DIY stool

No home can be imagined without a stool. This is an incredibly popular, compact and multi-functional furniture product. In furniture stores you can find a huge variety of stools of various shapes and sizes, made from all kinds of materials. However, due to the simplicity of the design, many people prefer to make a stool with their own hands. Any skilled owner has his own hand made stool. If you are still not one of them, this can be easily fixed. How exactly - we will describe in detail in this article.
to contents ↑Stool design principle
The stool is incredibly simple in design, so it is so popular among home-made furniture. For its manufacture, solid wood, all kinds of wood residues, wooden beams, plywood, chipboard and a wooden board are used. The simplest stool is a few wooden elements fastened together. It completely lacks a back and armrests.
In the most classic version, making a stool with your own hands involves the presence of such elements:
- 4 legs of the same size, which are most often made of solid wooden beams;
- 4 tsarg, which fasten the legs together and serve as the basis for fixing the lid;
- seats or covers, which are best made from hardwood or furniture board.
Naturally, depending on the complexity of the design and type of stool, the number of elements necessary for its manufacture can vary. The classic version is presented above, however, there are simple low stools on two legs, without using a drawer, products on three legs, folding structures.
to contents ↑Important! The most optimal stool height is considered to be a height from 50 to 60 centimeters, while the cover most often varies in size on one side from 35 to 50 centimeters and, as a rule, has a square shape with rounded edges.
Basic requirements for stools
There are tons of options for this straightforward seating device. It is considered one of the most versatile furniture products. It serves as a stand, seat, support, compact table in certain situations. However, all types combine the same requirements:
- A wooden stool with your own hands should be as strong and stable as possible, because it is often and actively used in everyday life, especially when it plays the role of a stand. Therefore, it must be manufactured according to the exact drawing, the assembly and gluing step must be carried out as efficiently as possible.
- Such a furniture product should have high functionality. Given the growth of all family members, the size of the table and furniture in the house, it is necessary to consider the size of the future stool. It should be comfortable for all family members to sit behind it, to easily slide under the table.
- Properly pick up the stool cover. It should not have sharp edges, it should be well polished. On such a stool it will be comfortable sitting at the table.
Important! Please note that if you want to make its cover soft, then you are unlikely to be able to use it as a stand, it can become unsafe.
- Ease and convenience of movement is a very important requirement for a stool, because if it is too heavy and it takes a lot of effort to move it, it loses its functionality.
- Low cost of funds. As a rule, any furniture that is made with one's own hand involves cost savings in comparison with purchased products. The same applies to a simple stool with your own hands, it is best to make it from materials available on the farm.
DIY stool making
Before proceeding with the manufacture of this simple product, you should decide on its design. On the Internet there are many photos and video tutorials on manufacturing, as well as examples of finished work. Based on personal requirements, preferences, the style of the room and most importantly - the availability of the right materials, you can easily find the best option.
A do-it-yourself stool made of wood begins its life by constructing a drawing. It is necessary to build it on the basis of important parameters, such as the height of the product and the size of the cover. Having built the correct drawing, you will understand how much material you need to create one stool, as well as how many products you can design based on your personal stocks.
After constructing the drawing, it is necessary to make all the structural elements, precisely fit them in size, and then proceed with the assembly of the structure. If you do this according to the recommended work plan, you will see that it is incredibly simple and affordable for any person who does not have the skills of a joiner.
Simple four-legged kitchen stool
Having become acquainted with the basic principles of the manufacture and assembly of a stool, it is worthwhile to consider in more detail, using the example of a simple kitchen stool, the phasing of its manufacture.
How to make a stool, which we often see in most kitchens of our country, in almost every apartment? To do this, perform the following steps in stages:
- Build a drawing of the stool using parameters such as its height, size of the cover, the distance between the legs.
- Prepare all the details for its manufacture. In this embodiment, it will be 4 legs, 4 drawers, a lid and, if necessary, 4 cuticles.
- Using a plane and sandpaper to process all the elements for subsequent comfortable operation and a neat look of the future product.
- Connect the drawers, which are the frame around the legs, directly with the legs themselves. This is done with the help of wooden spikes protruding from the tsar, which are inserted into the prepared holes on the legs.
Important! For reliable fixing dowels sit on glue. Additionally, you can strengthen the structure with corners and wood screws.
- If the stool assumes the presence of footboards, they should be fixed according to the same principle as the drawers. This is done at the same time when collecting legs and tsar.
- Next, proceed to fixing the seat. Glue is applied to the top of the base, the product cover sits on it. After drying, the holes for the dowel are drilled in the corners of the lid. Glue is poured into these holes and dowels are inserted, which fix the cover with the product frame. The top of the dowel is cut off and sanded with sandpaper. In the presence of irregularities, they must be hidden with putty on wood.
- The final stage is the opening of the product with varnish or its painting.
Important! If desired, as well as the ability of the owner, you can transform the stool so that you do not use ordinary bars for legs, but pre-process them on a woodworking machine. Carved wood stools with their own hands look incredibly skillfully, because the soul of the master is enclosed in them. Such products will certainly be unique and inimitable. Thus, you can make a whole work of art out of a rather simple design.
Plywood stool
Plywood is a very popular material in the manufacture of furniture. It is incredibly convenient to use, has high performance characteristics and has recently been very popular even in the manufacture of designer furniture.
Anyone can make a plywood stool with their own hands, just follow the general recommendations and follow the following algorithm:
- Cut the necessary blanks from plywood sheets. Consider the option of manufacturing a simple stool on two legs. For this, it is necessary to cut out according to the pattern two side legs of the same size, a seat and two drawers.
- Next, in the upper part of each of the sidewalls from the inside, make two holes for dowels, make the same holes in the drawers.
Important! It is necessary to accurately mark the place under the holes, using measuring instruments and a pencil, because the stability and strength of the structure depend on this.
- Pour PVA glue into the holes and, using dowels inserted into the holes, connect the drawers and sidewalls. Allow the glue to dry. As a result, you will get a finished base of the product resembling a small bench.
- The next step is to install the cover - this is done with glue and a wooden cork.
Important! For greater reliability, experts recommend reinforcing the structure with four corners attached to the base and lid with wood screws.
- If the product is made of high-quality moisture-resistant plywood, then it does not require further processing, otherwise it is worth covering the product with varnish or paint.
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Having studied all the information in detail, you are convinced that there is nothing complicated in making such simple home furniture, you know how to make a stool and make it yourself without problems. After all, this is one of the most necessary things in everyday life, characterized by incredible compactness and high functionality. All kinds of lessons, master classes will facilitate the process of its creation. And if with all your desire you also have excellent imagination, then the stools you created can be an excellent alternative to kitchen chairs, which will amaze everyone with their originality.
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