Tulle to the bedroom

Home interior specialists are constantly interested in the role and importance of tulle in everyday life. In recent centuries, he constantly, regardless of the historical era, is necessary and necessary in any living room. Especially it is necessary to take care of the interior in such a room as a bedroom, because it is specially built for relaxation, where people get the opportunity to recover from a difficult labor time and fully recover. And in this regard, tulle in the bedroom plays a big role. It not only decorates the room, but also serves as a special protective part of the bedroom.
to contents ↑Selection of tulle types
A large number of fabrics on the market today make it possible to vary the styles of home interiors. When choosing a tulle, you need to pay attention to the fact that it suits the form and character of the chosen bedroom interior. If you arrange the atmosphere correctly, with the help of this fabric you will be able to make a comfortable and quiet atmosphere in which you can relax and sleep well.
Important! Initially, tulle was not created mechanically from the finest threads of natural origin. Only rich people could acquire it. Gradually, fabrics became cheaper due to the predominance of cotton, the introduction of machine production, the appearance of synthetic fibers.
What tulle to choose for a bedroom?
Nowadays, silk is not used very often, due to the high cost, and other natural raw materials - only only with synthetics. The latter is done due to the fact that natural material loses its freshness and shape in a short time.
Light industry of the beginning of the XXI century. provides an opportunity to consider a number of curtain options. But it should be borne in mind that tulle does not often serve as an independent part of the interior, rather, it is a backdrop for demonstrating the beautiful curtain fabric.
The most popular tulle types these days are:
- Organza - tulle is strong, but not heavy and transparent. This makes it very useful, but quite expensive. Made from natural silk, viscose - artificial fabric made from natural fiber, or polyester (artificial fabric used to improve the quality of tulle). The final cost consists of the ratio of raw ingredients. The material can be decorated with applique elements, patterns of multi-colored threads (preferably silk), natural or artificial stones.
- Veil. Its characteristic features are that the material is quite thin and not hard, because it is a cotton fabric. In fact, the veil in its characteristics is similar to gauze, only its fabric is denser, and the threads are thinner.
- Viscose is a massive synthetic material. It is not very durable and short-lived in operation, because it is combined with other artificial fabrics. Its advantage is low cost. Viscose tulle can be used both in a plain version and decorated like organza.
The appearance of the tulle from these materials does not differ, although experts will immediately guess. In any case, these fabrics will help you create an original drapery, fantasize various window decorations that pleasantly diversify standard window openings.
to contents ↑Rules for registration
The creation of curtains from tulle and curtains to the bedroom on the windows must be carried out under certain circumstances:
- The tulle in the room matches the style of the existing decor.
- A separate curtain rod stands out for all types of curtains.
- The shape and strength of the cornice depends on the number of curtains, as well as the planning of lambrequins.
to contents ↑Important! The most pleasant tulle looks on a bright curtain strip.
Think about the sizes
How to choose curtains and tulle for the bedroom? Tulle (like curtains) are quite naturally considered, first of all, after a clear understanding of the shape and scale of the windows available in the bedroom:
- To do this, you need to measure the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the window, the numerical characteristics of the cornice. After that, having determined the amount of work, they take on the curtains and tulle.
- Although it is wasteful, it is recommended to take the fabric in the volume of two spaces of the cornice. Tulle will close not only the window opening, but also part of the wall near it. It can be folded, which will look very beautiful.
In general, it is assumed that the curtains and tulle for the bedroom will have long paintings to form a quiet, almost chamber, environment. However, the height of the tulle curtain is variable and depends on a number of factors: the style of the bedroom, the tasks facing the tulle, the shape of the window. The fabric can only slightly cover the windowsill, outline the entire opening, almost reaching the floor and even touch it.
Important! The window will visually appear wider if the curtains made of thick fabric for the bedroom are pulled along the sides. The overall interior of the room depends on the distance to the floor of the delivered pickups. The closer to the floor, the less windows appear, the higher - more. The best option is to place the holders for the curtains near the windowsill.
For the bedroom, the arrangement of short curtains with tulles in the shape of kitchens is ideal if they are laid in the Provencal style, combining light colors, applications, embroideries and ruffles.
to contents ↑General approach to the colorful palette
The search for a color program based on tulle for a bedroom depends on a large number of reasons. Beautiful tulle in the bedroom is not an easy task. It is immediately necessary to carefully consider and analyze the existing situation: the characteristics of the wallpaper, the quantity and properties of furniture.
Important! Using tulle material with curtains of different colors and bright decorative elements, try not to disturb the general situation in the room. To do this, all fabrics against the background of light tulle should be in a single composition of colors, and decorative details emphasize the overall composition. In this case, the tulle should emphasize the originality and colors of the decor, and not stand out as a separate independent detail.
Regarding the color of the curtains, in the palette of fabrics offered, the best option would be the selection of material for white (light) colors, but in this case the final choice depends on the intended interior and the interests of the owners of the room:
- To a translucent thin tulle, it is necessary to determine curtains made of a denser fabric.
- Solid tulle can be included in the composition for any shape and color of curtains, even with complex embroidery.
- If you take a colored organza, most likely it will look good without the use of additional decorating details.
- When one ornament dominates the room, do not rush to make the same cliche on the window - the general situation will only show the presence of complete bad taste. Designers suggest that it is better to try to combine elements of the environment into a common complex.
- When the curtains are purchased with bright colors, it is optimal to take only a plain tulle.
- In most of the bedrooms, tulle of a neutral shade is bought for decoration - white and a color close to it, for example, light gray. This requires the task of complacency.
Important! Today, most experts in this field are quite tough in terms of using multicolor. So, it is believed that in the direction of Minimalism or Hi-tech, you can use only plain tulle.
But in another famous style - Provence - on the contrary, it allows the use of only colored fabrics. In this case, it must be taken into account so that there is no clumsy variegation.
to contents ↑Geographic factor
How to choose a tulle in a bedroom taking into account the general situation? When creating a common interior using tulle and curtains, it is necessary to take into account the location of the bedroom:
- When the room faces the north, the dense tulle will play the role of a regular curtain without the use of curtains or curtains.
- Less transparent tulle fabrics are purchased for bedrooms facing the southern sunny side to protect from the rays of the sun, especially in spring and summer.
Tulle in a modern interior
Gradually, fashionable styles become a thing of the past, and once the most beautiful curtain sold in large Western boutiques is worthy of gathering dust on a clothes shelf. However, over the past year, no major changes have occurred. Designers recommend for use in our time a white transparent fabric, which is quite cheap and practical to use. In addition, it is necessary to consider the classic tips that are relevant today:
- for decoration in the room of pomposity for tulle, you need to purchase an organza with a gold surface or a tulle with a silk thread pattern;
- to create an original interior, you can take a tulle in common with furniture and bedding shade;
- when the curtains are not bright, tulle must take a leading role in the interior and attract the attention of the human eye.
to contents ↑Important! Quite recently, a novelty began to be sold on the market: a tulle with a 3D image or “with photo printing”. There is a significant number of drawings - they are, of course, beautiful, but in order not to make the interior clumsy, all other elements of the bedroom should be very monotonous. All in light calm colors, it is assumed (not necessary) that there are several trinkets in tone with the main color.
Tulle set
Prior to this, in the previous sections, the advantages of self-creating an interior with tulle were considered. However, in the world there are many people who are not able to do this - due to lack of taste, education or time. Sets of tulle for the bedroom - a pre-made set of fabrics that are already selected and fit together.
It can be fabrics of different scales, colors, which can be placed in different ways. The set may also have additional details that enliven the overall picture and perform their functions.
A set of tulles often looks more beautiful, has a finished look, and it is he who often becomes the choice of those who want to get an excellent result, without spending a lot of time and effort.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Tulle, despite its apparent simplicity, the most important background element, against which you can beautifully unfold the curtains, lay out various accessories. This makes it necessary in any apartment, so thoughtfully approach the choice of fabric to make your stay really comfortable.
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