How to clean the washing machine from mold and black fungus quickly at home?

The question of how to clean the washing machine from mold and black fungus quickly at home is asked by an incredibly large number of housewives. This happens because they do not know how to prevent the appearance of this black fungus. After reading this article, you will learn how to remove mold from the washing machine, how to prevent it from appearing, and also you will know the reasons why it appears.
to contents ↑Where to begin?
In order to successfully clean the washing machine from mold, you need to find all the places where an unpleasant fungus has settled down. First of all, examine:
- a rubber seal that is located around the door;
- a tray designed for dispensing powder and rinse aid;
- a hose that leads from the tray to the tank of the washing machine;
- drain hose and filter on it.
Important! Inspecting all parts of the machine, you may find that the drain hose is clogged. If you already started cleaning your unit, it is better to immediately use our tips to simultaneouslyclean the drain hose of the washing machine.
All that is possible, you must try to clean the mildew with an ordinary detergent and a brush. After that, all these places must be carefully treated, strictly following the instructions, with a special tool for removing fungus.
But black mold can also settle on the surface of the walls of the tank. How to clean hard-to-reach spots, and even those that cannot be reached for spare parts indiscriminately of your washing machine? How is cleaning done in this case? In order to successfully clean the most inaccessible nooks and crannies of the unit, you need to understand why mold appeared in the machine at all.
to contents ↑Causes of the appearance of the fungus
Most often, unpleasant black mold appears in the washing machines of those housewives who are excessively prone to all kinds of savings and prefer to wash things in the short wash mode, setting a low temperature. If everyone doesn’t have timely descaling of the machine’s spare parts, powders containing bleach are not used, a large amount of rinse aid is used, then black mold will practically receive a “VIP invitation” for permanent residence. Accordingly - the question arises, how to get rid of mold in a washing machine?
This phenomenon is associated with the fact that:
- During the setting of low washing temperatures, the unit does not disinfect. Up to a temperature of 60 ° C, the spores of the fungus feel simply excellent, and the colonies that appear do not suffer from excessive heating.
- The absence of chemically active elements, which, as a rule, are bleaches, enhances the level of comfort of the existence of the fungus. Also, a not too high-quality rinsed fabric softener will leave a mucous coating on the walls of the apparatus, inside which the spores are perfectly fixed, and then turn into new mold tribes.
- Dampness plus warmth is what absolutely every mold would dream of if it had such an ability. What to do in order to get rid of adversity and permanently clean the washing machine from mold and black fungus quickly at home?
Means of control: cleaning the machine and preventing the reappearance of mold
In order to clean your washing machine from black deposits, as well as to prevent the fungus from returning to its habitable place, it is only necessary to deprive it of comfortable living conditions. The fungus does not tolerate acid, heat and dryness. Therefore, in order to remove mold from the washing machine, expose it to acid, high temperature, and to top it - thoroughly dry the device.
How to do this and what to use:
- It is possible to eliminate the invasion of the fungus with the help of ordinary citric acid. Put a small amount of citric acid on the sponge, wipe the affected area with it, then let the citric acid act on the fungus and rinse.
- Moisten the rubber cuff with a light solution of copper sulfate - it perfectly neutralizes these harmful microorganisms. Leave as it is for 24 hours. Rinse very thoroughly with detergent afterwards.
- In extreme cases, you can use this method - take out the washing machine in the sun. Or treat it with artificial ultraviolet rays.
Step-by-step procedure for applying bleach
Some desperate housewives, in order to surely clean absolutely all the details from black mold, pour bleach and vinegar at the same time. But this method is very radical - it can not only clean parts, but also disable them from working order. If you decide to clean the washing machine from mold and black fungus quickly at home with a chlorine product, proceed as follows:
- Turn on your washing machine for the longest possible wash by setting the maximum temperature.
- Pour 1 liter of chlorine bleach into the detergent dispenser - the usual “White” will do.
- At the moment when the temperature reaches its maximum value, stop the washing cycle for 1-2 hours.
- Let the machine complete the washing process.
- Pour in a dispenser 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar 9-11%, and then turn on the machine to the rinse process.
Important! One of the main enemies of washing machines is scale. Our separate review will help you not only to get rid of it, but also to prevent its occurrence in the future. Follow the link and find out how to remove scale in a washing machine.
Cleaning external parts
In the event that the fungus was detected on time, measures must be taken immediately. If we allow the beginning of the development of harmful microorganisms, cleaning the washing machine from mold, all the more, a very simple and quick way, will not bring the desired result. You will have to not only call a specialist in the repair of washing machines, but even replace the affected parts, and this is not a cheap pleasure.
Cleaning the washing machine from mold is a very simple and quick way.
Before cleaning the device, you should find those places where the fungus is located and continue to act like this:
- To begin with, clean all areas affected by mold with a stiff brush using simple detergents, and only then use a preparation that is designed to remove fungus.
- In the event that you could not find the drug, it will be very successfully replaced by soda, to which you will need to add a small amount of water, and then clean the apparatus with the resulting paste, without missing a single detail.
- After that, without rinsing, leave for 30-40 minutes.
- At the end, wipe everything very thoroughly with a damp, then with a dry rag.
to contents ↑Important! In order to avoid the appearance of fungus and mold in the future, we recommend that you find out all the nuances concerningwashing machine care.
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These methods will help you clean the washing machine from mold very effectively - even the most common black spots will disappear. For how long - it is up to you.Simply do not create comfortable living conditions for the fungus, and you will no longer see it inside your hardworking assistant. This means that you will no longer be forced to use radical means to clean the tank of mold that has thoroughly settled inside your washing machine.
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