Anti-vibration stands for the washing machine

Anti-vibration stands for the washing machine are needed in order to reduce vibration during machine operation. Before deciding that you need such a stand, you need to make sure that your machine is installed evenly, because the cause of strong vibration, shaking, most often is the incorrect installation of household appliances. But if even when the installation of the legs of the machine was perfect, it continues to vibrate strongly during operation, it is necessary to use special stands for the washing machine. They are quite practical in work, because they rarely fail. Even if they fail, replacing them is very simple. All the features of the selection and installation of such devices will be discussed in this article.
to contents ↑Stands for the legs of the washing machine
These devices not only reduce the vibrations of the machine, they also suppress noise and prevent it from jumping and sliding, thereby preventing it from moving around the room.
Why does vibration occur?
Just like that, vibration during spinning and washing rarely occurs, this phenomenon, like any other, has its own reasons. Most often, these are errors that were made during the installation of the device.
To prevent the machine from vibrating:
- it must be installed on a flat, solid surface;
- align it horizontally - you can do this simply by adjusting the legs.
Important! Provided that all installation rules observed, but the vibration still remained - this means that most likely, during the installation of the washing machine, you could forget to remove the transport bolts. These bolts are temporary fasteners that fix the drum of the washing machine during transportation, protecting it from damage.
What danger is vibration:
- During spinning, strong vibration occurs. With poor cushioning, microdamage on moving parts is provoked. This, over time, can lead to breakdown with serious consequences.
- Vibration can spoil the floor, create a lot of noise, dump objects on the typewriter. It is easy to notice that it is necessary to deal with this problem.
to contents ↑Important! Taking care of your washing machine and installing special anti-vibration stands for the washing machine, you will thereby significantly extend its life and protect yourself from excessive noise.
Anti-vibration feet for a washing machine
Sets of anti-vibration protective legs for washing machines, as well as refrigerators, are made of special high-strength polymer material. Acceptable conical shape, as well as one-piece stand structure allows to achieve a significant reduction in vibration.
Important! An additional plus of using such devices is when moving the washing machine, you do not have to cover the traces of its legs or make expensive repairs.
There are several options for such parts, from which you can choose:
- rubber feet for a washing machine;
- silicone coasters for the washing machine.
Important! Another good way to combat the vibration of technology can be mat for washing machine.
Accordingly, they can be black or white, completely colorless, that is, transparent.
Important! The diameter of each of the stands is usually 3-5 centimeters. But it should be remembered that they are not universal and may not be suitable for some models of technology. Most often this applies to built-in appliances, because with racks their level rises and they can no longer fit in a niche.
Stand for washing machine with drawer
In addition to the rubber anti-vibration stands for the washing machine, you can also install a stand in the bathroom, which raises your household appliances above the floor. This will make loading and unloading linen convenient, and the level of noise and vibration will be significantly reduced.
Product Features:
- This stand is a box up to 45 cm high, the front of which extends. In this pull-out part, you can store washing powder, linens, towels and other detergents, which is very practical when arranging a small bathroom.
- Such supports are made of chipboard, wood, fiberboard, and lined with decorative materials on top. Parameters allow you to install a washing machine of various sizes.
- Specially made fastenings for legs will help to fix the washing machine perfectly and you need not worry about its safety. The legs of the machine will be firmly fixed on the stand, which will lead to a decrease in vibration during its operation, the disappearance of loud sounds.
- With this convenient stand, the process of unloading and loading laundry will become more enjoyable and faster. Manage the machine and monitor its serviceability during operation will be much easier.
- Another advantage of the stand for a washing machine with a drawer is the saving of space in the bathroom, and the appearance becomes more aesthetic and attractive.
Important! If you are seriously involved in the installation of the device, think about protecting the equipment from scale. Use clean water from impurities when operating the machine. To do this, install filter for washing machine.
Important! In order for the anti-vibration stand to serve you reliably and for a long time holding the washing machine, during assembly you need to securely fasten all the parts, as well as fix the back of the drawer against the wall. Typically, these devices have standard sizes, so they fit any model, perfectly harmonize with the design of household appliances.
DIY washing machine stand
If you want to save money and not buy an expensive car stand, you can try to design it yourself at home. A box made on your own will be much cheaper than purchasing it in a store. The assembly process is likely to be fascinating and interesting.
Materials and Tools
In order to make a stand for a washing machine with your own hands, you will need:
- Plywood sheet;
- Wooden bars measuring 10 * 10 cm;
- Drill;
- Self-tapping screws measuring 75 mm;
- Mounting glue;
- A circular saw.
Working process:
- First of all, getting started, measure the parameters of the washing machine. This is necessary in order to determine the length and width of the stand. For greater stability, add 5 centimeters to each side. The height of the stand can be any, but it is best to make it no more than 50 cm.
- After you have decided on the parameters of your stand, use a circular saw to saw the beams and MDF in accordance with the dimensions.
- Assemble the frame of the product from pre-prepared wooden parts.
- Fasten them together using self-tapping screws, attach to them a back wall made of plywood.
- Lubricate the outer, as well as the lower and upper, surfaces of the sides with glue and glue the cut sheets of plywood to them, and then fix them with self-tapping screws.
Important! The stand will be in the form of a frame, inside of which there will be empty space.You can put a container there in order to store in it accessories for cleaning, washing, as well as dirty laundry. Choose the color of this product based on your own preferences or based on the color scheme that is present in the design of your room.
Helpful hints:
- When creating a stand, use a large number of long self-tapping screws in order to give it strength and reliability.
- To ensure that the washing machine is firmly fixed to the surface of the stand, purchase a rubber mat and lay it before you put the machine.
to contents ↑Important! Power surges can cause serious damage to the washing machine. Protect your equipment from this harmful influence by setting network filter.
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We hope that now you will no longer have problems with the constant washing machine washing down the bathroom. Costs will pay off with your comfort and tranquility!