Built-in table by the window

Some 30 years ago, the presence of a separate desk for the child indicated a certain status of the family. Due to the difficulty of living in small apartments, many students had to do homework at a table in the kitchen. Today, housing conditions have improved, and in furniture stores the range of desks is incredibly huge, and the cost of such items of furniture varies in a wide range. If a schoolboy is growing up in your family, then organizing a safe, convenient, practical and attractive workplace will become one of the priorities. That is why in this article we will talk about such a piece of furniture as a built-in table by the window for the child.
to contents ↑Determined with size and configuration
Obviously, the small table at which the child previously played or was engaged in creativity is no longer relevant. A preschooler could just physically “grow out” of such children's furniture.
Important! In order to organize the most convenient place for classes and immediately accustom the kid to certain responsibilities, conditions should be created that will best match the age of the student and his needs.
Here's what to consider in this case:
- On sale there are many different models for organizing a workspace that “knows how to grow” with a child. At chairs and tables, the height of the legs is adjustable - such a set can be bought for a preschooler, and over time, only adjust the height of the furniture. But even such furniture is not able to provide the organization of a working segment for a child from first grade to graduation. Therefore, a change of furniture for a teenager is required.
- Experts advise not to equip the student’s workplace at the computer table. Because the child can always be distracted by the monitor and forget about the lessons. In addition, at this table there simply may not be enough space to place with notebooks and books.
Important! If the children's space does not allow you to place the computer on another table, then you should take care of a very spacious table, on which there will be enough space for equipment and for the location of all accessories for classes.
- Before buying a table, it is worth deciding on the list of functions that it will perform. Whether the subject will be intended solely for study, or the student sitting behind him will be engaged in some kind of creativity. Should the table itself have storage systems or there will be convenient racks, cabinets and shelves near the workplace. And if you have the right skills, then you can make a children's desk do it yourself.
- After you decide on the functional purpose of the table, you should figure out the choice of the most optimal size. The main criteria will be: the size of the countertop, the depth of space under the table and the height of the legs.
Important! Children’s doctors recommend choosing a table with a fairly wide tabletop (at least 1 meter), a depth of more than 60 cm and a space under the table with a minimum size of 50 by 50 cm. But not only the table should be suitable, so read also useful tips on how to choose a chair for a student.
- You should not wait for special accuracy from the first-grader, therefore it is better to choose the model of the integrated desk along the window from the average price category.You should not save on quality, but buying a classic table made of solid wood, for every scratch on which the child will be punished, is also not worth it.
The choice of material for organizing a workplace
Among the main materials that are used for the manufacture of desks, we can especially highlight such.
One of the most popular types of material for the manufacture of furniture. Quite high technological properties and relatively low cost are the main selection criteria.
Important! A chipboard table is unlikely to become the family’s legacy, but it will be able to hold out throughout the child’s school life. Today’s production technology has made this material virtually harmless to humans and the environment.
In terms of price and quality, this option may be the most optimal.
Even cheaper, but less environmentally friendly material for furniture production. If the financial situation is pushing you to purchase a table from chipboard, then at least it is worth making sure that you have a security certificate. But if your budget allows you to make a more expensive purchase, it is better to opt for more environmentally friendly materials.
The most expensive and high-quality version of the raw materials for the production of tables. In terms of environmental safety, this material is practically not inferior to natural wood. At the same time, it is much less responsive to the effects of harmful factors, for example, moisture, mechanical friction and sunlight.
Solid wood
Such a product will be expensive, but will be the safest in terms of environmental friendliness.
to contents ↑Important! There are also combined models, the production of which uses a metal frame (or parts thereof) and wooden countertops. In such models, you need to pay attention to the painting of metal parts and the quality of fittings, parts that were used when connecting the elements together.
How to arrange jobs for two children?
In addition to the fact that when choosing items of furniture for the nursery, a number of criteria for ergonomics and safety must be taken into account, it is also very important to plan the correct location of the workplace.
Important! Since your child will have to deal not only with natural light in the room, also consider choose a desk lamp for the student.
In addition to free access and good lighting, the workplace should be placed in accordance with the characteristics of the workflow of a particular child. For example, if he is left-handed, then the location of the table itself, as well as storage systems, should be due to this feature.
Important! To ensure that all school supplies are accessible and not lost, do convenient DIY desk organizer.
If it is assumed that two children will be engaged in the room, then the issue of organizing space becomes more acute. Depending on the relationship between the children and their characters, take note of these ideas:
- You can arrange either freestanding desks, or combine a workspace for two. If you know that children will interfere with each other's peace of mind, it is better to sacrifice free space and organize for each child their own workplace with individual storage systems.
- If the children get along well, then a common worktop zoned with storage systems can be a good option.
- In some cases, it will not be superfluous to zoning workstations at one tabletop not only with storage systems under the table, but also above it. Whether it is hinged cabinets or open shelves - you decide. In any case, there are never too many storage systems.
- There are desks for sale, which are presented in the form of an island-cube, where at least two working spaces are allocated, each of which is equipped with individual storage systems.However, for the installation of such modules it is necessary to have a sufficiently spacious room to organize an approach to such an island from all sides. In our medium-sized apartments, most often used built-in desks by the window or wall.
- Many parents prefer the layout of a bed in the form of an attic bed, where in the space under it you can place a working segment. Such a layout of furniture significantly saves usable space, but at the same time the desktop is located in a rather dark place.
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In the children's room it is very important to organize a space where the location of the desk plays an important role, since it is here that the kid will do homework, play and engage in creativity. Built-in table by the window - This is a wonderful option that will help to equip the room so that the student is comfortable.
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