Do-it-yourself step-ladder

Do-it-yourself step-ladders are a very useful design that can come in handy for a number of tasks. Especially this topic will be interesting to owners of private homes. But how to make such a device yourself? Everything will go very easily if you stock up with the necessary materials and patience. Using the tips in this article, you can easily build a reliable staircase with your own hands in one day.

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Key Features

Since the manufacture will take place with one's own hand, you should first familiarize yourself with the design of such a ladder. The bottom line is that a stepladder is an upgraded version of a regular staircase. The appearance of this device may vary, as well as its purpose:

  • The simplest constructions can be placed on only one side, but if you get a little confused, you can make a descent ascent on the other side.
  • You can find more modern models. For example, if you create such a design, then a very interesting option is the type of transformer. You can use the latter as a folding or the most ordinary staircase. Also, such an interesting type of structure has a rather spacious platform on top, which is extremely convenient when carrying out repair work at heights.

A significant advantage of such systems are dimensions and comfort. For this reason, stepladders are used to this day. The stepladder, which you can do at home, boasts the following pluses:

  • Light weight and dimensions.
  • Very easy to process material.
  • All parts for assembly are available.
  • With your own work, you can create a more aesthetic image.
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Tools and materials

How to make a stepladder? Installation requires some tools.

Production can be carried out from one selected material, or can be from any combination. The simplest and most common option is wood or metal.

Important! Over time, any wood can begin to deteriorate.

If you are afraid for your invention, then do it from metal parts. The best option is stainless steel or small pipes. For installation work, you will need the following tools:

  • Saw or hacksaw.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Angle.
  • Level.
  • Miter box.
  • Tape measure and pencil.
  • Fastening elements.
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Wooden structure

We start our consideration with a simpler option - a do-it-yourself ladder made of wood.

First you need to determine the size. To do this, you need to make a drawing based on the configuration and parameters and choose the right fasteners:

  • For standard products, bars for a bowstring and a board are taken in order to make durable steps. First, the height of the structure is selected, taking into account all changes in height. Measure the required length and cut the beam. The lower parts are cut at an angle of 80 degrees, so that the design is reliable.
  • Next, you can take on the manufacture of crossbars. To do this, you need to cut boards of appropriate sizes. The quantity is determined only by the total length and distance between all components. Usually the step is taken for 35 centimeters, so the lower step should be at least 65 centimeters, and the upper step should be 35.

Important! Remember that there is always a narrowing in size when moving up, so the dimensions are adjusted to the design features of the staircase itself.

  • What can be said about the site? For transformers, the same boards are used. It is from them that you will need to put together a solid platform.
  • For assembly, furniture metal bolts, spacers and hinges are useful to you. At the beginning of the bowstring connect with the steps. Nails or self-tapping screws are simply driven into the ends, and their joints on top are treated with glue.
  • The crossbars must be at right angles to the floor, taking into account the full size of the structure. In the case of a transformer, care should be taken about the additional installation of the support.
  • To ensure the movement of the components, it will be necessary to mount the hinges. They are attached to the side of the bowstring, which are pulled together with metal rods in three places at once: top, bottom and middle. The second part is done in the same way.
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Metal construction

How to make a stepladder from metal? Here you will need a little more caution during the work, as there is always a risk of injury on a sharp surface.

Important! After cutting the elements, take care to process them qualitatively and use plugs that will prevent damage to the fingers.

If the choice fell on the profile pipe, you will have to buy a few screws and nuts. The drawing is drawn exactly the same way. Only here it is recommended to use the second half more authentic. Such measures will help create convenient handles for transporting the structure, and you can now easily fix the hinges without negatively affecting reliability. In this case, you can make a transformer, if you additionally get a durable sheet of aluminum.


A stepladder from the simplest profile is made by similar methods:

  • After “cutting” all the components, it will be necessary to process hazardous areas.
  • To ensure fixation, you will need to make several holes in the metal.
  • Bolts are pushed into these holes and nuts are screwed on them.
  • The hinges are fastened exactly as described in the instructions for the wooden product.
  • The best part is that you can take an identical pipe segment as a limiter using movable bolts to secure it.
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If for a metal product you can only add a couple of linings and lubricate everything, then for a tree you will have to provide protection from moisture and insects. First, antiseptic impregnation is applied to the surface, which will create a protective layer that helps the wood cope with rotting and water. The traditional option is the use of varnish.

Important! When applying the coating, try not to catch the attachment points.

Paint can be used if there are no other options.

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Stock footage

A do-it-yourself shelf is done literally in thirty minutes. If everything is done carefully, the design will last you a whole century.


