Is linoleum in an apartment harmful to health?

The question of whether linoleum in an apartment is harmful to health is of interest to many. Myths and legends about how this coating is allergenic and toxic are more than enough. This article will help you clearly distinguish between fiction and truth, and weigh all possible pros and cons when buying. In fact, the lion's share of claims about the danger of linoleum coating has nothing to do with reality. Read the article and see for yourself.

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Material composition analysis

First of all, when discussing the harmfulness or safety of a material, you need to know the composition of linoleum.

Natural or synthetic material?

To objectively compare natural and artificial floor coverings, we present their main characteristics.

Here are the characteristic features of natural material:

  • At the heart is a rare burlap sack made of jute fiber.
  • For impregnation of jute, a composition based on linseed oil with turpentine was used.
  • The raw materials for the manufacture of fillers are also completely natural - lime and wood flour, dyes, resins, etc.

The composition of synthetic linoleum is completely different:

  • The base of the material is made of foamed PVC, compensating for unevenness of the base, providing thermal and sound insulation.
  • The next layer behind the base is reinforcing. The role of the reinforcing material is played by fiberglass, which makes linoleum flexible and durable.
  • The PVC layer with a pattern plays a decorative role.
  • The uppermost translucent layer is protective. It is made of PVC or polyurethane.

Important! As you can see, the natural material, in principle, does not contain components that can harm health. The coating is not toxic, it does not contain volatile substances. There are no synthetic components either. Therefore, if you are not used to taking risks and you are not confused by the high cost, then natural linoleum is your choice.

If you need a practical, durable, but inexpensive material on the floor, it makes sense to purchase a synthetic flooring and come to terms with its individual flaws.

Important! No matter what type of flooring you choose, you will probably want to keep its properties and appearance for as long as possible. To do this, read the recommendations from the following articles and stick to them:

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Possible threats: myths and reality

Now let's see if synthetic varieties are so harmful? Consider whether there are any threats from the materials that are used in the manufacture. So what is linoleum made of?


Polyvinyl chloride is used as a bonding element. It can be said that this is a budget alternative to linseed oil. PVC is completely chemically inert. Therefore, statements about the toxicity of PVC is a one hundred percent myth.

Important! PVC emits toxic gaseous substances during combustion. But we will not discuss burning materials - any burning object is dangerous. In addition, PVC burns very poorly. In fire hazardous areas it is recommended to use fire-resistant linoleum.


Reinforcing material is also chemically neutral. It does not contain any substances that can cause at least some damage to health.

Plasticizers, stabilizers

Perhaps these are the only sources of danger of linoleum. The technology provides for their introduction into the composition of PVC to give the material flexibility and strength. In low-cost versions, cheap components that emit volatile substances are used.

Important! In an adult, staying in a room with this kind of flooring can cause a headache, and in young children it can cause serious poisoning.

The same goes for pigments. If the manufacturing company used inexpensive pigment, and even saved on the protective layer, then after a few years, volatile substances from the coloring composition enter the atmosphere. They can not be called toxic, but they can cause allergies.

Another risk associated with the decomposition of polymer compositions under the influence of sunlight. In the absence of filter additives in the polyurethane coating, the linoleum coating decomposes and volatiles enter the atmosphere.

Important! It is impossible to use commercial and semi-commercial linoleum for residential premises (especially in bedrooms and children's rooms). The requirements for such coatings are completely different than for materials for living rooms. Even high quality specimens can be potentially dangerous.



Many people forget about this potentially harmful factor, and in vain. The danger of the adhesive is due to the following reasons:

  • Many types of glue contain toxic substances. It is impossible to use such glue, but if the master is unscrupulous, then such a risk exists.
  • Sometimes the components of the glue enter into a chemical reaction with polyurethane. In this case, not only the decomposition of the polymer layer occurs, but also the dissolution of hazardous compounds (the same plasticizers or dyes). Not only does the appearance of linoleum suffer greatly, but also substances, to put it mildly, not very useful, get into the air.
  • Especially carefully you need to choose glue when laying linoleum coating on a warm floor. As the temperature rises, chemical reactions intensify. If you choose the wrong glue, you risk, at best, getting a not-too-pleasant smell, and at worst, allergies or intoxication.

Important! Linoleum is harmful to health in residential premises only if it comes to low-quality, cheap products from dubious manufacturers. In this case, we are not talking about compliance with quality standards.

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How to minimize the health damage of linoleum? Useful Tips

So, we were convinced that, in addition to ridiculous myths, there are also good reasons to fear for our own health. Is it possible, if not completely eliminated, then at least minimize these risks? There is such an opportunity. It is enough to follow simple rules:

  • You need to choose only high-quality material. A certificate of compliance is required. If the certificate is missing, then even the dumping price should not be an argument in favor of acquiring this product.

Important! For the children's room, you need to choose special coatings that meet much more stringent standards.

  • When buying a roll you need to sniff. An unpleasant “smell of chemistry” indicates the presence of volatile substances. Of course, not all varieties of flooring have an unpleasant odor, but it will not be difficult to weed out the “substandard” condition.
  • At the end of the installation of linoleum, the room needs to be ventilated. It is advisable to wait about a week until the final check-in.
  • The choice of glue should be approached especially carefully. You may have to pay more, but console yourself with the fact that this is a security fee.
  • Linoleum must be changed in a timely manner, without waiting for its complete wear. The material not only loses its attractive appearance, but also emits harmful compounds into the air.

Important! If you haven’t made a final decision yet and are also considering other flooring options for this or that room, see also our reviews:

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Using the above recommendations, you can avoid mistakes when choosing and make only carefully thought-out purchases.

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