What foods have the most vitamins?

Even someone who is not particularly knowledgeable in biology or medicine knows from childhood that living without vitamins is very difficult. Metabolism does not occur as it should, as a result - extremely unpleasant diseases occur. From a deficiency of vitamins, a person can even die. Where to get these wonderful substances? Which foods have the most vitamins, and which ones don't?
to contents ↑What are vitamins?
The word "vitamin" comes from the Latin "vitamin", that is, "life". This may seem strange, because vitamins do not participate directly in the construction of tissues, they are neither proteins, nor fats, nor carbohydrates. What are they all about? Vitamins are low molecular weight organic compounds. They have a different structure, they include different molecules. They have one thing in common - without them a complex organism simply cannot exist.
And what do these strange and incomprehensible substances do in the body? They play the role of catalysts. What is a catalyst is known from the school chemistry course. These are substances that accelerate a chemical reaction. For example, there are a couple of reagents that, of course, interact with each other, but under ordinary conditions, the reaction can last for years, or even centuries. But it’s worth adding a third component, and it will take just a few seconds to exchange atoms. These are the components in the human body (as well as in the other, where there are numerous and diverse groups of tissues) vitamins.
to contents ↑How many are there?
There are a lot of catalyst substances in nature. But not all of them are needed by man. What vitamins are needed for health? In order for it to be healthy and all organs to function normally, several major vitamins are needed, some of them are similar and grouped:
- group A;
- group B;
- D;
- E;
- para-aminobenzoic acid;
- choline;
- inositol.
Group A
Vitamins A1 and A2 are retinol and acceleroptol. Their absence or insufficient amount leads to blindness.
Important! Depending on the purpose for which you have a question about vitamins, you may find our review useful "The best vitamins for the skin."
Group B
The largest group is group B. The absence or deficiency of any vitamin of this class leads to dire consequences, the list of possible diseases in any medical directory takes several pages.
Group C
Vitamin C, the very ascorbic acid that can be freely bought at any pharmacy, greatly affects metabolic processes and tissue repair. Its disadvantage causes, for example, scurvy. In addition, ascorbic acid helps the body cope with bacteria, and that is why, with infectious diseases, doctors prescribe, among other things, ascorbic acid.
Group D
Vitamin D regulates calcium phosphorus metabolism. The absence of this substance is especially dangerous for young children - the bones are not formed correctly, and a serious illness such as rickets arises. But in an adult, such a “catalyst" must be present necessarily. It provides good blood coagulability, and also affects the work of the heart.
Group E
Vitamin E is also called the “fertility vitamin." But this is not his only function. For example, it helps to cope with asthma, or rather, to prevent its occurrence.
Choline, inositol, para-aminobenzoic acid
Under the influence of choline, the kidneys work fine, and in the liver exactly as much fat is deposited as it should, and not a gram more. It affects both nerve cells and the brain - in particular, it prevents sclerosis, so such vitamins are especially necessary for the health of older people.
Para-aminobenzoic acid is important for the skin. If this substance is not enough, the skin begins to peel and become inflamed, and in the most severe cases, even ulcers appear. The stable operation of the stomach and intestines depends on the presence of inositol; it also affects the nervous system.
to contents ↑Where to get them from?
When compiling a diet, it is very important to understand what foods contain what vitamins. It often happens that a person eats seemingly enough, but does not eat enough solely because there are not enough certain substances. So where are the “catalysts"? Let's start with para-aminobenzoic acid. If you want to have healthy skin, you will be helped out:
- liver;
- sprouted wheat.
If you are wondering where your body can get choline from, pay attention to these foods:
- Beans
- beans;
- meat;
- cottage cheese;
- cheese;
- cabbage;
- beets.
Important! So that you have the opportunity to diversify your diet with not only healthy, but also delicious food, use our selection of recipes:
- What is the best way to fry meat in a pan?
- Interesting recipes for tasty and unusual cabbage salads.
Are there vitamins, for example, in potatoes? It is believed that there are not enough of them. But this is not so. For example, inositol is present in this popular vegetable. Where else? Many foods have many of these vitamins:
- meat;
- fish
- eggs
- green peas;
- citrus fruits, especially oranges;
- melons - first of all, you should pay attention to the melon.
Important! In an effort to get the maximum benefit from citrus or other fruits, it makes sense not to eat them in kilograms, but to make tasty juices out of them. To do this, you just need to acquire good household appliances. And you can easily cope with this task if you use our tips to choose a juicer.
Find Vitamin A
The body needs a lot of vitamins A1 and A2. In general, they should be present in all products. In many they are. The richest in them:
- egg yolk;
- kefir and other lactic acid products;
- butter;
- cream;
- animal liver;
- kidneys of animals.
Important! But did you know that you can cook tasty and really healthy sour-milk products at home? So you will not only improve your health, but also save a lot. Read about how to choose and use a yogurt maker.
Some vegetables and fruits are rich in carotene:
- carrot;
- lettuce;
- cabbage;
- apricots
- plums.
Important! Most of this vitamin is found in foods like fish liver and caviar, especially red fish.
Where are B1 and B2?
The following alphabetically - vitamins of group B. There are several of them:
- IN 1;
- IN 2;
- IN 3;
- AT 5;
- AT 6;
- AT 9;
- AT 12.
Substances that can increase life expectancy are contained in different products:
- You will find vitamin B1 in nuts (peanuts, forest and walnuts), beans, barley grains, potatoes, buckwheat and oats, as well as in animal products - the liver and kidneys.
- If you especially need vitamin B2, you should definitely include vegetables in your diet - tomatoes, cabbage, turnips, potatoes, leeks. There are substances so much needed by your body also in cheese, kefir, eggs. Peas and beans, liver and beef are rich in them.
Important! The record amount of vitamin B2 is in brewer's yeast.
B3, aka PP
In case of acute need for this substance, you should go for mushrooms. There is most of all vitamin PP. If it is not the season to roam the forests, you can get out of the situation differently - include in the diet:
- meat;
- liver;
- kidneys
- kefir, acidophilus and other dairy products;
- cereals - wheat, rye, oats, barley;
- corn;
- buckwheat.
Important! As for brewer's yeast, they have all the vitamins of this group, which is why doctors recommend them for vitamin deficiency.
AT 5
Have you ever sliced carrot or radish tops in a salad? But in vain.Because it is in the tops that the largest amount of vitamin B5. So it is very useful when you return from the cottage to cut into a salad not only a beautiful red radish, but also its greens. Cheap and cheerful.
Naturally, this vitamin is also found in yeast. And do not forget about eggs, liver, kidneys and kefir.
Important! As for cereals, for some reason this vitamin is not stored in all products. He has it in buckwheat, but he doesn’t have it. And there is a lot of it in soy.
B6, B9, B12
A plant product like soy is used by some instead of meat. One can argue with this practice, but here is what is definitely in the soy, are vitamins B6, B9 and B12. Of course, they are also found in other products - kefir, animal liver (especially a lot in beef), and this is in onions and green radishes and carrots.
Where to get vitamin C?
The most common vitamin! It is found in almost all fruits - where more, where less. And also? In the leaves! But, of course, not in any. A large concentration of it is observed in the leaves and needles of such plants:
- birch trees;
- pine trees;
- ate;
- cedar;
- linden trees;
- raspberries;
- currants;
- lingonberries.
And it also contains a lot of lemons, oranges, tangerines, apples - in a word, almost all fruits.
Important! If we talk about greens, then the largest concentration is in garlic, including wild, as well as onions, both green and onions.
Looking for Vitamin D
This is a much-needed substance, without which tissues do not grow normally, eyes are blinded, and arteries become clogged with slag; it is found in many products that are not difficult to buy in an ordinary store. Most of all in dishes prepared from the following products:
- halibut liver;
- cod liver;
- the liver of other fish (although the record holders are halibut and cod);
- milk;
- animal liver;
- eggs
- butter.
Important! The body can synthesize Vitamin D itself - under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
Vitamin E
This vitamin is especially needed for those who suffer from diabetes or have a tendency to thrombophlebitis. Where to look for him? In the most common products:
- vegetable oil (any);
- liver of animals and fish;
- eggs
- cereals;
- lettuce.
to contents ↑Important! It is highly desirable that vitamin E enter the body in a complex with vitamin A.
We make up the menu
So, what should a person eat in order for vitamins to enter his body? For good health, you need to make a varied menu. At the same time, it is impossible to eat only vitamins, you need proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so it’s better to choose foods that have everything. Therefore, products of animal origin are very useful:
- meat;
- liver;
- kidneys
- eggs
- milk and dairy products.
Important! By the way, as for milk. Everyone has their own preferences, and someone likes a natural home-made product, and someone, like a “true child of asphalt”, accepts an exceptionally pasteurized version.
So that you do not have questions regarding value and usefulness, review the cognitive review in this article “Should pasteurized milk be boiled?”.
They have many vitamins, but proteins, too. But meat alone is not enough. Every meat dish needs a side dish. Can be used:
- potatoes;
- porridge, primarily buckwheat and oatmeal;
- green salads - this includes not only tomatoes and cucumbers, but also cabbage, onions, carrot tops.
Do not forget about desserts. It is through quality desserts that the much-needed vitamin C enters the body. Apples, currants, citrus fruits - the choice is quite large. If you like tea, feel free to add currant and raspberry leaves. Even when dried, they do not lose their properties.
to contents ↑What are vitamin complexes dangerous?
Food, of course, should be rich in vitamins of various groups. If the diet is balanced, no vitamin complexes are needed. A person will receive exactly as many catalyst substances as he needs.
But in the northern latitudes it is not always possible to serve fresh vegetables and fruits to the table. Therefore, many use vitamin complexes, fortunately, in any pharmacy there are a lot of them.But everyone familiar with dragees or tablets has a significant drawback - it is necessary to strictly control the dosage. Yes, there may be too many vitamins. Excess is, of course, better than disadvantage, first of all, because it is easier to deal with it - it is enough just to stop eating dragees in handfuls. But hypervitaminosis is also dangerous. Two unpleasant situations may arise:
- allergy to a certain product;
- catalytic substances cease to act, and a disease occurs that is very similar to hypovitaminosis.
Allergies may be temporary. As for the second option, such cases have been recorded, for example, when scurvy suddenly began after a huge amount of vitamin C was consumed in a person.
to contents ↑Stock footage
Thus, everything is good in moderation. Vitamins, of course, are needed, and it is better to get them with food than with medicines. Balanced diets are the basis of health and active longevity, and vitamins should not be neglected.
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