Dry skin on the pads of the fingers - the causes of this problem

Improper care, the use of household chemicals, the negative effects of the environment - all these factors can lead to changes in the skin condition of adults. On the delicate skin of the hands, an irritation resembling an allergy can appear, peeling, dryness, cracking, dry skin on the pads of the fingers can occur - there are different reasons.
All these factors are not health deviations, but cracks in the fingers can be a serious cause for concern. The reasons for their appearance are not related to weather conditions, age-related changes or household chores. Wounds with the appearance of blood should be an indispensable reason in order to see a doctor. Consider all the causes and solutions to problems when changing the appearance of the skin.
to contents ↑Causes of Dryness and Cracks
Dryness and peeling cause discomfort, especially if we add to this the fact that problem areas are cracked and burned. And with the appearance of itching and bleeding wounds, these signs become a real problem. The cause of such manifestations can be many factors. It is not difficult to eliminate their influence. But if diseases became the causes of changes in the skin integument, then treatment should be directed not only to eliminate unpleasant sensations, but also to eliminate the disease.
The causes that can cause peeling of the skin on the tips of the fingers, itching, cracking and dryness may be as follows:
- Contact dermatitis - caused by the use of household chemicals, contact with allergens or aggressive substances.
- Fungus - the most common cause of the disease is a weakened immune system.
- Psoriasis - the main distinguishing symptom is the appearance of blood droplets.
- Eczema is a serious disease that is accompanied by dry hands, cracks, and bleeding wounds.
- Allergy is an individual reaction to certain factors.
- Vitamin deficiency - the cause of cracks and dryness of the skin of the fingers of the right or left hands is a lack of vitamins in the body.
- Improper hand skin care - poorly moistened skin can cause the epidermis to dry out, which, when in contact with cold water or in the cold wind, can dry out and become cracked, seem wrinkled.
- Diabetes mellitus - can seriously disrupt the blood circulation of the body, including the nutrition of the hands, which can lead to dry skin.
- Frequent contact with water - it would seem that the water will moisturize the skin, but in reality, everything happens the other way around - the water drains the epidermis very much, leaches its protective fat layer.
to contents ↑Important! The question of why the skin on the fingers dries, involves a thorough comprehensive examination by a dermatologist. It is rather difficult to get rid of some diseases. When identifying the causes of peeling and dryness, you should pay attention to the lesion sites - palms, pads, interdigital areas, the area near the nail plates.
Cracks in the fingers near the nails
Too frequent contact not only with household chemicals, but also with plain water, can cause irritation.The skin in the area of the nails begins to crack, peel off, exfoliate, often people notice this on the index finger. If there are no such factors as household chemicals and water, then internal diseases can be a cause for discomfort.
An accurate diagnosis can only be established by a specialist, but the most common is fungus, eczema, psoriasis, hormonal failure, abnormalities in the thyroid gland or diabetes.
to contents ↑On the pads
The reason that the skin dries at the fingertips may be a lack of vitamins in the body. The most common symptom of a lack of nutrients in the body is the appearance of dryness, peeling, cracks in the fingertips. There is no pain, redness, or irritation.
Constant exfoliation of the epidermis leads to a “rough” effect. If the area of the pads hurts or bleeding is visible, then this is most likely some kind of disease. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
to contents ↑Fingers on the skin
Cracks without bleeding wounds appear due to the influence of factors from the outside or from internal changes in the body. The skin may begin to burst from a long course of taking antibiotics or hormonal drugs. Cracking may occur due to adverse weather conditions or contact with water too often.
For example, in winter or autumn, hands should be monitored as closely as possible. Similar symptoms may also be the first manifestations of disease.
to contents ↑Important! Read also about dry skin on the face - what to dowhat are the reasons.
The skin is too dry and bursts into blood
Some of the varieties of changes can be classified as the most dangerous. In most cases, bleeding cracks are signs of serious illness. If, in addition to this, the fingers swell, then a dermatologist should definitely be examined.
to contents ↑Important! Bleeding and painful sores can not only cause discomfort, but there is also a risk of blood poisoning. Similar cracks in the hands can be symptoms of fungal infections, eczema, the development of serious disorders in the functioning of the whole organism.
Itching between fingers
The most common cause of itching and burning are skin diseases or allergies. If a burning sensation appears between the fingers, then the effect of chemicals or hygiene is excluded.
to contents ↑Important! The danger of this symptom is that the problem can be contagious. Irritation can increase, and even move to other areas. Swelling of the fingers, which is accompanied by severe burning, is considered the most dangerous sign of dermatitis or fungus.
Treatment of skin cracks and peeling
If the skin dries at the fingertips, it becomes a cause of serious discomfort. The skin becomes unpleasant to the touch, gives an unpleasant sensation, and it looks very ugly. Such manifestations should be treated taking into account the causes of the problem. If the skin began to dry due to weather conditions, from vitamin deficiency or due to the use of household chemicals, then a special ointment for cracking on the hands and finger or a mask that can be prepared at home will help restore its normal condition.
Ointment for healing cracks and wounds
If you contacted a specialist and he identified diseases that resulted in cracking and peeling of the skin, then a comprehensive treatment should be carried out. The disease is treated with special drugs, and skin discomfort is eliminated with the help of ointments.
Important! The use of any means must necessarily be agreed with the doctor. Ointments are applied to the affected areas after a certain time or as pain occurs (as an anesthetic).
Examples of ointments that can be used to solve the problem of peeling skin on the tips of the fingers:
- “Baneocin”.
- Bepanten Plus.
- “Tsikaderma.”
- "Vulnuzan."
- “Levomekol”.
- Eplan.
Means of combating peeling and dryness are divided into weak, medium, strong and maximally strong varieties. Creams are universal preparations that heal wounds, eliminating pain, and also have a moisturizing effect.
Important! If the skin is peeling off at the fingertips of the child’s hands, then creams should be selected from the group that corresponds to the age of the patient. Do not self-medicate, because in children such symptoms can be the consequences of a serious lack of vitamins or allergies.
Examples of creams that can be used to solve this problem:
- "Lanolin".
- "Velvet hands"
- “D-panthenol”.
- “Solcoseryl.”
- Apilak.
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Folk remedies
To eliminate the problem of dry hands, you can resort to the use of folk remedies, among which:
- Honey-glycerin mask - a teaspoon of honey should be mixed with a teaspoon of glycerin and two tablespoons of water. A thick consistency of the mixture can be given using oatmeal. Such a mask is applied to the hands, and after 15 minutes it is washed off with warm water.
- Sour cream, potatoes and vegetable oil - the components are used as compresses or rubbed into the skin with massage movements. It is necessary to process not only hands, but also fingertips.
Important! In this way, you can’t cure the disease. Alternative methods can only eliminate the effects of external factors, but they will not help from internal diseases.
- Sea buckthorn and olive oil - take any of the oils, heat it in a water bath, then transfer to a small bowl and place your hands there. In the nutritional composition they need to be kept for about 15 minutes, after which let the oil drain, and without wiping your hands completely, put on cotton gloves on them.
- Hand baths are a wonderful tool that will help to cope with the problem of peeling of the skin at the fingertips. You can prepare such a tool by taking 2 tablespoons of sage leaves and 400 ml of boiling water. Leave the mixture to cool, then strain it. Hands are lowered into the infusion for 15 minutes.
- Vitamin mask. In order not only to moisturize the skin of the hands, but also to saturate it with vitamins, cosmetologists recommend mixing 2 tablespoons of honey with two yolks and a small amount of olive oil. Grind the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, then apply on hands and wait until it is completely dry. Rinse off the mask preferably with wet wipes.
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There are many methods of treatment, as well as the causes of the problem of peeling of the skin on the tips of the fingers. Choosing one or another remedy for treatment should be with strict control by the dermatologist, because it is he who must correctly diagnose (it is usually difficult to do this yourself). It is extremely undesirable to engage in independent attempts at treatment, because this can aggravate the situation. In any case, it is better to trust the recommendations of a specialist and believe in a positive effect. Only then can a full recovery be expected.