Life time of water meters after installation

If one or several water meters are installed in your apartment or private house for counting cold and hot water, then with a certain periodicity it is necessary to check these devices. However, some owners of metering devices doubt whether this check is needed. The answer is unequivocal - needed. In this article we will talk about why a check is needed, how often it should be done, who should do this check, and also determine the life of the water meters after installation.

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Why are water meters subject to mandatory verification?

The water meter is a sensitive and fairly accurate device, which, after the lapse of time, can give an indication of not quite the correct water flow. Such indicators are not interesting to either the supplier or the consumer. But why then the indicators on the water meter cease to be accurate, how much do these units differ from the real one, and in which direction?

Cold and hot water have different effects on metering devices. It goes without saying that hot water contains additives, because of which its composition, as well as high temperature, is more aggressive in relation to the meter elements. In view of this, inspections of metering devices on hot water pipelines need to be done more often.

Important! Verification can establish that the device is in good condition, and damaged accounting equipment must be replaced or repaired.

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When should water meters be changed?

The interval between inspections for a water meter installed in a system for hot water supply is 4 years, and for a device that is installed on a pipe with cold water - 6 years.

Important! Do not think that the time period set for verification means a mandatory complete replacement of equipment for accounting for water consumption. The water meter must be changed only if it is out of order or shows incorrect flow readings.

On average, the life of water meters after installation is 12 years, which means that one device can last 6 years before failure, and another 17 years. It is worth remembering that it is better to take care of the issue of checking the unit to account for the water flow in advance, at least one month before the end of the period of the verification interval.

Important! The service provider undertakes accounting for each individual apartment, each private house or other facility. If the consumer himself has forgotten that the period between checks is already approaching completion, then he will be reminded of this by sending a notification.

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Water meter verification procedure

So how to check the water meters? Since it is necessary to carry out an inspection only with the help of special equipment, not everyone knows that it can be carried out not only in stationary conditions, but also locally.

Important! For work, the consumer can independently choose an organization that has the necessary permits.

The water meter replacement procedure is as follows:

  1. Before starting work, care must be taken to temporarily shut off the water supply, having agreed this in the Housing Office.
  2. Provide access to all necessary communications.
  3. Check that all pipes are in satisfactory condition.
  4. Cranes (ball valves, valves) must completely block the water in the housing.

Verification can be carried out in two ways:

  • Without removing metering devices.
  • With the removal of metering devices.

If the check will be carried out by a specialized company, then you should call the plumbing that serves the house to remove the counter. The dismantled device will be accepted for work by submitting an act of seizure, indicating the serial numbers and brand. It is necessary to have a passport for a water meter with you, as well as your personal passport.


And if you agree to pay a little more for the test, but at the same time get fewer difficulties and do everything quickly without removing the device, then you can order a check at home. Evaluation of the health of the apparatus without removal is carried out using pouring flowmeter equipment. The operation of the installation is based on weighing the water that has passed through the device using high-quality scales. The work takes place in the following sequence:

  • The master of the company connects the inlet hose from the measuring installation to any tap in your apartment or house that has a thread. As a rule, a shower hose with a spray gun is used for this.
  • Then on the scales set containers for collecting water. The data on the balance are reset to zero, and a hose that comes from the measuring equipment is lowered into the container.
  • Now all the taps in the house are tightly closed.

Important! The specialist must check that the counters are not spinning. Data from water meters is recorded so that they can then be compared with the results.

  • Next, the company employee opens the tap to which the inlet hose from the measuring device is connected.
  • After three liters of water are collected on the scales, the valve is closed.
  • The data of the scales on which the container with water is installed is removed and transferred from kilograms to liters.
  • After - the number obtained after the calculation is compared with the readings of the water meter.
  • This procedure is repeated several times, after which the arithmetic average is derived. This makes it possible to determine the error of the measuring equipment.

Important! If the obtained error indicators do not exceed the permissible norm, then the master issues the documents and makes a mark in the data sheet of the device on the date of the inspection and its result. If the error exceeds the permissible norm, then the water meter is considered unsuitable for use and it is replaced with a new product.

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Checking water meters is an important and necessary procedure that every owner of an apartment or private house is required to perform. Water meters should be checked in order to determine the probable error that this device can make during the period of water use, as well as to make a decision on its suitability for use. That is why everyone should know how to calibrate water meters.

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