Washing machine

Today it’s hard to imagine everyday life without regularly washing the clothes we wear. Few people have enough time to do this with the hands of time and energy after a hard working day. An assistant and a clever woman come to the aid - a washing machine. They threw dirty laundry, chose the mode, and after an hour or two, or even 30 minutes, things were clean. Regular cleaning of the washing machine helps not only to keep it in proper shape, but also to work efficiently. How to organize this correctly so as not to damage the equipment - we will consider in this article.
to contents ↑Why do I need to clean the washer?
On average, the life of this miracle is about 10 years. But dirt, dust, “hard” tap water significantly shorten this period. Such a misfortune can happen that one day your toiler will stop working for no apparent reason, although they actually are - this is scum, clogging, and so on. The deposition of metal salts on a tubular electric heater (TEN) will lead to a complete stop of the machine. If the machine suddenly stopped working, you first need to determine what the cause of the breakdown is. Statistics tell us that the main causes of this trouble are usually the appearance of scale on the heating element and filter blockage.
Important! In order for less scaling to form in the washing machine and, accordingly, less of its negative impact on the internal elements of the equipment, we recommend that you install flowing water filter.
The fact is that automatic washing machines have a tendency to accumulate:
- Mold and fungus in the sealing rubber, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.
- The remains of powder, rinse aid and other household chemicals that are added inside during washing.
- Limescale on the heater.
- Sand and rust in the filter of a hose for water supply.
- Small things and dirt in the drain pump filter.
For this reason, over time, you notice that your clothes (usually light) do not shine after washing, as they were before. Also, external contaminants that relatively quickly cover the door, countertop and protruding body, cars spoil the appearance of the room.
Important! How often do I need to clean my washing machine from dirt and scale? Optimal - once every two to three months. In the event that you have animals at home or you often have to wash woolen things, then the unit needs to be overhauled more often.
Let's figure out how to clean the washing machine and its components.
to contents ↑Cleaning the drain pump filter
Not everyone knows about the existence of this filter, and its clogging is not uncommon. An uninformed person can give a lot of money to the master, who will undertake to “repair” the washer, although in fact there is no breakdown, it is just necessary to clean the dirt from the drain filter. It is located on the front of the machine, at the very bottom, usually has a rectangular outline of the cover.
These steps must be performed in order for the washing machine to be effective and continue to function properly:
- Open the cover. You will see a plug screwed into the drain filter hose. Before pulling out the tube and opening the plug, substitute a container to drain the remaining water inside the unit.
- Behind the cork, you will immediately see the cause of the blockage - hair, buttons, peel from seeds and other polluting small things that fall into the drain filter after the next wash. If you have never washed it, most likely there will be an unpleasant smell. With a gloved hand, the filter must be freed of accumulated debris.
- Next - wipe the filter with a dry cloth and put it back.
Important! It is recommended to clean the drain hole of the filter after each wash, at least 2 times a month.
Get rid of dirt in the powder tray and detergents
Usually no one looks into this container - they poured powder into the tank, fabric softener, closed it, and go. But if you look carefully there, you can be very surprised. There will be dirt, possibly black stains from mold and even fungus. Not the best sight, right? And most importantly - all this contents of the tray in every wash comes in contact with the drum and your laundry.
We remove dirt and mold from the powder container:
- The capacity is easily taken out of the compartment. If you have any difficulties, follow the link and find out detailed information, how to remove the powder tray in the washing machine. Take out the powder tank, grab a sponge or old toothbrush. Lathering with soap, try to clean everything that has accumulated inside.
- In a bath for an air conditioner plaque is possible. How to clean the washing machine from plaque? A toilet cleaner will help you get rid of it easily. You can take an inexpensive product, which includes chlorine or oxalic acid, for example, Domestos, pour 20-30 ml into the container, let it stand for a couple of hours. Mold will dissolve along with plaque.
Important! Cleaning the powder tray is easy, so rinse the prophylaxis tank after every 3-5 washings to prevent mold and dirt.
How to clear TEN from a scum?
This element of technology is most prone to malfunctions. If your water in the tap has an increased level of hardness, in other words, the amount of impurities in the water of metals, salts, corrosion exceeds the norm, the risk of premature breakdown of the heater is very high. It forms a layer of plaque, scale, which increases from washing to washing. When there is too much plaque, the electric heater does not even allow you to turn on the washing program.
Important! You will find out about the breakdown of the heater if the washing machine suddenly turned off in the midst of work, and from that moment it stopped working completely. Another situation - the machine is working, but the water does not warm at all.
What detergents for washing machines will help you in the prevention and correction of problems with the formation of plaque on the heater.
Lemon acid
Usual food citric acid with a bang helps to remove scale:
- The amount of lemon juice powder depends on how thick a layer of scale has formed on the heating element. On average, five sachets of acid will be required for an automatic machine with a load of five kilograms, of which: four pieces should be poured into a powder tank, one - into the washing drum itself.
- Set the washing mode at which the temperature will be maximum, preferably 90 or more.
Important! At the time of draining the water during this procedure, whole pieces of dirty gray scale may come out through the hose. The main thing is that the pieces of plaque do not clog the drain hose, or then you have to clean it by hand.
You can use citric acid once or twice a month.
Descaling an electric heater with vinegar is not the most popular method, but you can also include a list of cleaning products for washing machines.
Important! Acetic acid is more aggressive than citric acid. Using it may damage the machine’s rubber seals. However, it copes better and faster with the task of removing plaque and scale.
Vinegar is poured into a 50 ml powder and conditioner bath. Is it possible to trust this popular method - it's up to you. Evaluate rationally all of the above funds.
Important! The universal cleaning agent for almost all surfaces in the house are such available improvised products as vinegar, soda and hydrogen peroxide.
We clean the drum of the automatic machine
Dirt and limescale can also accumulate in the drum of the washing machine. Some models have an automatic drum cleaning function. You just need to press the button, and you can complete the process without any intervention.
How to clean the drum if there is no such function in your technique? Here are some suggestions for this:
- Pour 100 ml of bleach into the laundry compartments. Launch a washing program with a temperature of at least 60 degrees. After completion, the drum is cleaned, odors are eliminated.
- Pour two bags of citric acid inside. Launch the highest temperature wash mode. It will be great if there is a double rinse mode - it will help remove all plaque. As you can see, citric acid is an excellent cleaner for a washing machine with widespread use.
- To rinse the machine, prepare a solution soda ash. To do this, mix the powder in water in a proportion of one to one. Then, wearing rubber gloves, rub the drum inside and the rubber pad around it with this mixture. It is necessary to leave to stand it with the door open for about thirty minutes. After - use a rag or sponge to remove residues and wipe, after cleaning with a run in idle mode quick wash.
to contents ↑Important! After washing, always leave the door ajar until it dries completely inside. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor will appear.
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It turns out that cleaning the washing machine from scale and dirt inside is simple, easy and inexpensive. Do not forget about prevention, then a thorough cleaning will need to be less.