How to clean the iron

Even if you are very careful in the ironing process, it is quite difficult to prevent the accumulation of scale inside the iron. Yes, and burn spots may appear at the most unexpected moment, so knowing how to quickly and correctly clean the iron is simply necessary. You will find all the effective methods in this article.

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How to clean the iron?

Before cleaning the iron from soot or scale at home, select the tool available to you and the most simple and convenient technology. In this case, you will find it useful:

  • special cleaning pencils;
  • household chemicals from scale;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • dishwashing detergent;
  • vinegar;
  • carbonated colorless water;
  • hydroperite;
  • lemon or citric acid powder.

Important! All these available improvised tools can be used not only to clean the iron. Find out more on our helpful tips portal in a separate publication. “Hydrogen peroxide, soda, vinegar - how to use at home?”.

In addition, prepare in advance unnecessary light fabric and several dense flaps. If the pollution is very strong, you will have to use an additional wooden or plastic spatula.

Important! It should be noted that to avoid many problems with the iron is quite simple, you just needchoose the right ironing mode.

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How to clean the iron from carbon deposits?

Cleaning the outside is easy enough. The main thing is to know how and how this can be done so as not to aggravate the situation.

Method 1

The easiest and fastest way to solve this problem is with a special pencil - it costs literally a penny. In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. Heat the iron.
  2. Disconnect it from the mains and quickly rub the entire surface of the sole with a pencil.
  3. Remove the molten stick with a thick, dry cloth.
  4. Wipe the bottom of the appliance with a damp and then dry cloth as soon as it has completely cooled down.

Important! During the cleaning process, it is likely you will feel far from a very pleasant aroma. But it does not cause harm to health, so there is no need to wear a respirator.

Method 2

Table vinegar effectively cleans various types of dirt. He also copes with soot, if you use it like this:

  1. Heat the appliance and immediately turn it off.
  2. Dampen a thick cloth with vinegar well - tableware will do.
  3. Wipe off all traces of soot quickly.
  4. Turn on and prepare the vinegar-soaked cloth again.
  5. Iron her.

Important! When processing the sole of the iron, a not very pleasant smell will arise, so it is advisable to perform work in a well-ventilated area. To further enhance the effect of vinegar, add a few drops of ammonia to it.

Method 3

Hydroperit tablets, although not always at hand, if you are not a professional photographer, can also help. In this case, you will have to specifically go after them to the store. Once purchased, proceed as follows:

  1. Dissolve 1-2 tablets in water.
  2. Heat the iron.
  3. Disconnect it from the mains and quickly wipe all traces of dirt with a rag soaked in a solution.
  4. Wipe with a wet and then dry cloth when the appliance has completely cooled.

Important! If your iron has a ceramic sole, you can use special glass ceramic cleaners.

Method 4

Small table salt is used by many to clean various surfaces. Try using it in order to clean the iron from soot at home. For this:

  1. Put unnecessary lining.
  2. Pour salt in a thick layer.
  3. Turn on the iron to medium warm-up mode.
  4. Iron the salt until the spots disappear completely.

Important! Scratches can occur from salt on the Teflon coating, so this method is not recommended for these surfaces.

Method 5

Soda mixed with concentrate for washing dishes can cope with the problem of carbon deposits on the iron in a matter of minutes. This procedure is very simple:

  1. Mix detergent with soda. You can add some water.
  2. Spread the resulting mixture on the bottom.
  3. Leave for a while.
  4. Rub with a soft sponge until all soft deposits are removed.
  5. Wipe with a damp cloth to remove any detergent.
  6. Wipe dry.

Important! If your iron is Teflon-coated, carefully use this method to avoid scratching the bottom.

Method 6

If you have hydrogen peroxide on hand, feel free to take it in order to clean the iron from the burnout. For this:

  1. Dampen a soft rag or sponge in peroxide.
  2. Wipe the sole with it.
  3. Wipe with a damp and then dry rag to completely remove any residue.

Important! If all work on cleaning the iron from carbon deposits is completed, you can start working with this appliance. In our separate post you will find out how to iron things.

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How to descale iron?

Scale accumulates in all irons without exception, especially if you often use the steaming function. Therefore, regularly clean so as not to stain your favorite things.

Method 1

If your device has a self-cleaning function, then you can cope with the problem easily and without additional funds. In this case:

  1. Prepare a deep bowl or basin.
  2. Collect water from the appliance reservoir.
  3. Turn it on to maximum warm-up mode.
  4. Turn it on again and warm up after the iron turns off automatically.
  5. Disconnect from the network.
  6. Press and hold the self-cleaning button for a while. At the same time, hold the device over the basin - all scale particles will pop out of the holes.
  7. Shake the iron periodically so that all plaque inside is removed.
  8. Fill the water tank again and turn it on.
  9. Turn on the steaming function and iron the unwanted fabric to make sure there is no more scale.

Important! If you carry out such a procedure 2 times a month, you will not only not ruin your clothes when ironing, but also significantly extend the service life of the iron.

Method 2

To clean the scale inside the iron, citric acid or juice is also suitable:

  1. Squeeze out the juice or dissolve the powder in water.
  2. Boil the mixture and pour into the tank of the device.
  3. Turn on the intense warm-up mode.
  4. Turn on the steaming function and hold the iron over a basin or bowl until the scum is removed.
  5. Shake the device periodically so that no particles of plaque remain on the bottom.
  6. Iron the unnecessary light cloth to make sure there is no plaque inside.

Important! A solution of citric acid can be noticed with sparkling water. Not sweet and not dyed! In this case, you do not need to boil it first - just pour it into the iron, turn it on to high temperature, and then follow the same pattern.

Another option for the use of citric acid, but without steaming, is the following sequence of actions:

  1. Dissolve 2 tsp. powder in half a glass of hot water.
  2. Moisten gauze and place in holes.
  3. Remove it after 10 minutes and turn on the iron.
  4. Iron the unnecessary fabric.
  5. Remove scale deposits with a cotton swab dipped in the same solution.

Method 3

If you don’t really trust folk remedies and are used to using special household chemicals to clean any surface, buy a TOP HOUSE descaler. Use it this way:

  1. Mix in a measuring cup 100 g of water and 50 g of the product.
  2. Pour into the tank.
  3. Heat the iron to high by turning on the steam function.
  4. Turn off the appliance and leave it on for 10 minutes.
  5. Turn it on again and hold the steam release button while holding the iron over a bowl or basin.
  6. Shake the device periodically so that all particles evenly pop out, rather than staying at the bottom.
  7. Iron the white cloth to make sure that there is no more limescale left.
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Now you know all the ways to clean the iron of scale and scale, so the problem of spoiled things will no longer arise, and the device itself will last a long time if you do not forget to clean it on time.

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