Voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler - how to choose?

Any gas boiler reacts to differences in potential difference, and even stronger to periodic unplanned outages. Many owners of such equipment face the same problem. In order to prevent wear and tear of the device, you should understand why the voltage regulator is so important for a gas boiler, how to choose a high-quality device. We will deal with this in this article.

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The main criteria for choosing a stabilizer

The modern gas boiler is electronically controlled. It is this feature that caused dependence on the stability of the voltage supply. Any difference can cause a malfunction.

In order to avoid malfunctions, you need to choose the optimal value - 220 V, and the error should be less than five percent. Obviously, not every electrical network can give such conditions, so you should think about choosing a stabilizer.

How to choose a voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler? To choose, you should get acquainted with the main criteria.

Choose power

Before buying, you should correctly calculate the power and take into account some nuances:

  • Take the amount of power consumed and multiply by three. The current consumption must correspond to the value obtained.
  • Take the boiler load power and multiply by five. The resulting value is multiplied by a factor of 1.3. The answer is the optimal value of the power of the stabilizer.
  • We select only those devices that have a five percent value for smooth operation.

Important! The choice of any stabilizer can cause many questions. Problems arise when choosing a manufacturer. In fact, manufacturers supply reliable equipment to the modern market, so the risk of stumbling on low-quality goods is very small.


Choose the type of stabilizer

The equipment differs in many parameters. For example, the device can be mounted or floor, single-phase or three-phase, direct current or alternating current.

Typically, voltage stabilizers have different ways of switching windings, so several main types should be distinguished.


Here the slider moves along the winding with the help of a servo drive. This type of device has the principle of an automobile transformer. Stabilization is carried out through built-in devices that do all the work.

The advantages of this technique:

  1. Stepless voltage level control.
  2. Small dimensions.
  3. Long service life.

Which stabilizer to choose for a gas boiler? Perhaps another type will suit you.


In this case, the winding is switched using a relay. The low cost of equipment with high reliability and quality distinguishes devices of this type. Tight walls of the case allow to be protected from hit of dust and liquids inside.

The advantages of this technique:

  1. No maintenance required.
  2. Very fast response.
  3. High switching speed with the slightest change in the input signal.
  4. Low cost of equipment.

Important! Unfortunately, stepwise regulation of the potential difference significantly reduces the life of the device.


In this case, both relays and triacs are immediately applied.

The advantages of this technique:

  1. Inside the case there are no parts that would wear out quickly.
  2. This type has the best reliability and durability.
  3. Devices have two variations of placement (floor type and wall type).
  4. Lack of extraneous noise during the work.
  5. Short-term failures can not interrupt the operation of the device.
  6. The equipment has auto protection.
  7. The average term of use is 10 years.



Inside such devices are thyristor switches, which contribute to the sinusoidal signal, causing distortion. The algorithm works in a matter of fractions of a second, and the smart processor inside the circuit controls the on and off.

Important! Such devices are not afraid of overload, since the microcontroller immediately stops all attempts to work further.

The advantages of this technique:

  1. The complete absence of noise.
  2. Over 1 billion launches in the arsenal.
  3. The absence of arcing.
  4. Low power consumption.
  5. High speed and signal normalization.
  6. High range of work.

Important! This unit has disadvantages in the form of a stepwise stabilization method and high cost.

If the main points are clear, it is best to consider the rating of voltage stabilizers for gas boilers.

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TOP 5:

  1. RESTAURANT ACH-500/1-C. A good relay type device with an output power of 500 watts. Stabilization occurs at a speed of 35 V / s and an accuracy of 8%. The price is $ 25.
  2. RUCELF BOILER-600. Another device with a relay inside the case. The power value is up to 600 watts, and the accuracy is 8%. The equipment can be placed on the wall. Also pleased with the quality assembly materials at a price of $ 50.
  3. Calm R 500i. This device is based on double conversion. The device is placed on the floor, and the accuracy of its stabilization is 2%. Cost - 106 US dollars.
  4. RESTAURANT ACH-1000/1-C. A model with characteristics identical to the first candidate, but with a simpler installation and connection method. Has a slightly higher cost - $ 30.
  5. RESTAURANT LUX ASN-500N / 1-Ts. Another variation of the model with wall placement. It has earned the trust of users because of its durability. The price is $ 33.
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In this article, we examined different types of surge protection devices in the mains, the best models at an affordable price. We hope that now it’s easier for you to choose a voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler and not only.

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