Gasoline trimmer - which is better to choose?

How to make a lawn well-groomed and beautiful? It is necessary to constantly look after it - regular haircut and watering will allow you to enjoy the green carpet. If this is not done, the green meadow can turn into unsightly, overgrown with weed soil. Watering is done automatically or manually. Lawn mowers and trimmers are used to mow lawns. This article will focus on a device such as a gas trimmer. Which is better to choose from the whole variety - consider their varieties, features and selection criteria.

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Why is the best choice for a summer residence - a trimmer?

In the summer cottage, usually, the surface is hilly, uneven. Sometimes, you have to deal with vegetation along the fence or buildings. A wheeled lawnmower is not suitable for this purpose. The ideal option is a trimmer, and this is because:

  • It is easy to drive and agile.
  • It is convenient for them to process narrow sections along the paths and between the flower beds.
  • It is easy to move from place to place.
  • They perfectly mow thickets in narrow openings and along fences.
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Types of Trimmers

To understand which trimmer is best for a summer residence, you need to know about the varieties of such a tool and the differences between different types. According to the principle of nutrition, trimmers are:

  • electric;
  • rechargeable;
  • gasoline.

Electric trimmers

This type of trimmer can be selected if you need to mow grass in a small area.

Important! Due to the fact that it works from electricity, you will need to purchase an extension cord of the required length, and constantly monitor the cord so as not to touch it during operation.

The main advantages of the electric type of trimmers:

  • Quick readiness for work.
  • Easy start of the motor.
  • Low noise compared to gasoline.
  • Environmental friendliness - there are no exhaust gases.
  • High rate of power.
  • Compared to gasoline, less weight.
  • It does not require refueling and purchase of fuel.
  • Low cost.


  • The radius of movement is limited by the length of the cord.
  • An electric cable creates inconvenience during operation.
  • In high humidity and during rain it is forbidden to operate the device, as water can cause a short circuit.
  • The device is susceptible to overheating, so after 20-30 minutes of work, you need to take breaks.

Important! An electric trimmer with a weak engine can not cope with the thick stems of weeds, young growth of trees and shrubs. The engine may overheat and burn out.

Cordless Trimmers

This type of trimmer is not common, due to the cost and weight of powerful batteries. The main advantage of such a device is its independence from fuel and autonomy.


  • Low engine power - can not cope with bushes and trees.
  • The battery can sit in the midst of work, and you will need to spend time recharging it.

Petrol trimmers

If you decide - an electric or gas trimmer, which is better to choose, then choose a gasoline. This is the most popular type of mower, both among the owners of summer cottages, and among landscapers in cities.

Its main advantages:

  • High power, on which the cutting speed depends.
  • Easy to manage.
  • Maneuverability and mobility - the ability to handle the most inaccessible places.
  • Slight physical effort while the tool is running.
  • Autonomous operation - no stationary current source is required, independence of cable length, etc.
  • A wide selection of models.


  • High noise level.
  • The mass of the tool.
  • Traffic fumes.

Important! A good petrol trimmer for a summer residence will cope with a large amount of work and help to process large areas. Professional models are equipped with a powerful engine and everything necessary to cut plants with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm.

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Trimmer design

All trimmers are similar in structure and have the main components:

  • barbell;
  • engine;
  • cutting headset.

On the bar are installed:

  • engine;
  • cutting elements;
  • protective staples;
  • grip for grip;
  • dump.

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The main parameters for choosing a gas trimmer

Before choosing a gas trimmer, you should consider what you will use it for.

Important! Choose a more powerful model if you need to mow thick and thick vegetation over large areas.

Consider the main options for selection.

engine's type

There are two types of engines of this unit.

Push pull

The main difference between this type of engine is the lack of separate lubrication. What does that mean?

  • Mechanical parts of the motor require regular lubrication.
  • For engines of this type, a precisely measured amount of oil is mixed with gasoline, and this mixture is poured into the mower tank. This causes some inconvenience during use, since insufficient oil or excess oil can cause malfunctions in the device.
  • Regarding the quality of the oil used, practice shows that any type is suitable, although manufacturers recommend specially designed types of oils.

Important! A unit with this type of engine is unpretentious to gasoline - it is possible to use low-quality gasoline.

Advantages of a two-stroke engine type:

  • Unpretentiousness to the used fuels and lubricants.
  • The simplicity of design allows you to carry out a small repair yourself, without contacting the service.
  • Cost is lower than four-stroke.
  • Less weight compared to four-stroke.


  • The need to observe exact proportions when mixing oil with gasoline.
  • Compared to the four-stroke, more noisy work.

Four stroke

Such an engine has a complex structure and if it breaks down, you should contact a specialist.

The main advantages of the four-stroke engine:

  • High power, allowing you to work for a long time at low speeds.
  • The presence of a separate lubrication system, thanks to which it is not necessary to pre-dissolve the oil in the fuel.
  • Less noisy work compared to a two-stroke engine.
  • The ability to mow bushes and trees, and not just fresh grass. Follow the link to find out how to choose chopper branches and grass.
  • The ability to cultivate large areas, fighting perennial weeds.


  • Higher cost.
  • Fuel consumption is greater due to power.
  • The mass of the device is higher.

Engine power

Fuel consumption and device capabilities depend on this parameter. Gas trimmers are available with the following types of capacities:

  • I - power up to 1 HP. Such an aggregate can carry out a small amount of work and is intended for domestic use.
  • II - power from 1 to 3 drugs. A device with such engine power can be used in medium-sized areas. These engines are equipped with professional and universal units.
  • ІІІ - power over 3 HP. Devices with such power are designed for complex work, they are able to work for a long time on large areas, and cut not only grass, but also young bushes and trees.

For example, an aggregate with a power of 175-550 watts can only be used for mowing grass, and a trimmer with a capacity of 600-1000 watts will cope with tall, rough and wet grass.

Important! For different types of vegetation, you should use a special nozzle, which is equipped with a gasoline trimmer.

Engine placement

On the unit, there are two options for placing the engine - at the top or bottom:

  • It is better to choose a gas trimmer with an overhead engine. This design is less prone to clogging from emissions of fine grass and dust, which significantly increases the service life of the device.
  • Choose a lower location in cases where it is necessary to handle a small lawn from freshly grown grass.

Important! Various garden pests adversely affect the beauty of plants, the amount of yield in the garden and can generally lead to the death of plants. They need to be fought. See our separate review for descriptions and instructions for use.preparations for garden pests.

Cutting element

When choosing a gas trimmer, pay attention to the presence of all types of cutting elements that can be changed depending on the type of vegetation being processed.

Fishing line

Depending on the tool, a fishing line with a diameter of 1.2 to 4 mm is used.

There is a kapron fishing line with a different cross-sectional pattern:

  1. Asterisk - best suited for the lawn, allowing it to recover quickly after mowing.
  2. Square - suitable for clipping woody plants and thick stems.
  3. A circle is a universal section, such a section of a fishing line is suitable for both grass and dry burdock.

Important! It should be noted that:

  • Kapron fishing line should be used on more even surfaces where there are no small stones, branches, etc.
  • To mow soft grass on more complex reliefs, you can use a tool with a flexible cutting cord string, which is not afraid of stones and glass.
  • A string braid can handle a strip up to 50 cm wide.

Important! Ants very often cause a lot of trouble both in the garden and in the house. In our separate post, we talked about the most effective way to deal with them. Follow the link "Boric acid from ants in the garden".

Steel knife or plastic knife

A gasoline trimmer with a knife cutting element is suitable for cutting tall and tough plants, it can be used to clean up neglected areas:

  • Devices with a metal knife are able to cope with coarse weeds, but such a knife is heavy, afraid of shock and requires constant sharpening.
  • A plastic knife is cheaper than a metal one, lighter.

Important! A larger number of teeth on the knife allows you to get a more accurate and even beveled strip.

A good petrol trimmer for a summer residence should be equipped with all kinds of cutting elements.

Trimmer weight

If the device will be used by an elderly person or woman, special attention should be paid to this parameter:

  • The mass of a simple gasoline mower is from 1.6 kg.
  • More powerful - up to 6 kg.

Important! It should be noted that after refueling, the device will become 1.0-1.5 kg heavier, depending on the volume of the tank.

Pen type

When working with the trimmer, you need to hold it tightly in your hands with constant movement. Therefore, the question arises, how to choose a gas trimmer, based on the shape of the handle.

The main types:

  1. T-shaped. This form is convenient when used over a large area, as it allows you to hold the device with both hands.
  2. D-shaped. Units with this form of handle are more maneuverable, they can process paths, shrubs, trees. But working with such a tool is more difficult, since the inconvenience is the position of the hands when working - one on top of the other. It is better to use a fishing line as a cutting element in a trimmer with a D-shaped handle.
  3. J-shaped handle is used with metal knives. Such a device is best used in heavily overgrown and large areas.

Important! The most unpleasant discovery for owners of private houses or cottages is the identification of unwanted "roommates" - mice. Check out our website for helpful to get rid of mice in the country forever.

Bar shape

This parameter is one of the main ones when choosing a gas trimmer. Which is better to choose for convenience when using, we will consider in this section.

The main forms of the bar:

  • A curved bar - a device with such a shape is best used on the hilly sections of vegetable gardens and gardens.
  • Direct boom - with a device with this type of boom it is better to use it for processing smooth lawns.

Important! The straight form of the bar is more durable and reliable, and options with a telescopic and curved bar break more often.

Type of unloading

Pay attention to what type of unloading is included with the device. The main types that the devices are equipped with:

  • The belt is the simplest view on one shoulder, not quite suitable for processing large areas.
  • Double belt - on two shoulders at the same time, softens the load, when using powerful devices this type of unloading is not recommended.
  • A satchel with a belt is the best type of unloading. When walking, weight and load are distributed over the whole body, the back does not get tired, the level of vibration decreases.

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Trimmer Prevention and Care

Timely service and the prevention of emergency working conditions will allow the trimmer to serve for a long time:

  • To do this, it is necessary to clean the working planes of the device and open parts from contamination.
  • When using the unit in humid conditions (for example, morning dew) or during dry weather (cases of heavy dusting), it is allowed to briefly close the open parts of the device.
  • Keep in mind that due to lack of ventilation, overheating of the engine is possible.
  • It is also necessary to remember the timely replacement of filter elements in the motor, which protect the fuel system from contamination.

Important! Caring for the garden site takes a lot of time, but you also need to relax, and preferably with comfort. Still in the process of arranging your green zone?

Then for sure our workshops will be useful to you, with the help of which you can make beautiful and comfortabledo-it-yourself chair for a summer house.

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Rating of the best gas trimmers

Choosing a good gas trimmer for a summer residence, give preference to well-known brands. Manufacturers of such devices value their name and produce better products. Based on the feedback of the owners and given the cost of the unit, the following models can be distinguished.

Stihl fs 55

The Stihl FS 55 petrol trimmer received positive reviews and is in the average price range.

Important! This model can be used in large areas for mowing grass and shrubs, often used in forestry.

Main characteristics:

  • The mass of the device is 5 kg.
  • It is possible to install a delimbing / brush cutter.
  • Two stroke engine.
  • Overhead engine.
  • Engine power - 1 HP.
  • The fuel tank has a volume of 0.33 l.
  • The shape of the bar is straight.
  • The shape of the handle is T-shaped.
  • The ability to adjust the handle height.
  • Options - shoulder strap, fishing line, knife.
  • Low noise.
  • The minimum amount of exhaust gas.

Important! This trimmer has an anti-vibration system that reduces the negative effects of vibrations during the operation of a powerful motor.

Echo SRM-22GES U-Handle

Trimmer Echo SRM-22GES U-Handle also received positive feedback from the owners, has the following main parameters:

  • Two-stroke engine rated at 1 HP.
  • The volume of the fuel tank is 0.44 liters.
  • Possibility of using fishing line and knife.
  • The thickness of the fishing line is 3 mm.
  • Cutting width - 23 cm.
  • Low noise.
  • Weight - 4.8 kg.
  • The average price range.

Al-ko 112387 frs 4125

The Al-ko 112387 frs 4125 unit found good reviews when used at the seasonal dacha. The quality of the device is not inferior to expensive models and has the following characteristics:

  • Engine location - top.
  • Engine type - two stroke.
  • Power - 1.2 HP.
  • Fuel tank - 0.7 l.
  • Cutting width - 41 cm.
  • Knife mowing width - 25 cm.
  • The mass of the device is 7 kg.
  • Height-adjustable handle.
  • T-shaped handle.
  • Straight barbell.
  • The presence of anti-vibration system.
  • The unit is equipped with a knife, fishing line and shoulder strap.


Patriot pt 555

A good gas trimmer for giving the Patriot pt 555, according to reviews of summer residents, meets the price-quality ratio. It is equipped with the following parameters:

  • Engine power - 3 HP.
  • Top engine location.
  • The presence of engine brakes.
  • Weight - 7.7 kg.
  • The width of the cut is 51 cm.
  • Ability to install brush cutter / delimbers.
  • Engine type - two stroke.
  • Height adjustable handle.
  • Straight barbell.
  • The shape of the handle is T-shaped.
  • Options - fishing line, knife, shoulder strap.

Nother ggt-1000t

The petrol ggt-1000t trimmer has the following basic characteristics:

  • 1.35 hp two-stroke engine.
  • Engine location - top.
  • The presence of anti-vibration system.
  • Weight - 8.8 kg.
  • Noise level - 96 dB.
  • Cutting width - 25 cm.
  • Installation of a brush cutter / delimber.
  • T-handle adjustable in height.
  • Straight bar shape.
  • The device is equipped with a shoulder strap, fishing line and knife.
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We considered the main issues of how to choose a gas trimmer, and it will be a simple or professional model - the choice is yours. Before you purchase the unit you like, read the reviews and the main characteristics to achieve the desired result during use.

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