How to remove scale in a washing machine?

When buying a new washing machine, it is always expected that this equipment will last a long time and will not fail. Unfortunately, after half a year on household appliances there are traces of scale. If you do not clean the household unit from limescale in time, then they can bring the washing equipment to a state of unsuitability. In this article, we will look at how to remove scale in a washing machine and fixed assets for this procedure.
to contents ↑Looking for scum
Scale is the deposition of salts on the heating elements of a household unit. The main reason for the formation of limescale is too hard water, in which there is a large amount of magnesium and calcium ions. Very often scum disturbs residents of urban apartments connected to a common riser.
In addition, calcareous inclusions appear in the washing unit, when the washing process is accompanied by increased use of mineral and chemical substances. The remains of such components are deposited on the heater and have a devastating effect on the details of household appliances.
Important! Many housewives do not recognize laundry detergents and use laundry soap to remove various contaminants. If you are also one of them, follow the link and find outIs it possible to use laundry soap for washing in a washing machine.
Important! It is undesirable to constantly perform the washing process in the “intensive” mode. The launched program increases the percentage of salts entering the heating elements, as a result of which they quickly harden and problems arise.
You can check for the presence of scale in the washing machine yourself. As a rule, the heating element is located directly under the drum, in some models it is offset relative to the central plane to one side. Using a flashlight, you can see the heating element in the hole on the drum.
to contents ↑Important! For uniform lighting, you need to slightly sway the drum device. This does not work out right away - you need to experiment with the wiggle speed for a while.
What harm does the washing machine do?
- The presence of scale significantly reduces the service life of washing equipment, at least twice.
- A calcareous heating element allows heat to pass through much worse.
- TEN not only heats water more slowly, leading to a loss of electricity, but also overheats itself.
- Internal contamination of the washing unit leads to clogging of the exhaust valve, which starts to leak water worse and destroys the equipment.
Important! If you improperly clean the automatic machine or use inappropriate means, then after such a procedure, calcareous inclusions on the heating element appear with new force and much faster. Therefore, you need to ask in advance how to properly descale the washing machine.
Any breakdown requires the intervention of a qualified specialist and if household appliances are not under warranty service, then it will be very expensive to pay for the services of a master.
Important! A dirty washing machine tray can cause difficulties in supplying the detergent, as well as malfunctioning of the entire appliance. To extend the life of the machine and not to take it ahead of time for repairs, use simple methods, how to clean the tray of powder in the washing machine.
How to clean the washing machine from scale and prevent its occurrence in the future?
How to clean the washing machine from scale at home? There are two ways to remove limescale on the heating element. You can independently eliminate this problem or call a specialist in household appliances:
- The first option is much more complicated, because you need to think it over, stock up with the necessary funds and proceed with the neat descaling procedure.
- The second method is much more expensive, but will not always be reliable. Not all masters can provide qualified assistance.
Most methods do not imply mechanical impact, but it is better to have clean rags, a good washcloth, and rubber gloves on hand. Not only scale contaminates the automatic machine, but also accumulations of dirt interfere with the full functioning of the washing machine.
Important! It is best to use microfiber rags to remove dirt from the washing unit, which perfectly absorb liquid and do not leave streaks.
You need to be prepared for the fact that you have to disassemble the washing equipment, since there is no other way to get rid of scale. Therefore, just in case, you need to have at hand instructions for using the washing unit.
Important! Unfortunately, due to constant moisture, mold and fungus can form on the inside of the washing machine. Only disinfectants such as Domestos can completely remove it from there. All the necessary tips on this are collected in a separate post."How to clean the washing machine Domestos?".
Lemon acid
Citric acid helps clean washing equipment from lime deposits:
- If you have to wash very often, then carry out such a procedure once every three months.
- If the automatic machine is rarely used, then cleaning is used once every six months.
How to descale a washing machine with citric acid:
- We pour 50-100 g of citric acid into the tank for washing powder.
- We start the “without laundry” washing mode and set the temperature mode to 70-80 degrees.
Important! In addition to descaling, this method eliminates odors. Such prevention does no harm to the details of the washing equipment - this has been checked repeatedly.
It is possible to deal with an already appeared calcareous deposit by applying the chemical agent “Anti-scale”. The principle of operation of such a substance is very similar to the effect of citric acid, only this tool is much more expensive.
To remove scale, proceed as follows:
- Pour the purchased pack of “Anti-scale” into the powder tank, observing the required amount specified in the instructions.
- We start the idle wash mode. When heated, a chemical reaction occurs that removes a layer of scale from the heating elements of the device.
- It is advisable to choose a program with a washing duration of not more than 60-70 minutes.
Important! “Antinakipin” has potent chemical properties that are much stronger than citric acid, so if used improperly, such a substance can harm household appliances. The disadvantage of this tool is that if you pour a large amount of “Anti-scale”, then corrosion of rubber parts of household equipment may occur. As a result, the washing machine will begin to leak and will need repairs. In addition, the use of “Anti-scale” requires special care.
White vinegar
You can clean the washing unit with white vinegar. Experts note that it is white vinegar that was used when cleaning the washing device, is the most effective.
How to descale a washing machine using white vinegar:
- In the washing equipment we pour two glasses of table vinegar.
- We start the wash in idle mode with the longest cycle, turn on the maximum temperature mode.
- After 5 minutes, apply the “standby” mode for an hour. Such a pause is necessary so that the cleaning solution penetrates into all inaccessible corners of the tank.
- After an hour, we start the washing program again, bring the process to the end.
- In order to wash away the remnants of the cleaning solution, you need to pour water and start the program with a short wash.
- With a sponge moistened with a weak solution of vinegar, we wipe the doors of the automatic machine from the inside, we especially carefully process rubber seals.
Important! Mold and black fungus can not only harm the washing machine, but also significantly spoil things, which will lead to the impossibility of their further wear. To enjoy only the scents of cleanliness and freshness from freshly washed clothes, view information about how to clean the washing machine from different types of mold and fungi.
Softener Prevention
You can use “physics” to prevent scale formation.
Magnetic filters
In this case, in advance, they get rid of the cause of calcareous deposits using various magnet-based water softeners. They are used directly on the inlet hose of the washing machine or at the point of entry of the pipeline into the apartment. Such magnetic softener filters are called water converters.
Important! A magnetic water softener helps purify water from calcium and magnesium. If these salts are absent, then there is no problem. The surface of the tank and heating elements will no longer suffer from scale.
The principle of action of strong magnets is that there is a splitting of calcareous deposits, or the so-called calcite, into ions. As a result of this process, aragonite is formed instead of calcite, which does not provoke any deposits. The “magnetic water” passed through the washing tank does not contaminate the surface of both the tank and the heating element.
Important! The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of a magnetic water transducer. But such a filter has a service life of about 50 years. After purchasing a softener filter, you can get rid of the problem of cleaning the washing equipment.
Sediment filters
In addition to magnetic water softeners, sedimentary filters are also used. These mechanical cleaning filters are used to remove rust and sand from water. This procedure prevents the pipes from clogging and helps prevent household equipment from being damaged. In addition, such filters extend the life of plumbing devices.
Technological method
What is the best way to clean the washing machine from scale and smell? Technological plaque formation can be prevented.
Manufacturers of washing equipment equip their equipment with new program modes, the water at which heats up only to 40-50 degrees, and the washing quality is excellent. This method allows not only to eliminate lime deposits, but also significantly save electricity.
Important! The hotter the water used for washing, the more calcareous deposits form on the elements of the washer.
Manual TENA cleaning
It is possible to quickly and cheaply clean the heating element of lime deposits. To do this, use the manual method, which is called physical cleaning. In this case, it is necessary to disassemble the washing equipment and carefully remove the tubular heater from it. You can clean such an element with a special spatula.
Important! Such cleaning should be done with great care, as the electric heater may be damaged.
How to clean the filter of the washing machine?
The filter of the washing unit must be cleaned periodically, since blockages cause damage to the washing equipment.
How to descale a washing machine filter at home:
- In the lower part of the washing unit, in a special hatch there is a filter. We open the hatch.
Important! Before the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to lay a rag under the washing technique to remove dirty water. You also need to stock up with a basin for draining water from the drain hose, which is located behind the panel that covers the filtering device.
- Turn off the filter device.
- When water has completely flowed out of the drain hose into the basin, remove the filter by turning counterclockwise.
- We let the remaining water drain onto a rag, only after that we get the filter.
- We examine the impeller, remove all polluting impurities, as well as hair and fluff.
- We return the filter to its original place.
Important! The base itself, where the filter device is located, is also subject to cleaning.
Why do I need to clean the drum of the washing machine
In addition to the heating element, the drum of the washing unit is also exposed to calcareous inclusions. Modern models of household washers have a special function for cleaning the drum device.
When a certain button is pressed, a program for cleaning lime deposits is launched, and the equipment itself will cope with the task. Unfortunately, most models of washing machines are not equipped with the corresponding function, and owners of household appliances have to solve this problem on their own.
Important! What to do if the aroma of the washing machine does not emanate freshness, but swamp mud? Do not panic right away. Check out another article of ours and you’ll find out the causes of stench, as well as methods,how to remove the smell from the washing machine.
We recommend using this tip to eliminate any scale deposits inside or in the drum unit itself. You can use bleach, for this you need to perform the following actions:
- Pour 100 ml of this product into the drum.
- We start the program “without laundry” with a temperature regime of about 60 degrees.
The use of this tool allows you to clean the drum device and eliminate all unpleasant odors.
to contents ↑Important! As a preventive measure, it is necessary to avoid the frequent washing process of fleecy and old clothes. Separate particles from worn items form a coating. To prevent such a problem, it is better to purchase new products - thus extending the life of the washing unit.
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In this article, you learned how to completely remove scale in a washing machine from all its elements. Try to complete one thorough cycle, and you will notice how much the work of your household appliances has improved. And in the future, you will already clearly know what and how to do so that the washing machine works for a long time and properly.