Do-it-yourself greenhouse-breadbasket - drawings

With the advent of the summer season, many gardeners erect greenhouses on their plots. If there is not enough space, a do-it-yourself greenhouse will be an excellent solution - it is not difficult to find drawings for it, as well as to make it yourself. It does not take up much space, unlike other types of hotbeds, it has a rather simple structure that can be built independently. In this article you will learn how to make a greenhouse a breadbox itself, what are its features, get acquainted with its main advantages and disadvantages.
to contents ↑Features of the greenhouse breadbox
The name of such a greenhouse speaks for itself. Its design is very similar to the familiar kitchen breadbox. It has a shape similar to a bread box and a hinged door. This very door makes it possible to care for plants in the greenhouse without going inside. Accordingly - there is no need to leave on the site for such a greenhouse, paths for the summer resident.
Greenhouse design and dimensions
The basis of the entire system will be such details:
- The frame is made of metal pipes or profiles, as well as plastic pipes. The frame can be installed both on a pre-erected facade and directly on the site.
- The cover of such a greenhouse is made in the form of half arcs, which recline due to the mounting on hinges. Such flaps provide an opportunity to gain access to care for plants and their watering, as well as to produce ventilation.
- Coverage in such greenhouses, and in many greenhouses in general, gardeners prefer to make of polycarbonate. It is resistant to all kinds of influences, lightweight, comfortable to install and protects against ultraviolet radiation. However, if desired, a special greenhouse film can be used instead of polycarbonate.
As a rule, a greenhouse-bread box is small:
- Its length is from 2 to 4 meters.
- Height is about 1 meter.
- Width depends on the number of wings.
Important! If you plan to erect a structure in which the sashes will open on both sides, then the optimal width will be about 2 meters. If the design will provide only one-sided opening, then the width should be no more than 1.5 meters.
In any case, you can easily find on the Internet drawings of the greenhouse-bread box, depending on the planned dimensions.
What can be planted in a greenhouse breadbox?
The greenhouse bread box is small and, as a rule, has a height of not more than 1 meter. It follows that in such a greenhouse it is impossible to grow high garden crops - it is ideal for short and medium-sized plants. The greenhouse is suitable for growing seedlings and greenery. They will feel comfortable in such a greenhouse:
- all kinds of salads - arugula, watercress, lettuce, iceberg, lettuce, lollo rosso, radicchio, spinach and others;
- green onions, sorrel, parsley, dill, cilantro, green garlic, basil, celery, wild garlic, chives and many other herbs;
- Strawberry wild-strawberry;
- early cucumbers and tomatoes of low varieties, as well as radishes;
- bell pepper, which is quite difficult to grow on open ground;
- beets and carrots;
- any crops at the seedling stage.
Advantages and disadvantages of the greenhouse breadbox
As you can see, this type of greenhouse is in great demand, however, like everything else, it has its advantages and disadvantages.
The main advantages of the greenhouse-breadbasket include the following:
- The compactness of the greenhouse allows you to install it in any suburban area, in any convenient place.
- The relatively small height makes such a greenhouse more resistant to gusts of wind.
- The lightness of the design makes it possible to comfortably move around the site.
- The simplicity of the design makes it possible to make it yourself.
- Maximum utility used under the greenhouse area. Completely the entire area of the greenhouse is planted with plants, no paths are provided for it, respectively - many seedlings are placed in it.
- Ease of access to plants - just lift the door for watering, processing or ventilation.
- Reasonable price for the purchase or manufacture of such a design.
However, along with the advantages, the greenhouse-bread box has its drawbacks. These include:
- Flaps on the hinge system require regular lubrication and inspection in order to avoid breakage, seizing.
- When purchasing a finished structure, freight transport is necessary for its delivery to the place of operation.
- Control over the greenhouse with one open sash, as in this position the wind blows in and can take the greenhouse out of place. Therefore - airing should be carried out under supervision or in calm weather.
- Inability to grow tall and climbing plants.
How to make a greenhouse-breadbox with your own hands?
When designing, assembling and installing a greenhouse-bread box, it is worthwhile to adhere to the following phased work.
Drawing selection
If it is planned to erect a greenhouse-bread box on the site, first of all, it is necessary to prepare a drawing of its design. On the Internet, you can easily find the necessary drawing of the required size for both a single-leaf greenhouse and a double-winged one.
Determination of the optimal site
To install a greenhouse, the first thing you need to determine is the most suitable area - it should be in the sun, it should not fall shadow from all kinds of trees and bushes, as well as buildings.
Important! The site should be as flat as possible. The location of the structure on the slope is unacceptable, since the absence of a flat surface under the greenhouse-breadbasket can lead it, subsequently the wings can jam, or even not open at all.
Foundation building
If your greenhouse will be installed in one permanent place and does not imply its movement around the site, then you need to prepare a foundation for it:
- The foundation is made of brick, timber, sleepers or logs.
- Under the foundation, you need to dig a pit about 60 centimeters deep, overlay it with the chosen material for the foundation, fill the foundation foundation and its perimeter with fertilizers, manure, grass and dry leaves. Top it all with earth. Thus, under the layer of earth, a natural process of decay will occur, as a result of which heat will be generated.
Important! Natural heat will serve as additional warming of the base of the greenhouse. If you plan to move your greenhouse around the site, you should skip this step. In this case, the greenhouse is attached to the ground using pins.
Frame assembly
In accordance with the selected drawing, it is necessary to assemble the frame:
- Arcs are assembled using guides.
- Arc arches should be located with a frequency of at least 50 centimeters, which provides additional structural strength.
Fixing the frame to the foundation
After the frame is assembled according to the drawing, it is necessary to fix it to the base of the foundation. To do this, use thermal washers and stainless screws.
Important! When choosing a mechanism for rotating the valves, you should give preference to high-quality elements - to increase the service life.
Covering the frame with film or polycarbonate
When the frame is assembled and fixed, it is necessary to proceed with its casing. It is best to use modern and durable polycarbonate. As a rule, its service life is at least 10 seasons:
- Experts recommend bending such sheets exclusively along the air channels.
- They are cut using a knife or grinder.
- Fix polycarbonate with self-tapping screws.
- All joints for tightness should be glued with construction tape.
Important! If you prefer a special film, then when fixing it, along with self-tapping screws, it is worth using washers - this will prevent it from breaking through.
Fittings and gaskets
After the complete assembly of the greenhouse-bread box, it is necessary to attach accessories in the form of handles and locks to it to close it. Around the perimeter of the moving parts of the valves you need to glue the seal, for better sealing.
On this, the installation of the greenhouse can be considered completed.
to contents ↑Stock footage
As you can see, a do-it-yourself greenhouse-bread box is made quite simply, you can easily find drawings that correspond to the planned dimensions of the structure. Such a simple, functional and compact greenhouse will facilitate the process of growing small growth crops, suitable for any, even very small plot. Having experienced such a hotbed in action, you rightly take it to your favorites!
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