Humidifier - which is better?

An air humidifier is a device that helps create the right microclimate in a room. Why is this necessary, because everything seems to be all right? But, as it turned out, humidity in the room plays a big role. The air in the apartments, especially in winter, when the heating is on, is very dry. With constant residence in a room with dry air, frequent headaches, lethargy, distraction appear. This is especially negative for young children - they are often sick. Therefore, a simple solution to the problem was found and a device was released that humidifies the air. Let's see what a humidifier is, which one is best to buy and by what criteria it should be chosen.

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Types of Humidifiers

Let's look at what types of devices are available today.

Steam device

Such a humidifier by the principle of action reminds itself electric kettle. You fill it with water, it heats up, boils, steam comes out and moistens the room. Simple, profitable, convenient.

Important! Some models have nozzles and can also be used for inhalation.

For such moisturizers, you can use ordinary tap water, you can also add aromatic oils, and then you get not only moisturized, but also filled with a pleasant aroma air.

But there are also disadvantages. For example:

  • such devices are quite noisy;
  • have large dimensions.

Important! Please also note that they release hot steam, and if there are small children and pets in the house, then it is worth considering the feasibility of buying such a device. In this case, it is better to look at devices of a different type.

Ultrasonic devices

Such devices are very popular. The principle of operation here is completely different - water falls on a special membrane and is crushed into the smallest particles.

Here is what distinguishes them favorably:

  • Models can be of the most diverse shapes and colors, they fit perfectly into the interior and can serve as a kind of decor, make little noise.
  • If the water in the device runs out, the device automatically turns off.
  • Many models have a built-in hygrometer that allows you to automatically adjust the humidity level.
  • Such humidifiers are absolutely safe for all residents of the apartment.

But at the same time they have a high price, require careful maintenance and frequent change of filter cartridges.

Important! The question is often asked: which air humidifier is better - ultrasonic or steam? There is no single answer to this question, since it all depends on your personal preferences. But if you have a small child or pet in your house, then it is better to consider in more detail the possibility of acquiring an ultrasound device, since from the point of view of safety it will suit you more.


Cold type device

This is the simplest version of the device, it can be said, an outdated model, which is gradually being replaced by more successful competitors from the market. The device is a tank in which water is poured, it subsequently falls into the pan on special cartridges. A fan is built into such a device, which drives air through the cartridges and evaporates water.

Here is what distinguishes such devices:

  • Most models can also be used for aromatherapy.In this case, a special capsule for pouring aromatic oils is attached, which is inserted into the humidifier.
  • Such devices, as a rule, have a low price and are easy to operate.

Important! They simply maintain the natural humidity in the room and clean the air of dust, in addition, during operation they make quite a strong noise, which is difficult to get used to. It should also be borne in mind that cartridges will have to be changed periodically.

Air washing devices

On sale there are also the so-called combines, which combine the functions of a humidifier and an air purifier. They are called “air washing” or climate systems. They can ionize and aromatize the air, moisturize and purify it. These are complex devices that require a thorough device and, moreover, are quite expensive. Plus, periodically you need to change supplies, which is also not cheap.

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What to look for when buying?

What should I look for to choose the best humidifier for your home? If you have already decided on the type of device, then pay attention to the following parameters:

  • When choosing a model, consider what area it is designed for. For a room of 20 square meters. m will be enough device with a capacity of 5 liters. There are models that are designed for an area of ​​up to 60 square meters. m
  • Consider the power of the device when buying. Steam technology consumes the most electricity, while ultrasonic models will delight you with their low power at high performance.
  • This device is left to work around the clock, so the noise level is also considered an important factor. If possible, select devices with the lowest value for this metric.
  • Some moisturizers have an additional aroma capsule kit that will help bring various pleasant aromas to your home that increase your vitality and mood. At the same time, you should take into account that in the absence of such aroma capsules, oils can be painlessly infused only into steam units.
  • If the humidifier has a built-in hygrometer - a device for measuring the level of humidity, then monitoring will be much easier.

Important! The presence of a railway display, digital control and other bonuses is welcome, but, as a rule, this affects significantly the price of the device.

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How to care for the device?

Like any other appliance, the humidifier requires some care. Before you start using it, you need to carefully read the instructions that come with the device:

  • During the operation of the device, scale and deposits are formed - they need to be cleaned.
  • Filters need to be changed as needed.
  • Some appliances require only distilled water.
  • The device must operate at a temperature not exceeding 23 degrees.

Important! Careless or improper handling of steam models can lead to burns or damage to wallpaper or furniture.

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Steam humidifier rating

And now let's look at the rating of humidifiers for the home and look at the most popular models of different types of humidifiers.

Bionaire cm-1

One of the best humidifiers for a home from a family of steam is Bionaire CM-1:

  • This device has a relatively small capacity of a 2.25 liter tank, which is enough for a room with an area of ​​up to 17 square meters.
  • The ability to burn yourself with hot steam is minimized since the inside of the steam mixes with cold air.
  • Included is a nozzle for inhalation and aroma capsule, which makes the device more functional.


Philips HU4707 / 13

This model has a nice design and is designed for a small room, so it has a small water tank, which often has to be added. The device itself is easy to operate, it is possible to select a noise mode.

Boneco Air-O-Swiss S450

This representative of a well-known Swiss company is designed to moisten large rooms.It has high performance, is safe for others, has a large capacity for water, which makes it less likely to top up. Includes aroma capsule. But at the same time, it is quite noisy, expensive, and also consumes a lot of electricity.

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Ultrasound Model Rating

Now consider the rating of the best ultrasonic room humidifiers.

Ballu UHB-240 Disney

One of the best ultrasonic instruments is the Ballu UHB-240 Disney. Is he:

  • has a small capacity;
  • Designed for an area of ​​up to 20 square meters. m;
  • has a low noise level;
  • absolutely safe for others.

In addition, it has a pleasant design that fits perfectly into any interior, lighting and relative cost.

Important! Buyers do not find any flaws in it - according to reviews, it copes with its functions perfectly.

Atmosphere 2630

Compact, lightweight, easy-to-use device, which, moreover, has a low cost. Designed to wet the area up to 30 square meters. m at a power of 25 watts. The noise level is very low, has an attractive appearance.


This reliable model will perfectly cope with humidification of air in your apartment, and you will have enough water tank for uninterrupted operation for 12 hours. If the water level becomes low, then the humidifier will let you know about it. You will be pleased with its beautiful design and silent operation.

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Multifunction devices

Well, and completes our rating of humidifiers Winia AWX-70.

This device will create an excellent microclimate in your home:

  • This device not only moisturizes, but also purifies and ionizes the air.
  • The device has electronic control, a built-in display, designed for a large area - it supports the indoor microclimate up to 50 square meters. m

It has a lot of weight, as well as high cost.

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As you can see, there is plenty to choose from on the home appliance market, and it is better to do so that the living conditions in the house are more pleasant, and in order to protect yourself from frequent illnesses. And which particular humidifier to give preference to - now you can decide for yourself, based on your goals, requirements and the amount of money available.

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