Wallpaper color for bedroom

In the interior of the bedroom, the atmosphere plays a special role, which is created by combining all the constituent parts - the color and texture of the finishing materials of the walls, ceiling and floor, the shade of the furnishings and the material from which they are made, the decor of textiles and lighting. Here, every detail matters and plays a role in creating a unique atmosphere for relaxation and sleep. Choosing the color of wallpaper for the bedroom is one of the important tasks that must be solved before starting the repair, since it is the decoration of the walls that sets the tone for the whole interior in the future. As an option, they serve as a neutral background for decor and other surfaces, emphasizing their texture and color. About how to choose the color of wallpaper in the bedroom, and will be discussed in this article.
to contents ↑What to consider when choosing a color scheme for a bedroom?
The bedroom is a special place, the atmosphere of which should contribute to the psychological, emotional unloading at the end of the day, giving you the opportunity to relax, calmly fall asleep, and in the morning get a charge of energy, a good mood for the whole day. It must be borne in mind that some colors can affect not only the emotional, but also the physical condition of our body.
Important! So, red helps to excite the nervous system, as well as increase heart rate, but blue shades - on the contrary, bring pressure back to normal. Yellow color stimulates mental activity, and green positively affects vision.
That is why, choosing the color of wallpaper in the bedroom, it is advisable to adhere to some simple rules:
- Looking through photos on websites and magazines devoted to interior design, you can understand which colors are close to you emotionally, cause positive feelings, and which ones absolutely do not like, annoying. First of all, the color scheme of the interior should be to your liking, and if the radical black or red color is comfortable, why not?
- If the wallpaper has a colorful pattern, bright shade or pronounced texture, it is desirable that the ceiling is white. If the paintings are light, then the ceiling can be decorated in any color, but at the same time it is necessary to take into account the size of the room so that it does not “crush”, does not act depressingly.
- In the room to be designed, it is necessary to correctly distribute the shades in accordance with their saturation. Following the classical rule, dark tones should be placed in the lower part of the room - the floor covering should create a feeling of reliability and earthiness. At the same time, the top of the room, that is, the ceiling, is decorated in lighter colors that give a light airy feel. It is advisable to decorate the walls in medium-saturated key.
- Choosing the color of wallpaper for the bedroom, you should consider the orientation of the room to the cardinal points. So, for rooms that face south, use “cool” shades, such as blue, emerald or turquoise in combination with white. But brown, beige or yellow shades will help to “warm” the bedroom, which faces north.
- To prevent too bright colors from distracting from falling asleep, they are used as an accent on the wall at the head of the bed. This can be realistic photo wallpaper or canvas with a colorful pattern.
- To create a luxurious, but at the same time restrained atmosphere, cold tones will help, but a more comfortable room will turn out thanks to warm shades.
- When distributing color in a room, its area should be taken into account. So, in a small bedroom, saturated shades should be less than in a larger one, and some neutral colors can be used in any area of the room.
- The most balanced and harmonious interior will look in which the neutral wall decoration is complemented by bright colors of furniture, decorative objects, or vice versa.
- The geometry of the room can be both successfully corrected with the right choice of ornament or pattern, or broken in case of an error. The size of the picture plays a huge role - the small one will make the small bedroom visually larger, and the large one will reduce the space. So that the room does not look too colorful, such a pattern is recommended to be used only on one of the walls.
Important! When arranging any room, not only the shade of the walls is important, but also the quality, type and color of the materials used to decorate other surfaces. Particularly scrupulously it is necessary to relate to these nuances when decorating the bedroom, because your mood and health every day will depend on the quality of rest and sleep. Therefore, we recommend that you also read an article in which all other points are disclosed in detail.
Click on the link "How to make repairs in the bedroom?".
The effect of color on the emotional state
Each color has its own emotional character, and therefore is able to endow the surrounding space with a certain energy. Choosing the color of wallpaper in the bedroom, you should focus on the characteristic features of a particular shade to create the desired and comfortable atmosphere in this room:
- Turquoise and blue - relaxes and calms, and also helps to eliminate emotional stress and causes feelings of peace and carefree joy.
- White - refreshes, gives an atmosphere of opportunity, freedom of action, and also sets up in a positive way. Able to visually zoom in and out on planes and objects. White color is neutral and is a symbol of purity, order and infinity. It will also become a wonderful background for any other color - dark colors on its background are perceived softer, therefore it is often combined with aggressive red, deep blue or black.
- Dark blue - darkens the space, which makes it possible to tune in to a deep and serene sleep. Due to its cold tonality, this color is undesirable for bedrooms that face north, otherwise the room will be uncomfortable and devoid of a sense of comfort.
- Green - allows you to psychologically relax after intense mental work. The decoration of the bedroom in this bloom can be recommended to teachers, scientists, doctors, engineers and people of other professions related to intense mental activity. In the interior, it is perceived neutrally, as it is one of the natural shades, and therefore causes a feeling of harmony and proximity to nature.
- Beige - is a universal and neutral color. For the "northern" bedrooms it is recommended to use cream shades. This color carries calm energy and can be used in the interior of bedrooms of people of any age.
- Gray - like beige, it belongs to neutral colors and often needs support in the form of some bright accents. Use gray in the bedroom interior carefully - on glossy surfaces it creates a metallic cold shine, but warm textile objects - gray pillows, bedspreads create a more comfortable atmosphere.
- Brown - chocolate and earthy shades of this color create an atmosphere of reliability, comfort and well-being. Deep noble brown tones make the interior stylish and respectable.In the environment of this color, reliability and security are felt, and therefore the nervous system receives relaxation.
Important! Brown visually makes the space narrower, so care should be taken when using it in small rooms.
- Black - in a general sense, a bedroom should be decorated in bright colors, but black color breaks stereotypes. The room, decorated in black, contributes to deep sleep. This color is able to reduce and distance objects for which it serves as a background.
Important! So that the bedroom does not look dull or ominous, artificial lighting should be carefully thought out - in such a bedroom there should be no illuminated corners.
- Red - is aggressive. It is associated with self-confidence and vitality, has a stimulating effect and induces action. In the interior, red increases and brings closer surfaces and objects, gives them massiveness.
Important! Prolonged exposure to this color leads to fatigue of the nervous system and depression. And yet, he also has a place to be in the lounge. It must be used carefully, carefully choosing shades that should be close to brick and ocher tones - that is, to be warmer.
- Yellow - charges with a positive and cheerful mood. For the bedroom, it is better to choose muted tones so as not to cause an over-excitation of the nervous system. In the morning this color will give positive emotions and a good mood, will charge with freshness. In addition, he is able to zoom in and expand the space.
- Violet is a contradictory color, since it is quite difficult to perceive, it can cause a feeling of anxiety, therefore it is undesirable for the design of the bedroom. Other shades, such as lavender, light lilac, on the contrary, can create a cozy and delicate atmosphere. In addition, this color removes and reduces space.
- Pink - its bright shades distract, interfere with calm and focus, and therefore irritate and can cause negative emotions. For the interior of a bedroom, these colors need to be used metered. To create a feminine, romantic atmosphere, shades of dusty and tea roses are desirable, which give a feeling of calm and tranquility. Depending on the hue, pink is able to both reduce and increase space.
to contents ↑Important! A play of color can produce completely different effects under different lighting conditions. Therefore, be sure to check out tips on the following topics:
The influence of the pattern, ornament and texture of wallpaper on the perception of the bedroom interior
When deciding what color wallpaper should be in the bedroom, it is necessary to take into account the fact that not only their shade, but also the pattern that is depicted on them affects the perception of the interior. Let's understand in more detail.
Flower pattern
The floral motif of the wallpaper is an excellent solution that allows you to create a light romantic atmosphere. A large number of floral patterns make the interior feminine, which not every man will approve if the bedroom belongs to the spouses. A compromise can be achieved by combining a floral print with a neutral shade of the walls or with the pattern “cage”, “strip”.
Important! Most often, such a pattern can be found in the interiors of Provence and Country.
A cage or strip?
When choosing wallpaper in a bedroom in two colors, it is worth taking a closer look at the striped options, when there is an alternation of contrasting colors and one single color, but with different tones.
So, if a floral motif is a sign of a woman’s bedroom, then a cage or strip is more appropriate in men's interiors. Wanting to create an interior in the spirit of Scotland or England, choose a wallpaper in a cage.
Important! Using the vertical direction of the stripes, the room visually appears to be higher, while horizontal stripes expand it. This effect can be somewhat enhanced due to well-chosen shades of stripes and their width.
The wallpaper ornament looks like a picture on any subject, which is repeated at a certain interval. A huge variety of various topics makes it possible to choose wallpaper for the bedroom in any style.
to contents ↑Important! The interior is composed not only of the basic furnishings, but also of the details. And so that you can achieve the perfect result in your relaxation room, also find out:
Wallpaper Material
A bedroom is a room where there are no conditions that introduce any restrictions on the use of certain materials. There is no increased humidity and sharp temperature drops, so you can use any wallpaper, for example:
- Paper. Even though the range of modern finishing materials is huge, many still prefer paper wallpaper. And this is no coincidence, since this material is cheap, and manufacturers offer a large selection of colors, patterns and textures. So, paper wallpapers can be selected to design any style.
Important! These types of paintings have a couple of drawbacks - this is a fear of moisture and the fact that paper burns out in the sun, so for sunny bedrooms it is better to give preference to another material.
- Vinyl. Such varieties of wallpaper are more durable than paper, although more expensive. They can be wiped, and sometimes even washed. However, this type of coating must be chosen very carefully, as this material does not allow air to pass through. Therefore, the room will need to think about quality ventilation.
- Velvet and silk. Since ancient times, wealthy people decorated the walls of their homes with fabric. And despite the fact that in recent years there have been many new materials for decoration, textiles are still popular. Of the main advantages of such paintings can be noted strength, durability, as well as an elegant appearance.
Important! The obvious disadvantages include the price. Fabric wallpapers are more expensive than the previously described options. But they do not burn out so intensively, although it is also impossible to say that this coating does not fade at all.
- Non-woven. This is a wonderful modern material, which is an ideal option for painting - the walls can be painted before gluing, or you can paint on top of the wallpaper. Burnout will depend on which paint you use. But there are already painted wallpapers from this material.
Important! The wall will be pleasant to the touch, and the room is warm, and the noise protection will become quite reliable.
- Cullets. This finish looks very impressive. Moreover, it is practical - it does not scratch, does not tear, is not afraid of moisture. You can even wash them with a washing vacuum cleaner. True, their assortment is still small, however, this is offset by transparency - this type of wallpaper can be applied to painted walls.
- The liquid wallpaper. This type of wall covering has recently gained more and more popularity. The cost of such material is quite affordable, but the range, frankly, is not striking with a wide selection. However, you can add your own fillers - this will result in a completely new type of material. It is superimposed, like ordinary plaster, and stored for a rather long time.
to contents ↑Important! An obvious bonus is that you can use liquid wallpaper two, three, or even ten times - until you get bored. You just need to remove the old coating, soak it, if you want, add some new components and apply again.
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Now you know how to choose the color of wallpaper for the bedroom. Do not rush to make a decision - think carefully over each option, try experimenting with probes to see if they cause irritation in you. If you do everything carefully and carefully, you can arrange a bedroom in which it will be really pleasant and comfortable to spend time.
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