How to disassemble a Bosch washing machine?

A washing machine is an indispensable assistant for every housewife. Most women cannot imagine their life without this unit. However, unfortunately, this device, like all household appliances, can fail. What to do? There are two options - give it to the master or fix the problem yourself. Today we’ll talk about the second option.

If you have a question about how to disassemble a Bosch maxx 5 washing machine, it is worth considering that you need to do this very carefully, since it will need to be assembled and returned.

Important! Bosch brand models have very similar designs to manufacturers such as Ariston and Zanussi. Therefore, this article will help you understand several models of washing machines at once.

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How is the washing machine arranged?

Before you start disassembling the Bosch washing machine, let's examine in more detail what this device consists of. All automatic laundry detergents consist of:

  • four panels - front, back, basement front and top;
  • program panel;
  • tray for bulk and liquid detergents;
  • a drum;
  • tank weighting agent;
  • a tank;
  • spring;
  • TENA;
  • pressure switch;
  • pumps.

For a complete repair of the unit, a complete disassembly of the Bosch washing machine is necessary. Below we will tell you about each part separately and discuss all the nuances, as well as give some tips.

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Cooking Tools

To disassemble the unit, you will need the following tools:

  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • rubber mallet;
  • a small metal hammer;
  • a set of keys;
  • several wooden blocks and plates.

Important! The last tools will be needed when removing the heater and when removing the tank and engine.

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We disassemble the top panel

Before proceeding with disassembly and subsequent repair of equipment, it is necessary to disconnect the unit from the electrical network and wipe the machine dry with a cotton cloth.

To disassemble the Bosch max 5 washing machine, first you need to remove the top cover. It is mounted on the rear side (the end part, which is adjacent to the wall) and twisted with two bolts.

Important! To complete this step, you will need a special TORX key. It is sold in any hardware store and has a low price.

To remove the unscrewed top cover, you need to move it a little forward, and then back. This is because there are two latches on the inside near the front panel.

Important! Remember how you removed the top cover, since then you need to reinstall it in the same way.

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Remove the program panel

The next step in disassembling the Bosch washing machine is to remove the program panel. This operation does not require much effort, since the fastening takes place using a latch and a pair of bolts. They are located on the left side and they must be immediately unscrewed.

Important! You should not completely disconnect the panel with the programs - it is better to just flip them gently through the frame and leave them alone. This action is possible if you do not need to repair this part.

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Front panel

The next step when disassembling the Bosch washing machine is to disconnect the front. It is fixed with bolts that are located in the upper and lower parts. Fixation takes place on two bolts on each side.

Important! Disconnecting this part of the unit requires special attention.

Steps for removing the front panel:

  1. Under the front part there is an elastic band, which is fixed by a ring. Next to it is a spring.
  2. Stretch the spring slightly.
  3. Slide the rubber sleeve deep into the unit.
  4. Loosen two more screws.
  5. Carefully remove the front of the device.

Important! Depending on what exactly broke in your equipment and caused the need for complete disassembly, you need to understand the profitability of buying certain parts. In order not to be mistaken when choosing components, read about where are Bosch washing machines assembled.

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Remove hoses, heating element and tank weights

When deciding how to disassemble the Bosch max 5 washing machine, note that the tray for bulk and liquid powders is connected to the tank with two hoses. Disconnect is only the one you need.

Important! Do not disconnect those parts of the washing machine that you do not need. The more parts that are disassembled, the harder the assembly process will be, in which you can completely get confused.

The tank weights are fixed with two bolts - above and below the structure. You can remove them without much effort.

When disassembling a Bosch washing machine, situations often arise when it is necessary to remove the heater. It is fixed well enough - with the help of a plate and a nut:

  1. Unscrew the last part.
  2. Now it stands under the plate with the heater; carefully place a wooden board, and hit the plate with a small hammer.
  3. As a result, the heating element is removed.

Important! We strongly recommend that before removing the heating element, and even during the general disassembly of the Bosch washing machine, step by step photograph the process of removing the parts. This will serve you very well when assembling the unit.

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We disassemble the back panel

Many people, when solving such a problem as disassembling the Bosch max 5 washing machine, need to get to the motor of the unit. It is fixed on the back side and protected by a panel that is made of special metal. This part is the back panel.

The rear panel is bolted. On all sides there are quite a lot of them, but unscrewing them from you will not take much time and effort.

In this part of the unit, there are many electrical wires, so photography here is more than desirable.

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Engine Disconnect Process:

  1. We disconnect a belt from a special pulley.
  2. We loosen all the bolts near the motor. We do not unscrew to the end.
  3. Move the engine in different directions. Do it very carefully. This is necessary so that the unit is disconnected from the runners.
  4. Remove the engine.

Important! The process of removing the engine is a particularly responsible operation that does not endure haste. Do everything carefully and without rushing.

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Tank disconnect process

How to disassemble the Bosch max 5 washing machine and disconnect the tank - this is one of the most common questions that arises for the masters who decided to independently repair their “housekeeper”.

Instructions for disconnecting the tank from the unit:

  1. Remove the pulley from the metal tank. To do this, just unscrew the nuts.
  2. Due to the fact that the tank consists of two parts. In its design, it strongly resembles the children's “Kinder Surprise”. This part is fixed with plastic latches, which cannot be removed without damage. That is why before removing the tank, take care of buying new, the same parts.
  3. When removing one part of the round washing container, fix it with wooden blocks.
  4. Tap gently with a rubber mallet. This action allows you to disconnect the shaft from the bearings.
  5. Now this part is removed very easily, and you get open access to the gland.

Important! If during disassembly you notice that water flows from the drum to the bearings, then the life of your “assistant” is reduced every day and you should think about buying a new unit. This disadvantage is also noticeable during operation of the device. On the spin program, Bosch makes noise as if “a rocket takes off into space.”

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Washing machine assembly

So, we have already figured out how to disassemble the Bosch max 5 washing machine. Now let's talk about how to assemble it. This process occurs in the opposite way to the previous process. As we already said, a great way at this stage will be photographs that you could take when dismantling the device.

Important! If during the disassembly you find out that repairing the system will be very expensive or not at all, it’s up to you to decide where to put the old washing machine.

It is also time for your own comfort and familiarity to look after a new washer. Our reviews will help you with this:

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Stock footage

As you have already seen, the disassembly process for the Bosch washing machine is not such a complicated matter. Try it and you will succeed!


