DIY glass for pencils

To maintain order on the desktop, you need to buy at home, or better, make a glass for pencils with your own hands. Such a stand can be used for other office supplies, such as scissors, pens. It will allow you to always keep everything you need at your fingertips, rather than looking for them every time in the bottomless drawers of your desk. In this article, we will present some simple ideas on how to make a stand for pencils, you just have to choose the right option and bring it to life.
to contents ↑Sewer pipe pencil holder
It is not necessary to throw away the scraps of plastic pipes that you have left after the repair. They can be good material for creating useful gizmos:
- Cut the plastic pipes of different diameters into small pieces with a hand saw or jigsaw.
- Take a small plaque for the base and paint it, as well as pipe sections, in the desired color.
- Stick each of the pieces in a row to the base board.
to contents ↑Important! If desired, the stand can be painted with acrylics, or left as is.
Pencil in a vest
A stationery stand in a cute vest will become a real decoration of your home table:
- Take a white felt and cut a triangular piece from it - “shirt”.
- Glue it to a tin can of canned fruit or coffee.
- Take a layer of gray felt and cut a rectangle from it along the circumference of the can.
- From the front, cut a triangle to the size of your white “shirt”, bend the edges and sew with threads to the collar zone.
- Stick a “vest” on the jar.
- Draw a tie on the shirt with a blue marker or cut it out of blue felt.
Vintage style stand
To make a vintage glass for pencils with your own hands is a great idea to create a wonderful decoration for the workplace of a romantic young lady:
- Take a can and glue it with a pink cloth.
- Now, from below, from above and in the center, gird it with a beautiful lace ribbon.
- On the end part, glue the previously prepared accessories, for example, a flower with pearls, to the jar.
Important! Accessories can be bought at any sewing store or made independently from lace and beads.
A creative girl will appreciate this option of a glass for pencils with her own hands:
- Glue the satin fabric onto the cardboard circle.
- Glue lace along the edge of the podium.
- In the center of the circle, glue different lengths of paper towel tubes.
- Decorate them with lace, fabric and artificial pearls.
- Closer to the edge, set a mannequin cut out of cardboard and decorated with lace, beads and ribbons.
- In the center, place a bird figure, and from the other edge put a small photo frame made in a suitable style.
Toilet Paper Pencil Holder
Even such seemingly useless material as toilet paper sleeves can be used with benefit:
- Put vertical marks on each sleeve.
- At these marks, cut the fringe.
- Apply PVA glue to each petal of this fringe.
- Glue all the tubes to the cardboard base layer.
- Paint the stand as you wish, giving it a pretty look.
Nautical Pencil
In this embodiment, the manufacture of a stationery stand will have to work hard, but the result is worth it:
- Take a few tubes of paper towels and attach them to a base cut out of thick cardboard.
- Paste each tube with white napkins, forming beautiful large folds (use PVA for gluing napkins).
- Glue the tubes to the cardboard base and paint them with water-based yellow, blue and orange paint.
- Finally, glue cute plastic fish, starfish, shells and artificial algae to the stand.
to contents ↑Important! Plastic decor (fish, stars, algae) can be bought at any pet store.
Pencil crayon
If you have accumulated a large number of unnecessary pencils, they can also be used by making a kind of glass for pencils with your own hands:
- Cut off the sharpened parts of the pencils (you can use a jigsaw or clerical knife).
- Lay the bottom row on a piece of cardboard (base) tightly to each other.
- Glue each pencil.
- Now start laying out the walls - place two pencils on the sides and glue them to the base.
- In the opposite parts, also stick the pencils.
- So continue until the construction height satisfies you with its appearance.
Floppy Pen Stand
Such a previously useful accessory, like a floppy disk, has become an absolutely useless thing today. But if you have several old floppy disks lying around, do not rush to throw them away:
- Take four floppy disks and melt holes in them - in each diskette there are four holes (two on the bottom and two on the sides).
- In the fifth diskette (for the basics), make eight holes.
Important! Heat the awl above the candle, while being careful.
- Form a cube from floppy disks without a top.
- Connect all parts with each other using a flexible wire, connecting its “tails” in the internal part of the structure.
Shampoo Bottle Pencil
Old shampoo or shower gel bottles can also turn into useful things. This stand will be a wonderful decoration for your child’s desktop:
- Cut the shampoo bottle in half, but not in the middle, but a little higher.
Important! The cut line can be rounded smooth or in the form of cones (this will be the hairstyle of the future monster).
- From the upper, already unnecessary part, cut out the handles, glue them at the bottom.
- From black paper, form the mouth of the future monster, and from white paper - teeth and eyes.
- Glue Velcro to the back and fasten the pencil box on the wall.
Pencil from the catalog
Many of us have old unnecessary catalogs at home that have become completely useless, but it’s a pity to throw them away - and now it's time to find them:
- Divide the flexible catalog into five equal parts.
- Lay it sideways, bend all five parts to the center, in the form of a flower petal, gluing them with transparent glue.
- Go to the top of the pages with a layer of glue so that the pages do not break apart.
- At the end, paint the product with spray paint, and decorate the unflattering parts with lace and beads.
Stock footage
So, we have presented you only a few options how to make a glass for pencils with your own hands. But in fact, there are a lot of ideas. Using your imagination, you can create your own unique, designer thing, which will be a wonderful decoration for your home desktop.