Gas stove cleaning

Almost every person on the planet has a gas stove in the 21st century. We can’t do without it. Cooking equipment occupies a central part in the kitchen, allows you to cook all the goodies that every housewife loves to pamper her household. Lush pies, pies melting in your mouth, stewed vegetables, casseroles, juicy flavored meat - all this gives us strength, energy, good mood and a feeling of that very home comfort that cannot be compared to anything. But for everything to work properly and to be able to create new culinary masterpieces, you need to properly care for the cooking equipment. So, cleaning the oven of the gas stove, burners, hob of the stove should be constant and high quality. You will learn how to perform this routine work so as not to spend a lot of time and effort from this article.

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How to clean the stove?

By cleaning the stove begins to care for such equipment. Initially, you need to know what exactly to use is categorically unacceptable. So:

  • Abrasive products are completely prohibited;
  • You can also not use hard brushes, sponges;
  • It is undesirable to use vinegar, hydrogen peroxide on an enameled surface;
  • The plates covered with glass or stainless steel, wipe and clean only with a soft sponge - so there will be no stain and no residue.

The following funds are allowed:

  • Laundry soap;
  • Lemon acid;
  • Table vinegar;
  • Ammonia;
  • Baking soda;
  • Anise-ammonia drops.

This is a list of substances that are found in almost every home and will help you easily clean the gas stove from grease and other types of stains. And by following the link, you will still learn how clean the hood in the kitchen.

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Instructions for folk methods

To begin with, we will protect ourselves from accidents and other things, turning off the gas, turn off the stove from the mains. This way you will be completely safe.

Next, proceed directly to the cleaning process. Here you will find the following tools useful.

The easiest way:

  1. We rub a quarter of the bar of soap, dissolve in 6 liters of warm water.
  2. A grill can be placed in this mixture.
  3. Remove it and put it in a solution so that it completely covers it.
  4. Next, remove the burners, and put them in the same solution for 12 hours.
  5. Now take a sponge of medium hardness. But not very rough, since it will leave noticeable scratches and damage, and do not wet the stove with water, otherwise it will complicate the process.
  6. Clean the stove to shine.

We use a dishwasher

Hot plates and grills can be washed in the dishwasher, if you have one. To do this, use more dishwashing detergents. At the end of the process, we simply dry the parts.

Affordable way for a private home

After pre-soaking the grill with persistent dirt, we use sand and soda. We wash the part under running water and dry it.

Important! We examined this topic in more detail on our site of useful tips in a separate review “How to wash the gas stove grill?”.

We keep the burners clean

So that in subsequent times it would not be difficult for you to clean the burner, but simply rinse it in warm water, cover it with this solution:

  • soda ash;
  • washing powder;
  • transparent stationery glue.

The ratio of ingredients is 6: 1: 2.

Important! We repeat the procedure every three months.

Clean the hob:

  • Apply citric acid to the surface of the plate, leave for a quarter of an hour. We erase and wipe dry.
  • For burnt soiling, use a mixture of table vinegar and ammonia.

We remove soot and grease from the handles

Handles are one of the most difficult places on the stove; they get dirty quickly and have a complex shape. The situation can be corrected by the following methods.

If the handles are removed, then:

  • Soak them in a solution with detergent. The time period must be at least 8 hours. You can use the same soapy solution.
  • If you do not have so much time and patience, add vinegar essence per liter of soap mixture. Boil the pens in a solution for five minutes. It is advisable to do everything with gloves in order to prevent the solution from getting on hands. At the end, remove the dirt with a soft kitchen sponge.

But if the handles on the plate are not removable, you will need objects that can get into a hard-to-reach place:

  1. In the beginning, wipe them with a sponge dipped in soda.
  2. For stubborn stains, take soda ash.
  3. Take ear sticks or a toothbrush and apply ammonia to hard-to-reach spots.
  4. We are waiting for a quarter of an hour and continue cleaning.

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An oven as part of a hob - 10 effective cleaning methods

The oven occupies a significant part of the stove, so you need to have an idea how to clean the oven at home.

Method 1

Oven door - first three surfaces with a damp sponge. We cover abundantly with soda, three well, without using metal scrapers and sponges, we wait an hour. After time, wipe with a soft cloth.

Important! If you have funds for mirrors and windows, you can wipe it - you will see the result yourself.

Method 2:

  1. Pour hot water into the basin and dissolve the cleaning agent.
  2. We take out all the insides of the oven and immerse everything in a basin.
  3. Dip a sponge in a cleaning agent and process the oven inside.

Important! In no case do not touch the heating parts.

When the oven is turned on, it helps to soften the fat for 10-15 minutes, then immediately turn it off according to safety rules. Just remove the adhering dirt, and that’s all - the cleaning of the gas stove oven is over.

Important! Do not forget that the pan also needs care. If you are already thoroughly washing the stove, read about suitable methods towash the baking sheet from the old fat.

Method 3

Vinegar with soda during the interacting reaction emit hydrogen, which, in turn, copes with greasy spots. This solution will clean almost everything:

  1. We process the entire inner surface with vinegar.
  2. Pour soda on a sponge and apply to all dirty places.
  3. We fill the door with soda.
  4. After a few hours, wipe all areas with a semi-rigid sponge, and cleaning the gas stove oven will be of high quality.

Important! If not all fat has come off, try rubbing soda again.

Then we rinse the surface several times with warm water, changing it from time to time.

Method 4

Lemon juice is an excellent tool so that cleaning the oven of the gas stove does not take away your lot of energy:

  1. We get a glass of fresh lemon juice and a glass of water.
  2. Wet the rag and wipe the oven from the inside.
  3. We wait 30-40 minutes, at the end wipe with a damp cloth.

Important! You can also add such a liquid to a spray bottle and spray it over the entire surface of the oven, repeat the rest.

Method 5:

  1. We mix 100 ml of table vinegar, 50 grams of baking soda, 30 grams of laundry soap, grated on a fine grater.
  2. We rub the surface and stop for 2-3 hours.
  3. After this time, remove the plaque with a soft sponge - this is possible.

Method 6:

  1. Half fill the tank with water.
  2. We add the dishwashing detergent, put the lemon sliced ​​in small slices into a container with a detergent.
  3. In the oven we boil at 150 degrees, after 30 minutes you can turn it off.
  4. Let it cool, remove the fat with a sponge, plus everything, you will get rid of the smell of burning.

Method 7

Steam - enameled boards are very sensitive, so sometimes use this method:

  1. In a baking pan, pour a few glasses of water. See that it does not overflow.
  2. We mix water with a small amount of detergent, heat the oven to 150 degrees and wait 30 minutes.
  3. For security reasons, wait until the oven cools down and wipe with a damp cloth.

Method 8

Baking powder - yes, it does not only batter dough. Cleaning the gas stove oven will also be effective if applied correctly:

  1. Wipe the oven with a rag first.
  2. We apply a baking powder on the walls, leave for several hours.
  3. The plaque should gather in lumps, which, in turn, are removed with a semi-rigid sponge.

Method 9

Rock salt - we do not regret and pour salt on the surface, after which we heat the sodium powder to yellow. Clean with a mild detergent solution.

Method 10:

  1. In 600 ml of water, we dilute a kilogram of salt and a little carbonic acid.
  2. Preheat the oven in the range of 150-200 degrees.
  3. We put the solution on the lowest shelf of the oven, heat it for about half an hour, turn it off and let it cool.
  4. Wipe and rinse.

Important! Is the hob cleaning finished or in full swing? Do not waste time waiting. Put in order the rest of the kitchen utensils! Follow the link and follow our tips,how to clean pots.

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Now you are able to take care of the stove and oven at ease, which will be an excellent help in everyday life. Moreover, almost all of the above methods are commercially not very expensive, which, of course, cannot but rejoice. Remember that ovens must be cleaned, otherwise traces can ruin the taste and smell of cooked dishes.

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