How to choose heating radiators by area?

The heating season is already close, but you still haven't got heating radiators? You need to hurry, because few people want to catch the cold in a cold apartment. Many users are interested in one important question: how to choose heating radiators by area? There are many nuances that we will have to get to know. Each heating element must be selected, starting with determining the amount of heat generated, which is required for an apartment or house. This important indicator can be calculated in various ways, from the simplest to the most complex. The lightest ones use the area and height of the room. Let's find the most accurate and optimal of all.

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Classic definition method

How to choose a heating battery by area, if the height of the room is less than three meters? Everything looks something like this:

  1. First you need to determine the size of the room in which this radiator will be placed. For example, take 25 square meters.
  2. Multiply the resulting figure by 100 watts. For our case, the result will be - 2500 watts.
  3. We take the power that turned out, and divide it by the heat transfer of only one section of the device.

Important! This technique is relevant only for those cases when they decide to purchase a battery with sections. In this design, batteries made of cast iron or aluminum are presented. Suppose that one section gives 150 watts, then you will have to purchase a design with 17 sections, because if we divide 2500 W into 150 W, we get 16.6 (we only round up). Read in our separate review. which radiator is better to choose for an apartment.

With panel radiators, the story will take a slightly different look. Panel batteries are a one-piece design that can’t be enlarged or reduced in size, so the full power will have to be taken into account. Installing such devices with a power of more than 2500 watts will be a huge mistake, since the calculation method will look completely different.

Some features of the standard method

For the accuracy of the calculations, you need to enter the following adjustments:

  1. The final value should be increased by 20% if the room is angular, that is, it has two external walls.
  2. Total power increases by 10% if the connection type is lower.
  3. The total amount of heat should be reduced by 15-25% if there are plastic windows in the room.

Important! For each of the cases, the required amount of percent is added to or taken from the final power. If each of these criteria holds, then a value of 2500 watts will turn into 2625 watts, then you will need to purchase a heating apparatus for 18 sections.

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Easy way

If you follow the instructions, then for heating two square meters you will need one fin of a radiator. You should also pay attention to the fact that one more must be added to the total number of edges. For those cases when the room has a size of 25 square meters, you will have to take a device with 12.5 ribs. You need to round the value and add one more to it - you get 14. As you can see, this result is less than the number that was obtained by the classical method for the same room.

Of course, the absence of three sections will affect the heating of the room, which is why this calculation method should be used only for an indicative result.Do not take the resulting value as the basis for choosing a radiator.

Important! Planning to install heating appliances yourself? We have prepared a lot of useful and informative information on this topic:

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Calculation for the second type of heating device

How to choose a heating radiator for a private house by area, if you need a panel type of device? For this method, only one room area is not enough, here we will need its height, as well as a ratio of 41. By standards, the battery should create 41 watts per unit cubic meter, as you can see, we need to perform mathematical operations with the volume.

The algorithm looks pretty simple:

  1. Determine the area of ​​the room.
  2. Count the volume. To do this, simply multiply the area by height.
  3. Multiply the resulting value by a factor of 41.
  4. The final result needs to be adjusted according to the criteria that were described just above.

Important! After all the steps, you should get the required power output. You can install one powerful heating device to achieve the goal. This option will be acceptable for those rooms in which there is one window, but if there are two or more of them, then it is better to use the action of two panel batteries with a heat transfer of 1250 watts at once.

In the same way, devices are selected for those rooms in which the ceiling height exceeds three meters. And if you plan to decorate the battery according to the style of the room:

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Now you can not worry that the heating will not be intense enough or excessive, because you know how to choose heating radiators according to the area of ​​the room and the power of the device. Use this knowledge to ensure your comfort in your home.

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