Corner fireplaces in the interior

Corner fireplaces in the interior were and will be the highlight of the living room. Modern manufacturers present them in a variety of shapes, sizes, materials and models. They are adapted to various living conditions, incredibly technological, easy to use and most importantly - safe for human health. The angular shape of the product will fit perfectly into the design of a city apartment. Such a heat source speaks of the good taste of its owner, of respect for traditional values, and is also a comfortable place to gather the whole family. There is nothing more beautiful than spending a cold evening talking by the fireplace. Today we will tell you about corner fireplaces, what they are, how to properly design a room with a corner fireplace.
to contents ↑Advantages
Earlier it was said only about some of the advantages of this equipment. This is just a small part of what any brazier has. Unlike frontal heat sources, an angular fireplace has a number of the following advantages:
- The compactness of the product and its location helps to save space.
- The possibility of heating adjacent rooms.
- The increased level of efficiency of the corner furnace (reflection of heat from adjacent walls).
- A large selection of design for decorating the heat source.
- Possibility of arrangement in a room with an area of less than 20 square meters.
- Excellent view of the outgoing flame from anywhere in the room.
- Creating a cozy and comfortable atmosphere.
- Near the fireplace you can make a place to relax with your family or romantic evenings.
So, we come to the most important thing - the classification of corner fireplaces. You need to know all these types in order to make the right choice regarding your premises.
By type of construction:
- Symmetrical. The word speaks for itself. Such a heat source has a symmetrical base. The design of certain models requires free space in the room. The fireplace is located in the corner, but it is on it that the emphasis is placed on the central subject of the entire design style.
Important! From anywhere in the room, you should clearly see the flame. All furniture, TV, decorations are usually located on the opposite side of the burning area. The design of symmetrical fireplaces pleases more and more of its potential customers, so fitting them into any interior is not a problem at all.
- Asymmetrical. This model is a very convenient option due to the fact that the design allows you to not divide the room into certain zones with various partitions, furniture, specific wall decoration. That is, the presence of such an asymmetric corner furnace makes it possible to create a harmonious interior style, without violating the integrity of the usable space. In addition, asymmetric heat sources are light and convenient to use, and installing such a structure will not be difficult for you.
Important! Such a corner fireplace can be made with both open and closed firebox.
By the number of thermal radiation guides:
- Massive with one direction. They have one thermal guide with one cross section of a triangular shape.
Important! These models are only suitable for spacious rooms with a large area.
- Rectangular with two directions. Set in small living rooms. The design of the models has truncated shelves.
- With three directions of heat source. Their work is identical to burning a fire.For this reason, such fire chambers are used less often than all other options.
Important! Do not place a fireplace in the near corner to the exit of the room so that the structure does not interfere with your free movement around the apartment. The stylish design of the corner fireplace, of course, is important, but your comfort and safety should be in the first place.
By type of fuel used:
- Electric furnaces They are a great option for an apartment, but only as a decorative decoration. They do an excellent job of simulating live fire and crackling firewood. Such fireplaces are increasingly installed in the living rooms of the owners due to their convenience, ease of operation and affordable prices. Most importantly, electric fireplaces do not require special conditions for installation.
- Biofurnace. Another ideal option for heating and decorating an apartment. Alcohol serves as a fuel source for this type of structure. This fireplace has several advantages: it decorates the room, does not emit soot and soot, is economical when installing a chimney and ventilation system, and can be used for aromatherapy.
Important! Choosing such a corner fireplace in the apartment, do not forget about the significant disadvantages: the high price and high fuel consumption, unpleasant smell, is not a very safe device.
- Gas. About this type of fireplace, we can say that it occupies a middle niche between the wood and electric foci of heat. The advantages of gas fireplaces can be called the presence of live fire, tangible heat transfer, the absence of ash and black soot, does not require special care and a place to store brushwood. The disadvantages of a gas construction are, first of all, the high costs of installing a chimney, the difficulty of connecting in an apartment environment and obtaining permission to install it.
- Wood burning. The most classic version of all existing fireplaces, which to this day does not lose its popularity. You can highlight such advantages of the product as live fire, crackling firewood, the ability to heat the room not only with wood, but also with ordinary coal, peat, pallets. For the private and summer cottage sectors - this is a great option.
Important! Such wood stoves cannot be installed in the apartment due to the unsafe design and complexity of installation.
By the method of decoration:
- Without a specific finish. This option is used only if the masonry is made of beautiful and high-quality brick, which is treated with special means to fix the color with neatly sealed seams.
Important! There is only one drawback - over time, the stove may darken.
- Plaster overlay. This method involves applying the plaster mixture to a well-dried masonry in order to further paint the fireplace with emulsion paint.
- Brickwork. It is the most common. Brick is a material that can withstand even the highest temperature fluctuations.
Important! Sometimes it is used not only for finishing the furnace area, but also for the decor of adjacent walls.
- Drywall finish. Often used due to its availability and easy installation. The disadvantage of this method is the poor resistance of the material to external mechanical stress.
- Facing with a marble tile or a stone with imitation. This design option looks very presentable, but not everyone can afford it.
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You can independently create a living room design with a corner fireplace, taking into account the appearance, technological features and the rule of location of this device. Let peace, comfort and harmony always reign in your house!
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