How to clean gas stove handles?

A stove is the first aid in cooking. It doesn't matter if it’s gas induction or electric, this household appliance is operated by us every day. During the operation of a popular household appliance, many housewives ask how to clean the handles of a gas stove, because we touch them in order to control the power of the hob. In fact, removing contamination from these regulators is not as easy as it seems at the beginning. A conventional detergent does not dissolve fat, and the sponge itself becomes dirty and sticky when applied, but does not remove dirt from the handles. And what do we do, how to wash the handles of a gas stove? We’ll figure it out right now.

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Main varieties

The first thing our hands touch is if we want to turn on the stove, its handles. At the same time, we do not particularly care about clean hands, turn on or turn off the household appliance at any time we need. Very often grease, dust, water and other pollutants get on the switches, which form an unpleasant deposit of dirt when dried.

If you notice a strong contamination of the regulators, then before you clean the handles on the gas stove at home, you need to find out if they are removable or not, and then start washing them. You can determine this by pulling the handle head toward you:

  • If it can be easily removed, then the elements are removable.
  • In the case when, with the applied efforts, the regulator remained in place, you encountered a monolithic design.

Important! To avoid electric shock, it must be disconnected from the mains before cleaning the electric stove.

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Cleaning removable handles:

  1. If the handles are removed on your electric or gas stove, then cleaning them from dirt will not require much work. Remove all switches from the stove and take them to the bathroom. Gather hot water in the basin and lower all the objects that you removed from the stove.
  2. To get the desired effect, you will need a variety of detergents. You can use washing powder, laundry soap, dishwashing detergent or a special composition for removing fat. In hardware stores you can buy a huge amount of various household chemicals, which is designed to clean greasy contaminants. All these tools will be quite effective, but before you clean the handles on the stove from fat, dip them in the resulting solution for 10-15 minutes.
  3. After some time, remove the switches from the basin, rinse with dirt under a stream of warm water. If the dirt got into hard-to-reach places or on small elements, then you can use an old toothbrush to remove it.
  4. Rinse the switches in clean water, dry them, after which they will be ready to install in their usual place.

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Washing non-removable handles

When wondering how to clean the handles of a gas stove, if they are not removable, you need to understand that it will be quite sufficient to perform surface cleaning, since we cannot get inside the monolithic structure. It is worth noting that it is also very difficult to get dirt there.

If the regulators are very dirty, then first you need to do a mass wash, and then a point wash:

  • Treat the handles with a detergent for the stove, which is usually used to remove grease on the stove.
  • Soak for 10 minutes and remove the main layers of contamination.
  • The next step is the point processing of the pens. Using a toothpick, carefully pick out dirt from crevices and indentations. Wipe the handles with a soft cloth, preferably dampened with detergent.

Important! For additional disinfection, it will be just fine if the selected cleaning agent contains chlorine.

  • With cotton buds you can thoroughly clean difficult places.
  • After all cleaning procedures, use a clean rag and plain water to rinse the front panel and gas stove handles.

Now your stove is ready for further use again.

Important! In addition to handles, during cooking, fat enters the burners and the surface of the stove as a whole. Learn how to clean them by reading the articles on our website:


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How to clean the handles of a gas stove from fat with folk remedies?

Today, a huge amount of gels, solutions, powders and other cleaning products are sold in household chemical stores with the help of which it is possible to effectively remove grease and dirt from any surfaces. The price of these miracle products is quite high, but there is no full guarantee that the chemical composition will help to wash the pens. Before spending a lot of money, try folk remedies that can cope with pollution no worse than those purchased in detergent stores.


To clean the removable handles of an electric or gas stove, vinegar can be used. This acid is likely to be found in almost every kitchen, in addition, it can not only remove strong impurities, but also removes unpleasant odors and additionally disinfects surfaces.

To obtain the desired effect, adhere to the following cleaning instructions:

  1. Remove the handles and place them in any enameled pan.
  2. Pour 1 liter of water and 250-300 ml of vinegar into a container.
  3. Bring the resulting solution to a boil, leave in this state for 10 - 15 minutes.
  4. Drain, cool the handles, and rinse them in warm, clean water while removing any dirt from the toothbrush.
  5. After drying, the regulators will look like new.

Important! Acetic acid can be replaced with lemon juice.

In addition to the stove, the fat from frying also falls on adjacent surfaces, especially the hood. Learn about how to clean the hood of grease over the stove yourself.


It turns out that ammonia-anise drops, which can be purchased in almost all pharmacies, are not only an excellent cough remedy, but they will also help to remove strong impurities from the handles of stoves and other household appliances.

Important! If you don’t have such drops at hand, you can use clean ammoniadiluted with water in a proportion of one to one.

To achieve the desired cleansing effect, follow these recommendations:

  1. Moisten a brush or sponge in the medicinal composition.
  2. Clean all handles with calm, even movements.

Important! If the dirt is not very strong, you can use cotton pads or sticks that need to be moistened with their anise-ammonia solution, and with it, remove unpleasant deposits and grease from contaminated sites.

Lemon juice

When choosing a way to clean pens on a gas stove, pay attention to freshly squeezed lemon juice, which dissolves almost any dirt. To achieve the desired result, it should be used according to the following instructions:

  • Squeeze the juice of one lemon.
  • Prepare an unnecessary toothbrush.
  • Dip the brush in lemon juice and thoroughly clean the surface of the plate controls in the area of ​​contamination.

Important! If there are a lot of small, non-washable, greasy dots on the surface of the switch, then the brush after processing with lemon juice should be lowered into baking soda and gently wipe the problem area.

  • To completely clean the handles, dip the brush alternately in lemon juice and water, thoroughly wipe the contaminated surfaces. The reaction that takes place helps to dissolve the dirt.

Important! To wash off the sticky lemon juice and soda residues, at the very end of the handle rinse with a clean sponge and water.

Laundry soap

A saturated soap solution made from laundry soap will also help clean the handles on the stove of greasy and sticky dirty stains.

Grind 50 grams of laundry soap on a fine grater, mix it with 100 ml of boiling water, wait until the soap swells and dissolves.

Important! If your stove has removable regulators, then they need to be soaked overnight in soapy water, and after about 8-10 hours, thoroughly wipe with a sponge, rinse thoroughly in clean water. Non-removable handles are cleaned by the hard side of the kitchen sponge, liberally moistened with soapy water.

After cleaning, the handles are wiped with a damp, clean cloth and allowed to dry completely.

Wet wipes

Sometimes to clean not very dirty pens, wipe their surface with a damp cloth. Many wet wipes that effectively remove contaminants include castor oil and citric acid. This is a gentle cleaning method for both the gas stove handles and your hands.

Use wipes according to the following instructions:

  1. Wrap a damp cloth around your finger.
  2. Thoroughly clean the contaminated surface.
  3. Change wipes as they get dirty.
  4. Dry the handles with a clean cloth after the cleaning process.

Important! To clean the gas stove handles, you need to choose only one of the cleaning methods, and not combine them. This is especially true for folk methods, because a chemical reaction can be unpredictable.

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Try to wipe the handles of the stove after each cooking, then dirt will not accumulate on them, and your household appliance will always be in perfect order and clean.

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