How to clean the split system at home?

- The reasons for the appearance of dirt in the climate device
- When should you think about cleaning the split system?
- How to disassemble a split system?
- How to clean the split system at home? - Cleaning the indoor unit
- How to clean the split system at home? - Cleaning the outdoor unit
- How often should I clean the split system?
- Refrigerant control
- Stock footage
Sooner or later, owners of climate technology notice that the device does not work as well as before, and sometimes an unpleasant odor even appears. These signs are a signal to start searching for information on how to clean the split system at home and whether it can be done independently. This article is devoted to precisely these issues.
to contents ↑The reasons for the appearance of dirt in the climate device
Often the air conditioner works indoors constantly. As a result, the split system is largely clogged with dirt from the air. The main reasons for this effect are the following factors:
- The device draws in untreated air, and after processing it releases fresh and clean into the room. All dirt settles in the outer and inner block. To remove it, you should know how to clean the split system.
- Humidified air that enters the air conditioner releases condensed moisture. It is she who causes the development of harmful microorganisms, the appearance of fungus, mold and unpleasant odors in the room. An air conditioner clogged in this way can not only malfunction, but also cause a violation of the health of the occupants of the room.
- The low height of the device is also one of the reasons for the clogging of the split system. Such placement increases the load on the air conditioning compressor. Dust from the street and exhaust gases in large quantities fall into the external unit of the device, especially if it is located on the lower floors of multi-storey buildings.
Important! The best solution to this problem would be to install an external air conditioning unit at the highest possible height.
- In the summer, the factor that causes rapid contamination of the device is poplar fluff. If you do not remove fluff particles from the device in a timely manner, it can provoke blocking the operation of the entire system.
- Various midges, ticks and other parasites very quickly appear and develop on the dirt accumulated in the air conditioner.
- The lack of cleaning procedures in the block responsible for the accumulation of dirty water leads to overflow and the formation of blockages. This liquid will enter the room through the grille, and thus the air conditioner will not clean and freshen the air, but will clog it.
to contents ↑Important! If you’re not so confident in yourself that you can completely clean the entire system, including the outdoor unit, read about how much does a professional air conditioner cleaning cost.
When should you think about cleaning the split system?
Any split system needs periodic cleaning. In order not to miss the moment when this procedure should be carried out, it is necessary to pay attention to such signs:
- The appearance of an unpleasant odor.
- Performance degradation.
- The set temperature conditions of the device are not supported, that is, the air conditioner is not working properly.
- Liquid is released from the indoor unit.
- Third-party noises are observed when connecting power.
Important! These signs indicate an urgent need to clean the split system. Do not take the device to the extreme. Clean regularly and periodically throughout the life of the device.
How to disassemble a split system?
Air conditioning is a rather delicate home appliance that requires special care. Periodically, it is necessary to clean the device so that it continues to function well. Before you start cleaning the split system, you should disassemble the device. You can do this yourself or invite a wizard who will quickly clean up without your help.
Important! Before any action, be sure to familiarize yourself with the instructions of the device and its design features.
So, if you decide to clean the split system yourself, then follow the step by step instructions.
- Unplug the appliance.
- According to the instructions for the device, remove the protective filter in the indoor unit. To do this, unscrew the bolts under the plugs on both sides and pull down the block case.
- Pull the blades that guide and distribute the air out of the grooves.
- Remove the latched bottom of the unit.
- Unplug the power cord.
- Remove the drain pipe.
- Disconnect electric wires from the device.
- Remove the housing of the internal electronic unit. To do this, remove the grounding wiring and slide the retaining brackets.
- Remove the outlet hose and drain unit.
Important! After cleaning the system, reassemble it in the reverse order.
How to clean the split system at home? - Cleaning the indoor unit
When cleaning the air conditioner evaporator, it is not recommended to use a hard brush or other metal objects that could damage the heat exchanger and the freon line.
Cleaning the indoor unit includes the following steps.
Air filter cleaning
The filter must be cleaned at least once a week, following these recommendations:
- In order to carry out this procedure, it is necessary to open the lid of the device and remove the filters.
- To clean the filter elements, they should be treated with a detergent, and then left in water for 30 minutes.
- Finally, the filters are washed with clean water and dried thoroughly.
Important! One filter element should not be washed more than eight times, since the effect of water adversely affects its throughput, which affects the efficiency of climatic equipment.
Fan Care
This item also requires cleaning:
- Apply soapy water or detergent to fan parts.
- To remove impurities from the holes of the unit, plug the device into the network, setting the cooling mode to minimum power.
Important! As a rule, dirt falls on the floor, so you should prepare and cover it with oilcloth.
- After 10-15 minutes, turn off the appliance and remove any dirt from the fan with a brush or sponge.
Important! On sale there are special kits designed for cleaning split systems, which include a hanging device and a large plastic bag with a drain for water.
Ventilation Care
In the indoor unit at the top of the lid there are holes through which cleaned air enters. If they are clogged with dirt, then the device may become unusable. You can clean them with a rag and a detergent solution.
Important! You must understand that all your actions will be meaningless if you do not tidy up the apartment. Perhaps right now is the right time to restore order in your home as a whole and to continue to maintain it with light efforts. This will help you our review about general cleaning of the apartment.
There is an alternative option - to call specialists in their field. But then you need to have an ideaDo cleaning companies clean well, what problems can be encountered, how much money will have to be paid for such a service.
Heat exchanger care:
- In order to clean the heat exchanger, it is necessary to remove the grill and remove dirt with a vacuum cleaner.
- In case of severe contamination, the device must be washed with soapy water.
Important! If on the surface of the metal heat exchanger you find signs of corrosion, you should immediately contact a service center to avoid freon leakage.
How to clean the split system at home? - Cleaning the outdoor unit
You can clean the split system yourself from the outside with a vacuum cleaner.
Important! Especially effective in this case is the use of a vacuum cleaner with a washing effect.
If the external unit is located on the wall low (at the level of the first floors), then it can be disassembled) by removing the front cover and treating with a vacuum cleaner, sponge and detergent.
to contents ↑Important! Before carrying out such a procedure, it is necessary to disconnect the air conditioner from the network.
How often should I clean the split system?
- Regular cleaning of the external and internal units, which will extend the life of the device and ensure its normal operation, should be carried out once every six months.
Important! The best time of year for this would be mid-spring and fall.
- Hygienic cleaning with detergents must be carried out once a week.
- The device should also be treated with special sprays with antibacterial action, which prevent the appearance and development of harmful microorganisms. This treatment must be carried out 2 times a month.
Refrigerant control
It is necessary to constantly monitor not only the cleanliness of the split system, but also to control the level of refrigerant in the device, because a decrease in this substance also significantly worsens the operation of the climate device. The main refrigerant in the air conditioner is freon, which is subject to natural evaporation.
Important! About 9-10% of the substance evaporates per year.
In order to avoid serious damage, the control of the freon level must take place constantly, and the device must be filled in time.
How to find out about an insufficient amount of freon?
The fact that the device does not have enough refrigerant is evidenced by several factors:
- Slow down and degrade device performance.
- Increase the amount of energy consumed.
- Freezing of the main elements of the system.
- Establishment of a room temperature different from the set temperature
At the first appearance of such signs, it is necessary to disconnect the air conditioner from the network and fill the device with freon.
to contents ↑Important! In the instructions for the device, you need to clarify which particular gas station your split system supports. If the air conditioner cannot be partially charged, you should pump out all the remaining refrigerant and refill the appliance with freon.
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As you can see, it’s easy to clean the split system at home. But if you have doubts about your abilities or you can’t immediately disassemble the air conditioner, it is better to contact a specialist who will do everything quickly and without damage to your equipment. Take care of the climate devices in the rooms where you spend time. Only in this way will you receive the promised fresh air of the required temperature, and your equipment will serve you for many years.
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