Installing a coarse water filter

Unfortunately, domestic water supply networks do not meet international cleanliness standards, respectively - they cannot boast of the water supplied through them. This is due to the fact that many water mains are very outdated and need to be completely replaced. Therefore, absolutely everyone faces the poor quality of tap water, especially residents of large cities. But this problem can be solved, albeit purely individually. Installing a coarse water filter will help to significantly purify the tap water supplied to you from various contaminants and heavy metals, thus you will protect yourself and your loved ones.

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What harm can untreated tap water do?

To begin with, I would like to note the fact that water is an excellent solvent for almost all chemical elements that have a very negative effect on human health. For example, hard water causes salt deposits in the joints, and the manganese in its composition affects the liver. There are a lot of such examples - you can list them ad infinitum. In addition, suspended particles can shorten the life of household appliances or even disable it.

Important! Today, many manufacturers in the instructions recommend the use of a coarse filter without fail. Otherwise, no one will bear any guarantee for the operability of the unit.

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What is a coarse filter and its main purpose?

The main purpose of the coarse filter is to purify water from various small particles, such as sand, rust, clay or scale, while maintaining its bacteriological and chemical composition.

Important! Please note that a properly installed coarse water filter is very relevant not only for central water supply, but also for stand-alone, even if you have your own well or well.

The principle of its action is that the entire contaminated stream passes through the filter housing, the cells in which retain all large particles. Thus, already purified, usable water comes to the consumer.

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As for the design characteristics, the filters used for a house or apartment are almost identical to each other. In addition to ease of installation and ease of maintenance, their main advantages include:

  • Ease and convenience in operation;
  • Low cost;
  • Durability;
  • Wide temperature range of application.

Important! Until you install a special cleaning device, as well as for those situations in life when you need to use water of dubious quality, we suggest you keep yourself a selection of ways, how to purify water without a filter.

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Depending on the method of filtration and device, the filters are divided into cartridge and mesh.


This is the simplest form of such structures. Basically, a so-called oblique filter is mounted in the water supply network.

Important! The oblique filter got its name solely due to its design features.

It is made in the form of pipe systems, according to the principle of a tee, the additional element of which is at an angle to the main pipe element. It is in the additional tube that the mesh filter is inserted, which has the form of a cylinder with a diameter smaller than the pipe section.

Important! In order to determine the length of the mesh cylinder, it is necessary to add the diameter of the main pipe to the length of the oblique element. This means that in the end, the filter will completely block the entire flow of water that passes through the water pipe.

On top of the filter is closed by a lid with a rubber gasket, which ensures the tightness of the entire structure.

The usability of this device lies in the fact that it is mounted on the main supply pipe, into which it is installed using a threaded connection. At the same time, washing the oblique filter is carried out by opening the cover and dismantling the mesh cylinder, after which it is washed with water under pressure and again returns to its place.

Important! Before cleaning the oblique filter, be sure to stop the water supply.

Also, in addition to oblique models, there are direct options for strainers for rough water treatment. In them, an additional element is connected to the trunk at a right angle.

Important! Direct models of filters are installed exclusively on horizontal sections of the water supply.



The use of a cartridge for filtering water contributes to more efficient cleaning. In appearance, such devices look like a vessel with a double wall, in which there is a transparent case on the outside, and the filter element itself inside.

Important! In appearance, the cartridge filter for rough water resembles a cartridge. In this regard, as an alternative, this type is also called a cartridge filter.

Its principle of operation is that the main stream enters directly into the body cavity, which passes through the cartridge. Thus, debris particles are trapped in the cartridge, and then returned to the highway. Cleaning and replacement of such devices is carried out much less frequently than that of mesh devices. This is due to the fact that the sump and filter zone are more voluminous.

Important! Please note that a cold flask is used for cold water. This is necessary so that you can visually monitor the level of contamination of the cartridge. But for the flask, a flask of opaque materials is used.

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Coarse water filter - which one to choose?

In order for you to make the right choice, you need to determine the following parameters in advance:

  • The degree of water pollution. It is determined by conducting laboratory analysis, according to the results of which experts will provide you with recommendations on the choice of a particular model.
  • Intensity of water use.

Important! The standard is the use of 200 liters per day per person.

  • The degree of water purification. It depends on the mesh size of the mesh or cartridge.

Important! Very often, for more confidence in the purity of the water and increase the operational life of the water supply, two types of filters are installed at once.

As for manufacturers, try to choose domestic options. This is due to the fact that they are most adapted to the quality of the supplied tap water.

Important! In a separate article on our site you will find water filter rating.

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How to install a rough water filter?

In order for the installation process to proceed quickly and without complications, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the basic installation rules in advance:

  • The pre-cleaning element must be installed directly in front of the counter. This is necessary in order to protect all its parts from large particles that have not dissolved.
  • Always consider the direction of water flow.Installation must be done according to the arrow, which is located on the product body.
  • It is allowed to install a strainer in a vertical pipeline if the settler is oblique and only when the flow direction is from top to bottom.
  • It is contraindicated to carry out installation with the lid up. The sump should always be directed with the cover down.
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Coarse Filter Maintenance

During operation of the coarse filter, dirt accumulates and the cleaning element itself is worn. Therefore, so that over time the efficiency of the equipment does not decrease, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures. Depending on the type of the cleaning element itself, the connection diagram, cleaning can be performed in the following ways:

  • The cartridge filter does not need to be cleaned. Nevertheless, the cartridge must be replaced with a new one at a time determined by the manufacturer.
  • Screen filters are cleaned in several steps. To begin with, the water supply is completely shut off, and after that the cover is unscrewed, the net is removed and the dirt is poured into the previously prepared container. At the end of the grid is washed with a stream of water or air and mounted in its place.

Important! The frequency of replacing or cleaning filters occurs, depending on the amount of impurities in the stream and the frequency of use of the water supply. As a guide, you can use a decrease in the pressure of water from the tap or the pressure gauge.

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Coarse filter installation - This is a guarantee not only of your health, but also of your entire family, as well as the long-term operation of household appliances. The installation process of such a device is quite easy and will not take you too much time. The most important thing is to choose the coarse filter correctly. We hope that our article will help you with this, so that in the end you can safely use tap water without any fears.

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