load-bearing), partitions can be used.
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Stock footage

The layout of the bedroom is 11 meters, how to arrange furniture is a long and responsible process, but the result is worth it. The main thing - you need to remember that for any changes in the layout of the apartment you must obtain official permission and legitimize the project. If this is not done, there is a risk of receiving a large fine.

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