How to clean iron from carbon deposits with ceramic coating?

On sale now you can find irons with a variety of soles - from traditional metal to modern with ceramic or teflon coating. Mistresses often prefer ceramic irons. Such devices easily cope with any fabrics and practically do not leave wrinkles. In addition, maintenance of ceramic coated appliances is relatively simple. However, even a ceramic coating can cause carbon deposits, and it is better to get rid of it right away. How to clean the iron from carbon deposits with ceramic coating, and will be discussed in the article.

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Where does the soot come from?

The causes of carbon deposits may be several:

  • violation of the temperature regime during ironing, especially for delicate fabrics and synthetics;
  • too hard water;
  • particles of detergents getting on the sole of the appliance if you do not rinse the laundry well.

The most effective way to prevent the formation of soot is to strictly follow the instructions:

  1. If you are ironing synthetics, do not put the thermostat in the “cotton fabric” division. For the future, also take note of more detailed recommendations regarding ironing settings on the iron.
  2. For washing, it is better to use quality detergentsthat completely dissolve. A great option is liquid and gel formulations.
  3. If in your area the water is hard, then it is better to use drinking bottled water (not mineral) for ironing. You can use tap water if you pass it through the filter.

However, even the most zealous housewife periodically raises the question of how to clean the ceramic sole of the iron, even from small particles of burnt fabric. Delicate cleaning does not require much effort and gives excellent results.

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What do not you need?

Before you clean the iron from a ceramic coated burnout, you need to forget about such things as:

  • blade;
  • knife;
  • iron washcloth;
  • abrasive paste.

Not only will they not help to clean the carbon deposits from ceramics, but they can severely damage the sole - there will be scratches on it, which will then be very difficult to get rid of. Sometimes you can use a special scraper to clean glass-ceramic surfaces, for example, if you accidentally left an overheated iron on a synthetic shirt.

Important! The most suitable material for cleaning ceramic surfaces is suede, but you can take a soft cotton napkin.

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A pencil will help you out

One of the most affordable ways to clean a ceramic coated iron from a burnt cloth is with a special pencil. It is easy to find in any hardware store or in a hypermarket.

The problem in this case is one: the assortment is large, the pencils are very different in price and quality, and the question arises of which one to choose. Before you buy a pencil, read what materials it is intended for. If the list contains ceramics or glass ceramics - it is suitable for your purpose.

This tool is used in this way:

  1. Place the iron upright.
  2. Plug it in.
  3. Set the thermostat to maximum.
  4. Wait for the iron to heat up.
  5. Disconnect from the network.
  6. Fill with pencil marks the entire surface.
  7. When the pencil marks melt, wipe them off with a soft cloth along with soot.

Important! The pencil should not fall into the holes on the sole, otherwise - the substance remaining in the holes will leave stains on the clothes.

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Special iron cleaners

It’s best to always have special glass ceramic cleaning agents. Their selection in hardware stores is quite large. As a rule, these are liquid products that are perfectly suited for your purpose.

If in your kitchen there is a stove with a glass-ceramic coating, a means for cleaning it is quite suitable for an iron. To clean a ceramic-coated iron with this product, follow these instructions:

  1. Let the iron cool.
  2. Put the product on the sole.
  3. Wait 10-15 minutes.
  4. Remove the product with a soft cloth.

Important! Do not use liquid if the iron is plugged in. Water has excellent electrical conductivity, and if somewhere in the iron's electrical system there is a breakdown of insulation, you may be shocked.

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Cleaning Iron

If you don’t have a pencil or special tools for glass ceramics at hand, you can try other methods. A home medicine cabinet and a kitchen range of products can tell you how to clean the iron from ceramic deposits. It is possible that there will be ammonia or hydrogen peroxide. They are suitable not only for medical purposes, but also for cleaning ceramic surfaces.

Option 1

You can clean the ceramic surface of carbon deposits using ammonia and vinegar:

  1. Mix ammonia and vinegar at a ratio of 1: 1.
  2. Unplug the iron and allow it to cool.
  3. Apply a mixture of foam rubber or suede on the sole of the iron.
  4. Turn on the iron and let it heat up.
  5. Dampen a piece of cotton cloth in the solution.
  6. Iron the shred with an iron.

Option 2

Hydrogen peroxide is usually used to treat wounds and bleach hair. To clean the ceramic surface, dampen a piece of linen with peroxide and iron it with a hot iron. Repeat if necessary.

Important! Work with hydrogen peroxide is necessary in a room that is well ventilated.

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How to clean the iron inside?

Irons with ceramic soles come with or without a self-cleaning system. Those equipped with such systems are more expensive, so they are less popular. But you need to know all the ways how to clean the iron inside, in order to cope with the problem in any situation.

If there is a self-cleaning system

You can clean the iron with a self-cleaning system from the inside in the following way:

  1. Pour tap water into the container.
  2. Set the maximum temperature.
  3. Wait for the iron to turn off.
  4. Repeat the procedure.
  5. Prepare a cup to collect water.
  6. Activate the self-cleaning system.

If there is no self-cleaning system

Citric acid or a special anti-scale tool will help clean the inside of the iron without a self-cleaning system.

Option 1

  1. Pour in a small bowl of tap water.
  2. Preheat the water without boiling.
  3. Add some citric acid.
  4. Fill the container with the solution.
  5. Turn on the iron, set the thermostat to maximum.
  6. Let off steam.
  7. Wait until the iron turns off.
  8. Repeat the procedure.
  9. Unplug the iron.
  10. Remove any remaining fluid.

Option 2

An excellent tool for cleaning the internal surfaces of scale - “Anti-scale.” Make a solution by adding a few drops of this substance to the water. Then proceed as follows:

  1. Pour the solution into the container.
  2. Turn on the iron to maximum.
  3. Wait half an hour.
  4. Drain the liquid.
  5. Rinse the tank with plain water.

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So that the iron lasts a long time

Any technique lasts a long time, if carefully looked after. Iron is no exception.The most important means of prevention is to carefully follow the instructions and not violate the temperature regime, then you will not have to remove carbon deposits.

In addition, pay attention to what water you use. Of course, you do not need to do a chemical analysis of tap water, you will already feel that the water is hard - soap is poorly washed, hair cannot be washed without special means. Install filter, and you immediately get rid of a lot of problems, including with an iron.

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Stock footage

Do not wait until scum forms on the inside and a noticeable deposit is formed on the outside. Preventive cleaning is sometimes best. This is done in the same way as descaling and carbon deposits, only faster. And, of course, after each ironing, it is useful to wipe the sole with a damp soft cloth.


